R with GRASS GIS – easiest Munros
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I’ve been having a more sustained play with R and GRASS together. I’ve previously used them, in tandem, for processing satellite images, but haven’t been much further. In this post I’ll look at finding the nearest roads to mountain summits, querying their elevations and presenting summary statistics.
First off, you can run R in GRASS or GRASS in R. I prefer the former as it avoids RAM issues. To do this fire up GRASS, ignore the GUI (for now) and type R
at the command line. You can also run RStudio from R by typing rstudio &
instead. Amazing! For a full breakdown, see this wiki.
For this work I’ve used the Ordnance Survey Terrain50 elevation model and the OpenRoads dataset. Before you can use the OpenRoads data you’ll need to change the column names, I’ve already solved this problem. Shamefully, I downloaded a Munro dataset some years ago and have no idea where from…
You can import your vector and raster data (roads, summits and elevation model) into GRASS using the GUI, this is probably the easiest method. Following this, you’ll need to filter the OpenRoads data to remove “Not Classified” roads, as these are generally not public and usually dirt tracks (769633 of them in GB). Do this with:
v.extract input=roads@network where="class != 'Not Classified'" output=roads_public
Note, any call using system
can be executed at the GRASS console or in terminal, without R. The above has a lot of quotes, so is easiest run in the console or terminal!
Next we can run the following code for our analysis (the v.out.ascii
and following cleaning calls would likely be better in readVECT
library(rgrass7) library(rgdal) # Add new columns to vector system("v.db.addcolumn map=Munros@munro columns='dist INT,to_x INT,to_y INT'") # Get distance and coordinates of nearest road point system("v.distance from=Munros@munro from_type=point to=roads_public@munro to_type=line upload=dist,to_x,to_y column=dist,to_x,to_y") # Read results into R Munro = execGRASS("v.out.ascii", parameters=list(input="Munros@munro", type="point", columns="NAME,HT,dist,to_x,to_y"), intern=T) # Clean results Munro = strsplit(Munro, split="|", fixed=T) Munro = do.call("rbind.data.frame", Munro)[, -3] colnames(Munro) = c("Easting", "Northing", "Name", "Height", "Road_dist", "Road_x", "Road_y") Munro[, -3] = apply(Munro[, -3], 2, as.numeric) Munro$Easting = round(Munro$Easting) Munro$Northing = round(Munro$Northing) # Write data to csv # Awkward, but easiest way to get point file of road locations! write.csv(Munro, "~/Munro.csv", row.names=F) # Make point file of nearest road locations system("v.in.ascii --overwrite input=/home/melville/Munro.csv output=temp separator=comma x=6 y=7 skip=1") # Interogate dtm at nearest road points # Annoyingly, this writes to another temp file system("r.what --overwrite map=Terrain50@PERMANENT points=temp@munro output=temp.csv separator=comma") # Read temp file of road heights and extract elevations x = read.csv("~/temp.csv", header=F) Munro$Road_height = round(x$V4) # Calculate some statistics Munro$Diff = Munro$Height - Munro$Road_height Munro$Gradient = round(100 * Munro$Diff / Munro$Road_dist) # Make columns integer to avoid decimal places when exported to a shp file Munro = Munro[, c(3:5, 8:10)] for(i in 2:ncol(Munro)){ class(Munro[, i]) = "integer" } # Convert munro summit and nearest road points into lines x = lapply(1:nrow(Munro), function(i){ rbind(paste(Munro[i, c(1, 2)], collapse=","), paste(Munro[i, c(6, 7)], collapse=","), paste("NaN,NaN")) }) x = do.call("rbind.data.frame", x) write.table(x, "~/temp.txt", col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F) system("v.in.lines input=/home/melville/temp.txt output=Munro_lines separator=comma") # Read lines from GRASS l = readVECT("Munro_lines") # Add data frame to lines l@data = Munro # Write shp file writeOGR(l, ".", "Munro", "ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer=T) # Clean up system("rm ~/Munro*") system("rm ~/temp*")
Now we’ve a dataset called Munro in our R environment, we can make some summary plots (code below):

WordPress helpfully tiled these plots for me, but they were created with:
png("~/Cloud/Michael/websites/blog/Munro_height.png") hist(Munro$Height, main="Munro elevation", xlab="Elevation (m)") dev.off() png("~/Cloud/Michael/websites/blog/Munro_dist.png") hist(Munro$Road_dist, main="Munro distance from road", xlab="Distance (m)") dev.off() png("~/Cloud/Michael/websites/blog/Munro_road_ht.png") hist(Munro$Road_height, main="Nearest road elevation", xlab="Elevation (m)") dev.off() png("~/Cloud/Michael/websites/blog/Munro_diff.png") hist(Munro$Diff, main="Difference between Munro and road elevation", xlab="Elevation (m)") dev.off() png("~/Cloud/Michael/websites/blog/Munro_grad.png") hist(Munro$Gradient, main="Average gradient between road and Munro", xlab="Gradient (%)") dev.off() png("~/Cloud/Michael/websites/blog/Munro_diff_dist.png") plot(Diff ~ Road_dist, Munro, main="Elevation difference and distance from road for Munros", xlab="Distance to road (m)", ylab="Elevation difference (m)") dev.off()
We can also find the “easiest” hills and those furthest from a road:
# Easiest hills head(Munro[order(Munro$Diff), c(1, 5)]) head(Munro[order(Munro$Gradient), c(1, 6)]) # Furthest from a road head(Munro[order(Munro$Road_dist, decreasing=T), c(1, 3)])
Name | Elev diff (m) |
The Cairnwell | 266 |
Carn Aosda | 308 |
An Socach: W summit | 315 |
Meall a’Choire Leith | 378 |
Tom Buidhe | 430 |
Tolmount | 434 |
Name | Distance to road (m) |
Carn an Fhidhleir | 14413 |
An Sgarsoch | 14139 |
Ben Alder | 12844 |
Beinn Bheoil | 12113 |
Beinn Brohtain | 10980 |
Beinn Dearg | 10857 |
Finally, I used the Carto plugin for QGIS to upload the dataset to Carto. You can view and interact with it on my Carto map.

View and interact with the live version: https://mikerspencer.carto.com/viz/459140d8-1968-11e7-80ad-0e233c30368f/public_map

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