Selecting ‘special’ photos on your phone

[This article was first published on R – Longhow Lam's Blog, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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At the beginning of the new year I always want to clean up my photos on my phone. It just never happens.

So now (like so many others I think) I have a lot of photos on my phone from the last 3.5 years. The iPhone photos app helps you a bit to go through your photos. But which ones are really special and you definitely want to keep?

Well, just apply some machine learning.

  1. I run all my photos through a VGG16 deep learning model to generate high dimensional features per photo (on my laptop without GPU this takes about 15 minutes for 2000 photos).
  2. The dimension is 25.088, which is difficult to visualize. I apply a UMAP dimension reduction to bring it back to 3.
  3. In R you can create an interactive 3D plot with plotly where each point corresponds to a photo. Using crosstalk, you can link it to the corresponding image. The photo appears when you hover over the point.

Well a “special” outlying picture in the scatter plot are my two children with a dog during a holiday a few years ago. I had never found it that fast. There are some other notable things that I can see, but I won’t bother you with it here ????

Link GitHub repo with to two R scripts to cluster your own photos. Cheers, Longhow

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