Learning from Requests Source Code

[This article was first published on manio, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Requests (https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests) is a popular http request handling package. Its code is supposed to be well written and pythonic. So I decided to learn from it and improve my Python programming. Here is something that I learned or re-learned.

How to organize project files?

  • docs: the documents is written in .rst format supported by Python docutils package.
  • requests: it has the main code of Requests. It is a package. But it also includes other packages in the sub-folder of packages.
  • tests: it is a package with empty __init__.py. They use pytest package for testing.
  • .gitignore: a lot of projects have this
  • AUTHORS.rst
  • HISTORY.rst: version notes
  • Makefile: it includes script to run tests and install required dependencies.
  • README.rst
  • requirements-to-freeze.txt
  • requirements.txt: it has version requirements for dependents
  • setup.py: it uses setuptools package. setuptools: Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages.

Lesson Learned

  • Use package setuptools to install your package
  • You can maintain a list of required packages and use setuptools to install them all
  • .gitignore is good to have

How to organize classes?

  • adapters.py: this adapter is an analogy to network adatper.
    • class BaseAdapter
    • class HTTPAdapter: This is a class used to create http connection and send prepared http requests.
  • api.py: it contains a set of functions that are exposed as the api of the requests package. These functions include request(), get(), options(), head(), post(), put(), … For example:
    • put(url, data=None, **kwargs): sends a PUT request
    • get(url, params=None, **kwargs): sends a GET request
    • request(method, url, **kwargs) construct and send a request.
  • auth.py: authentication stuff. I don’t understand it yet.
    • class AuthBase
    • class HTTPBasicAuth
    • class HTTPProxyAuth
    • class HTTPDigestAuth
  • cacert.pem: contains certificates.
  • certs.py: it is a standalone file that prints out the path of cacert.pem file.
  • compat.py: for compatibility issue. Mostly between python2 and python3. For example, it defines bytes = str for python2 and bytes = bytes for python3.
  • cookies.py: cookie is essentially a dictionary that holds information for a website.
    • MockRequest: they need these Mock classes because cookielib(third party) does not know how to use Request class (it only knows how to use urllib2.Request). These mock classes are actually adatpers (design pattern).
    • class MockResponse
    • class RequestsCookieJar
    • class create_cooke()
  • exceptions.py: This module contains the set of Requests’ exceptions. Most of the definitions are empty. Examples of exceptions include InvalidURL, RetryError, ConnectionError.
  • hooks.py: hooks (callable objects) are provided by user. Hooks will be called by dispatch_hook() after receiving the response of request.
    • default_hooks()
    • dispath_hook()
  • __init__.py: expose package APIs. For example: from .api import request, get, head, post, patch, put, delete, options
  • models.py: it has primary classes for Requests. They are mainly used by session.py
    • class Request
    • class PreparedRequest
    • class Response
  • packages: this directory has packages chardet and urllib3. packages/__init__.py simply do from . import urllib3 and from . import chardet.
  • sessions.py: it provides class Session to maintain settings (proxies, cookies, auth) across requests.
  • status_codes.py: it is a dictionary of http status code and explanations, such as 404.
  • structures.py: it has two data structures, CaseInsensitiveDict and LookupDict. LookupDict is a subclass of dict. It overrides get() and __getitem__() to retrive value from __dict__.
  • utils.py: a bunch of helper functions.

Lesson Learned

  • Separate code to files if they are not logically in the same module. For example, don’t put class Session and class HTTPAdapter in the same file
    • Physically separating code help you metally separate them and clarify the relationship
    • Physically cleaning code help you conduct stress-free thinking
  • Files with a few lines is fine. compat.py is short and it is fine.
  • package names are all in lower case and wit no dash or underscore.

Makefile: how to install required Python packages?

	pip install -r requirements.txt

This command reads requirements.txt and try to install the required Python packages. pip reads the requirements file.

Makefile: how to show test coverage?

	py.test --verbose --cov-report term --cov=requests tests

Show coverage report. It shows how much code is covered by the tests. (So you know how good your tests are.) https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-cov

Makefile: how to export test results to xml?

ci: init
	py.test --junitxml=junit.xml

It creates test results in XML, which can be visualized later. https://github.com/kyrus/python-junit-xml

How to write setup.py

This file uses setuptools package to implement package distribution, i.e. making .egg cross-platform file, gathers all dependant packages in the place where setup.py lives.

with open('requests/__init__.py', 'r') as fd:
    version = re.search(r'^__version__\s*=\s*[\'"]([^\'"]*)[\'"]',
                        fd.read(), re.MULTILINE).group(1)

The code searches the whole file for the version. Note the usage of re.MULTILINE.

How to run tests

To be able to run the tests, you need to

sudo make init
make test

make test will turn to py.test tests.

To run a specific test, do py.test -k test_path_is_not_double_encoded.

tests/__init__.py is empty. But it is required to make it a ‘package’.

test_requests.py: what are the good practices of importing?

Classes and functions are imported as needed.

You can import package and functions in the package at the same time. For example:

import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter

HTTPAdatper is a class.

What does from .compat import StringIO, u mean?

The . is a shortcut that tells it search in current package before rest of the PYTHONPATH. So, if a same-named module Recipe exists somewhere else in your PYTHONPATH, it won’t be loaded.


compat.py: how to handle package compatibility?

    import StringIO
except ImportError:
    import io as StringIO

This file is intended for package compatibility. The code above imports a proper package to the namespace of compat as StringIO. So later another file can simply do from .compat import StringIO to get a proper package of StringIO. Doing so in a file instead of as a function is to avoid multiple instances of importing.

How handle unicode in python2 and python3 with compatiblly?

if is_py3:
    def u(s):
        return s
    def u(s):
        return s.decode('unicode-escape')

Define different implementation of a function based on Python version. The function is used to decode unicode in non-python3, for example: u('http://www.example.com/üniçø∂é').

conftest.py: how to use py.test fixture?

def prepare_url(value):
    # Issue #1483: Make sure the URL always has a trailing slash
    httpbin_url = value.url.rstrip('/') + '/'

    def inner(*suffix):
        return urljoin(httpbin_url, '/'.join(suffix))

    return inner

def httpbin(httpbin):
    return prepare_url(httpbin)

In conftest.py, httpbin() is in fact an override of fixture httpbin in pytest-httpbin package. The proof that pytest depends on pytest-httpin is

jun@jun-VirtualBox:~/workdir/requests$ greppy pytest-httpbin
./setup.py:test_requirements = ['pytest>=2.8.0', 'pytest-httpbin==0.0.7', 'pytest-cov']

Here is an introduction of the pytest-httpbin package:

httpbin is an amazing web service for testing HTTP libraries. It has several great endpoints that can test pretty much everything you need in a HTTP library. The only problem is: maybe you don't want to wait for your tests to travel across the Internet and back to make assertions against a remote web service (speed), and maybe you want to work offline (convenience).

Enter pytest-httpbin. Pytest-httpbin creates a pytest fixture that is dependency-injected into your tests. It automatically starts up a HTTP server in a separate thread running httpbin and provides your test with the URL in the fixture. Check out this example:


The new httpbin fixture is a function that takes suffix and form a url to the httpbin address. For example: in test, if you do

def test_httpbin(httpbin):
    print httpbin("hello", "world")

It will output

test_requests.py: how to pass parameters to test functions?

        'exception, url', (
            (MissingSchema, 'hiwpefhipowhefopw'),
            (InvalidSchema, 'localhost:3128'),
            (InvalidSchema, 'localhost.localdomain:3128/'),
            (InvalidSchema, ''),
            (InvalidURL, 'http://'),
    def test_invalid_url(self, exception, url):
        with pytest.raises(exception):

@pytest.mark.parametrize is a way of passing in parameter values to test_invalid_url(). So test_invalid_url(MissingSchema, ' 'hiwpefhipowhefopw'), test_invalid_url(InvalidSchema, 'localhost:3128'),... will be called.

how to always do true division? (1/3=0.3333, not 0)

Use from __future__ import division. Division will always return approximation (instead of flooring). For example: 4/2=2.0.


sessions.py: how does the module uses factory pattern?

This file has a factory that returns an instance of Session() class. The session() function and Session() class are exposed as first-level interface of the package by __init__.py:

from .sessions import session, Session`

How to define functions in base class?

Base class’ functions raise NotImplementedError instead of being abstract. This is less strict as it you can inherit without implementing an ‘abstract’ function.

How to define interface/abstraction?

requests/adapters.py defines class BaseAdapter and then class HTTPAdapter(BaseAdapter). It could have been only class HTTPAdapter(object). But declaring class BaseAdatper allows people to implement their own adapter, such as class MyCaseHTTPAdapter(BaseAdatper), which will work with the rest of Requests code. class BaseAdatper is the interface/abstraction that other parts of the code depends on.

How api of a package is exposed?

Requests defines the main APIs in api.py, and then expose them in requests/__init__.py by

from .api import request, get, head, post, patch, put, delete, options

Also in __init__.py, it exposes exceptions, utils, status_codes and some more, by

from .models import Request, Response, PreparedRequest
from .sessions import session, Session
from .status_codes import codes
from .exceptions import (
    RequestException, Timeout, URLRequired,
    TooManyRedirects, HTTPError, ConnectionError,
    FileModeWarning, ConnectTimeout, ReadTimeout

How to manage exceptions of a class?

Exception class does not need to be fancy. You can simply subclass an existing exception. For example, in cookies.py, it defines an exception by subclassing RuntimeError. This exception class contains nothing. It serves as a unique ID so the program can identify which exception is throwed.

# Note that they don't put a 'pass' in the definition
class CookieConflictError(RuntimeError):
    """There are two cookies that meet the criteria specified in the cookie jar.
    Use .get and .set and include domain and path args in order to be more specific."""

There are plenty of empty exception classes defined in exceptions.py.


What’s a value that dict user will never use?

If you have a dictionary and you want to ‘return None if you cannot find the key’, you may do:

val = mydict.get('key3', None)
if val is None:
   print 'key3 does not exist'

This is WRONG, because user may have key-value pair ‘key3’:None. The correct way is

_Null = object()
val = mydict.get('key3', _Null)
if val is _Null:
   print 'key3 does not exist'

Or you can use KeyError exception.

How to log in python?

Use logging package.


What if I have a data class (almost has no methods) that I need to define?

Simply use namedtuple, or subclass namedtuple. Example: https://github.com/junhe/requests/blob/jun.comments/requests/packages/urllib3/_collections.py

Why use is None instead of == None?

Comparisons to singletons like None should always be done with is or is not , never the equality operators.

Also, beware of writing if x when you really mean if x is not None – e.g. when testing whether a variable or argument that defaults to None was set to some other value. The other value might have a type (such as a container) that could be false in a boolean context!

‘is’ compares if they are the same object, ‘==’ compares if they have the same value and ‘==’ can be overrided by ‘eq()’

More: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7816363/if-a-vs-if-a-is-not-none http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3257919/is-none-vs-none http://jaredgrubb.blogspot.com/2009/04/python-is-none-vs-none.html

What if I don’t want to write a lot of &&?

Don’t forget you have all().

Also any().

How to check if a object is a (general) dictionary?

isinstance(myobj, Mapping)

How to delete some keys whose values are None?

none_keys = [k for (k, v) in merged_setting.items() if v is None]
for key in none_keys:
    del merged_setting[key]

Also correct (because .items() returns a list of (key, value), not a iterator:

for k, v in merged_setting.items():
    if v is None:
        del merged_setting[key]

You can also create new dictionary.

How to subclass a mapping class?

First, it is easier to store the data as a member variable (such as ‘self._store’ here), instead of storing them in self. If you store it to self, it is quite easy to incur infinite recursive calls.

Second, the arguments in __init__(self, data=None, **kwargs) allows initializations like CaseInsensitiveDict({1:1, 2:2}), and CaseInsensitiveDict(key1='v1', key2='v2').

class CaseInsensitiveDict(collections.MutableMapping):
    def __init__(self, data=None, **kwargs):
        This is a regular constructor of dict. data can be mapping 
        or an iterable. kwargs will become k-v pairs in the dict.
        self._store = dict()
        if data is None:
            data = {}
        self.update(data, **kwargs)

What does the ‘b’ prefix do in Python 2 and 3?

# Prefix 'b' marks byte literal
# >>> a = b'3f'
# >>> type(a)  # Python 2.7
# <type 'str'>
# >>> type(a)  # Python 3.4
# <class 'bytes'>

How to use lambda function?

# equal to:
# def get_proxy(k):
#   return os.environ.get(k) or os.environ.get(k.upper())
get_proxy = lambda k: os.environ.get(k) or os.environ.get(k.upper()) 

Also note that the or make the code shorter here.

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