/ lapply

[This article was first published on shikokuchuo{net}, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Use case

The use of the / lapply combination is a powerful way to leverage functional programming in R. In short, you write a function that performs some actions and apply it to a list of inputs, which can then be fed into a function that combines everything into a single object.

Let us take an example, where we would like to calculate the ichimoku clouds for a portfolio of stocks, but also preserve the volume data, all in one tidy object.


We could set it up as per the below:

  • tickers: a vector defining the stock symbols in our portfolio
  • process: a function that generates a row in a data frame or matrix

tickers <- c("C", "MS", "JPM", "GS")

process <- function(x) {
  # Use the 'quantmod' package to download pricing data
  pxdata <- quantmod::getSymbols(x, from = "2020-04-15", to = "2021-05-27", auto.assign = FALSE)
  # Extract volume column
  volume <- pxdata[, grep("Volume", colnames(pxdata))]
  # Calculate the cloud by calling ichimoku() from the 'ichimoku' package
  cloud <- ichimoku(pxdata, ticker = x)
  # Return a list of ticker, ichimoku cloud object, volume data
  list(x, cloud, volume)

We now want to apply our function to each element of ‘tickers’ in turn, and then for the results to be combined.


One way to achieve this would be to iterate over ‘tickers’ using a loop:

# Define a list to contain the loop output, specifying the length in advance as good practice
out <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(tickers))

# Loop over each element in 'tickers' and save in pre-defined list
for(i in seq_along(tickers)) out[[i]] <- process(tickers[i])

# Create output matrix by calling rbind on each element of the list
portfolio <-, out)

     [,1]  [,2]        [,3]   
[1,] "C"   ichimoku,11 xts,282
[2,] "MS"  ichimoku,11 xts,282
[3,] "JPM" ichimoku,11 xts,282
[4,] "GS"  ichimoku,11 xts,282

This approach takes 3 lines of code.

Furthermore, ‘i’ and ‘out’ remain as leftover objects in the global environment.

Somewhat messy. / lapply

Instead we can use a / lapply combination to achieve the same result in one line:

portfolio <-, lapply(tickers, process))

     [,1]  [,2]        [,3]   
[1,] "C"   ichimoku,11 xts,282
[2,] "MS"  ichimoku,11 xts,282
[3,] "JPM" ichimoku,11 xts,282
[4,] "GS"  ichimoku,11 xts,282

There are also no intermediate objects generated that clutter the global environment.

To explain:

  • First lapply applies to a list or list-like object (‘tickers’), a function (‘process’). lapply always returns a list.

  • This can then be fed into, which calls a function (‘rbind’) on a list of arguments (the output of lapply i.e. the lists returned by ‘process’).

The use of / lapply provides for a far more succinct and distinctive coding style.

Tidy data output

     [,1]  [,2]        [,3]   
[1,] "C"   ichimoku,11 xts,282
[2,] "MS"  ichimoku,11 xts,282
[3,] "JPM" ichimoku,11 xts,282
[4,] "GS"  ichimoku,11 xts,282

‘portfolio’ is a tidy matrix with a row for each ticker, and a column for each data type.

We can easily access any element of the matrix by specifying its index value, for example the ichimoku cloud for MS by [2,2]:



  1. Further examples: Youngju Nielsen of Sungkyunkwan University uses / lapply to good effect in her course↩︎

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