european R users meeting (eRum) 2016 – Call for Workshops deadline (by 15th of April)
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deadline: 15th of April
submission form and details: com/forms/d/1ZZwSPUB4- 31nUYOhjdhArOF1kjdXrQW_ XPWpfd0nqWU/viewform

Info about the conference:
eRum 2016 will take place in the beautiful city of Poznań, Poland, betweenOctober 12th and 14th, and we already have confirmed invited speakers such asRasmus Bååth, Romain Francois, Ulrike Grömping, Matthias Templ, andHeather Turner, as well as high-level local R users. European R users meeting (eRum) is an international conference that aims at integrating users of the R language. eRum 2016 will be a good chance to exchange experiences, broaden knowledge on R and collaborate. It will be a meeting of more than 200 useRs from all across Europe working in different areas of the industry, academy, and government.
One can participate in eRum 2016: (1) with a regular oral presentation, (2) with a lightning talk, (3) with a poster presentation, (4) or attending without presentation or poster. Due to space available at the conference venue, organizers set limit of participants at 250. In addition, we are planning to organize 8 workshops (4 in the morning, 4 in the afternoon) in Call for Workshops form. If your workshop will be selected, organisers cover the following costs: conference fee and accommodation costs (max 3 nights in Poznan, booked by Poznan University of Economics). More details can be found on