Using the geofacet package to spatially arrange plots
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The {geofacet} package allows to « arrange a sequence of plots of data for different geographical entities into a grid that strives to preserve some of the original geographical orientation of the entities ».
Like the previous post, it’s interesting if you view each entity as a unit and don’t care for its real size or weight, and don’t want to spend too much time manually finding the best grid.
We will again use the same COVID-19 dataset. We manually add the overseas départements once we have found the right grid (by trying different seeds) and adjust Corsica position.

# packages ---------------------------------------------------------------- library(tidyverse) library(httr) library(fs) library(sf) library(readxl) library(janitor) library(glue) library(geofacet) # also install ragg # sources ----------------------------------------------------------------- # fichier_covid <- "donnees/covid.csv" url_donnees_covid <- "" # fichier_pop <- "donnees/pop.xls" url_donnees_pop <- "" # Adminexpress : à télécharger manuellement # aex <- path_expand("~/Downloads/ADMIN-EXPRESS_2-2__SHP__FRA_2020-02-24/ADMIN-EXPRESS/1_DONNEES_LIVRAISON_2020-02-24") # config ------------------------------------------------------------------ options(scipen = 999) force_download <- FALSE # retélécharger même si le fichier existe et a été téléchargé aujourd'hui ? # téléchargement ------------------------------------------------- if (!dir_exists("donnees")) dir_create("donnees") if (!dir_exists("resultats")) dir_create("resultats") if (!dir_exists("resultats/animation_spf")) dir_create("resultats/animation_spf") if (!file_exists(fichier_covid) | file_info(fichier_covid)$modification_time < Sys.Date() | force_download) { GET(url_donnees_covid, progress(), write_disk(fichier_covid, overwrite = TRUE)) %>% stop_for_status() } if (!file_exists(fichier_pop)) { GET(url_donnees_pop, progress(), write_disk(fichier_pop)) %>% stop_for_status() } covid <- read_csv2(fichier_covid) pop <- read_xls(fichier_pop, skip = 2) %>% clean_names() # adminexpress prétéléchargé dep <- read_sf(path(aex, "ADE_2-2_SHP_LAMB93_FR/DEPARTEMENT.shp")) %>% clean_names() %>% st_set_crs(2154) # construction de la grille ---------------------------------------- grid_fr <- dep %>% select(insee_dep, nom_dep) %>% grid_auto(names = "nom_dep", codes = "insee_dep", seed = 4) %>% add_row(row = 8, col = 1, name_nom_dep = "Guadeloupe", code_insee_dep = "971") %>% add_row(row = 9, col = 1, name_nom_dep = "Martinique", code_insee_dep = "972") %>% add_row(row = 10, col = 1, name_nom_dep = "Guyane", code_insee_dep = "973") %>% add_row(row = 7, col = 13, name_nom_dep = "Mayotte", code_insee_dep = "976") %>% add_row(row = 8, col = 13, name_nom_dep = "La Réunion", code_insee_dep = "974") grid_fr[grid_fr$code_insee_dep %in% c("2A", "2B"), "col"] <- 13 grid_fr[grid_fr$code_insee_dep %in% c("2A", "2B"), "row"] <- grid_fr[grid_fr$code_insee_dep %in% c("2A", "2B"), "row"] - 1 # graphique ----------------------------------------------------- df <- covid %>% filter(sexe == 0) %>% rename(deces = dc, reanim = rea, hospit = hosp) %>% left_join(pop, by = c("dep" = "x1")) %>% mutate(incidence = deces / x2020_p * 100000) %>% rename(insee_dep = dep) %>% left_join(grid_fr %>% select(nom_dep = name_nom_dep, insee_dep = code_insee_dep)) %>% drop_na(insee_dep) %>% ggplot(aes(jour, incidence)) + geom_area() + facet_geo(~ nom_dep, grid = grid_fr) + labs(title = "Mortalité", subtitle = "COVID-19 - France", x = "date", y = "décès pour\n100 000 hab.", caption = glue("\ndonnées SPF {Sys.Date()}")) + theme_minimal() + theme(strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0, size = 7)) ggsave(glue("resultats/covid_fr_mortalite_geofacette_{Sys.Date()}.png"), width = 25, height = 20, units = "cm", scaling = .8, res = 300, device = ragg::agg_png)
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