Getting Started with R

[This article was first published on Data Perspective, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Rstudio OverView

we have 4 panes
1) script pan – to write and save the programing script
2) Console pane – where all the code will get executed
3) Environment/history pane – displays all the variables created,functions
used with in the current session
4) Helper pane – contains multiple tabs to install/display pacakges,
view visualization plots,
locate files within the workspace

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getting and setting workspace

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# to display current working directory use getwd() function
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# to set up workspace or working directory use setwd() function
#syntax is shown below
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setwd("C:\\Suresh\\R&D\\Projects\\ML classroom training\\sessions")
setwd("C:/Suresh/R&D/Projects/ML classroom training/sessions")

getting help in R

To get help within R environment, we use help() function to get the
for any of the functions/packages available within R environment.
To see the arguments required for a function, we use args() function.
to see the example of a function, example() function is used.
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#getting help documentation for a package

online help for R programming

We can get online help on available packages in R from official website of R-Cran
We can also get online support for our day to day activities from below websites:

Installing Packages

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#install pacakges in R can be done in two ways,
#1) using install.packages() function and from the bottom right pane of Rstudio

#loading of installed or downloaded packages can be done using library() function.  
#Note that we can only load the package if
# we have installed the package already within our R environment
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#below code to first verify if the library is installed in the R environment, 
#if it is not available
# then the package will get installed.

basic operations in R

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# Adding two numericals

#multiplying two numericals

#dividing two numericals

#applying modulus operation on two numericals

printing results to R console

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#printing the data on the console

print("data science")


Variable declaration and assignment in R

variable assignment: In the below example, we are creating variable named z:
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z <-  100
we use left arrow or = symbol for variable assignment. Its always good
practice to use left arrow for assignment.
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z = 10.009
z <- 10.009

Loading existing or default datasets available in R environment

we can access default datasets avaiable in R using data() function.
data() function will displays all the avaiable datasets within R.
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In order to load a specific dataset into R, we need to give the dataset name as argument to the data() function
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Viewing data of R objects

To view first 5 records of a R object (ex:dataframe), we use head() function.
head() function expects the data object as argument and prints the first 5 records on the R console.
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to view all the records in a nice tabular view
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Getting the decription and structure of R object

use str function to see the descriptions of the data object,
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