Polygons to hexagons
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Hexagon tessellation using the great geogrid package.

The départements are the second level of administrative government in France. They neither have the same area nor the same population and this heterogeneity provides a few challenges for a fair and accurate map representation (see the post on smoothing).
However if we are just interested in the départements as units, we can use a regular grid for visualisation. Since France is often called the hexagon, we could even use an hexagon tiling (a fractal map !)…
Creating the grid and conserving minimal topological relations and the general shape can be time consuming, but thanks to Geogrid it’s quite easy. The geogrid dev page provides nice examples. We will reuse our code of the COVID19 animation.
# Carto décès COVID 19 hexagones # France métro. + DOM # Animation France métro. # DONNEES SPF # packages ---------------------------------------------------------------- library(tidyverse) library(httr) library(fs) library(sf) library(readxl) library(janitor) library(glue) library(tmap) library(grid) library(classInt) library(magick) library(geogrid) # sources ----------------------------------------------------------------- # https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/donnees-hospitalieres-relatives-a-lepidemie-de-covid-19/ fichier_covid <- "donnees/covid.csv" url_donnees_covid <- "https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/r/63352e38-d353-4b54-bfd1-f1b3ee1cabd7" # https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/2012713#tableau-TCRD_004_tab1_departements fichier_pop <- "donnees/pop.xls" url_donnees_pop <- "https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/fichier/2012713/TCRD_004.xls" # Adminexpress : à télécharger manuellement # https://geoservices.ign.fr/documentation/diffusion/telechargement-donnees-libres.html#admin-express aex <- path_expand("~/Downloads/ADMIN-EXPRESS_2-2__SHP__FRA_2020-02-24/ADMIN-EXPRESS/1_DONNEES_LIVRAISON_2020-02-24") # config ------------------------------------------------------------------ force_download <- FALSE # retélécharger même si le fichier existe et a été téléchargé aujourd'hui ? # téléchargement ------------------------------------------------------ if (!dir_exists("donnees")) dir_create("donnees") if (!dir_exists("resultats")) dir_create("resultats") if (!dir_exists("resultats/animation_spf_hex")) dir_create("resultats/animation_spf_hex") if (!file_exists(fichier_covid) | file_info(fichier_covid)$modification_time < Sys.Date() | force_download) { GET(url_donnees_covid, progress(), write_disk(fichier_covid, overwrite = TRUE)) %>% stop_for_status() } if (!file_exists(fichier_pop)) { GET(url_donnees_pop, progress(), write_disk(fichier_pop)) %>% stop_for_status() } # données ----------------------------------------------------------------- covid <- read_csv2(fichier_covid) # adminexpress prétéléchargé dep <- read_sf(path(aex, "ADE_2-2_SHP_LAMB93_FR/DEPARTEMENT.shp")) %>% clean_names() %>% mutate(surf_ha = st_area(geometry) * 10000) %>% st_set_crs(2154) # grille hexagonale dep_cells_hex <- calculate_grid(shape = dep, grid_type = "hexagonal", seed = 3) dep_hex <- assign_polygons(dep, dep_cells_hex) %>% st_set_crs(2154) # Pour les DOM on duplique et déplace un département existant d971 <- dep_hex[dep_hex$insee_dep == "29", ] d971$geometry[[1]] <- d971$geometry[[1]] + st_point(c(0, -150000)) d971$insee_dep = "971" d972 <- dep_hex[dep_hex$insee_dep == "29", ] d972$geometry[[1]] <- d972$geometry[[1]] + st_point(c(0, -250000)) d972$insee_dep = "972" d973 <- dep_hex[dep_hex$insee_dep == "29", ] d973$geometry[[1]] <- d973$geometry[[1]] + st_point(c(0, -350000)) d973$insee_dep = "973" d974 <- dep_hex[dep_hex$insee_dep == "2A", ] d974$geometry[[1]] <- d974$geometry[[1]] + st_point(c(0, 250000)) d974$insee_dep = "974" d976 <- dep_hex[dep_hex$insee_dep == "2A", ] d976$geometry[[1]] <- d976$geometry[[1]] + st_point(c(0, 350000)) d976$insee_dep = "976" dep_hex <- rbind(dep_hex, d971, d972, d973, d974, d976) # population pop <- read_xls(fichier_pop, skip = 2) %>% clean_names() # lignes de séparation DOM / métropole encarts <- st_multilinestring( list(st_linestring(matrix(c(1100000, 6500000, 1100000, 6257000, 1240000, 6257000), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 3)), st_linestring(matrix(c(230000, 6692000, 230000, 6391000), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2)))) %>% st_sfc() %>% st_sf(id = 1, geometry = .) %>% st_set_crs(2154) # traitement -------------------------------------------------------------- # jointures des données creer_df <- function(territoire, date = NULL) { territoire %>% left_join(pop, by = c("insee_dep" = "x1")) %>% left_join( covid %>% filter(jour == if_else(is.null(date), max(jour), date), sexe == 0) %>% rename(deces = dc, reanim = rea, hospit = hosp), by = c("insee_dep" = "dep")) %>% mutate(incidence = deces / x2020_p * 100000) } incidence <- creer_df(dep_hex) set.seed(1234) classes <- classIntervals(incidence$incidence, n = 6, style = "kmeans", dataPrecision = 0)$brks # carto ------------------------------------------------------------------- # décès cate du dernier jour dispo carte <- tm_layout(title = glue("COVID-19\nFrance\n{max(covid$jour)}"), legend.position = c("left", "bottom"), frame = FALSE) + tm_shape(incidence) + tm_polygons(col = "incidence", title = "décés\ncumulés pour\n100 000 hab.", breaks = classes, palette = "viridis", legend.reverse = TRUE, legend.format = list(text.separator = "à moins de", digits = 0)) + tm_text("insee_dep", size = .8) + tm_shape(encarts) + tm_lines(lty = 3) + tm_credits(glue("http://r.iresmi.net/ classif. kmeans données départementales Santé Publique France, INSEE RP 2020, d'après IGN Adminexpress 2020"), position = c(.6, 0), size = .5) fichier_carto <- glue("resultats/covid_hex_fr_{max(covid$jour)}.png") tmap_save(carte, fichier_carto, width = 900, height = 900, scale = .4) # animation --------------------------------------------------------------- image_animation <- function(date) { message(glue("\n\n{date}\n==========\n")) m <- creer_df(dep_hex, date) %>% tm_shape() + tm_polygons(col = "incidence", title = "décés\ncumulés pour\n100 000 hab.", breaks = classes, palette = "viridis", legend.reverse = TRUE, legend.format = list(text.separator = "à moins de", digits = 0)) + tm_text("insee_dep", size = .8) + tm_shape(encarts) + tm_lines(lty = 3) + tm_layout(title = glue("COVID-19\nFrance\n{date}"), legend.position = c("left", "bottom"), frame = FALSE) + tm_credits(glue("http://r.iresmi.net/ classif. kmeans données départementales Santé Publique France, INSEE RP 2020, d'après IGN Adminexpress 2020"), position = c(.6, 0), size = .5) tmap_save(m, glue("resultats/animation_spf_hex/covid_fr_{date}.png"), width = 800, height = 800, scale = .4,) } unique(covid$jour) %>% walk(image_animation) animation <- glue("resultats/deces_covid19_fr_hex_spf_{max(covid$jour)}.gif") dir_ls("resultats/animation_spf_hex") %>% map(image_read) %>% image_join() %>% image_animate(fps = 2, optimize = TRUE) %>% image_write(animation)

The global shape and relations are quite well rendered. Deformations are quite important for the small départements around Paris, but it’s quite legible.

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