Compression Benchmarks: brotli, gzip, xz, bz2

[This article was first published on OpenCPU, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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# Example data
myfile <- file.path(R.home(), "COPYING")
x <- readBin(myfile, raw(),$size)
# The usual suspects
y1 <- memCompress(x, "gzip")
y2 <- memCompress(x, "bzip2")
y3 <- memCompress(x, "xz")
y4 <- brotli_compress(x)
stopifnot(identical(x, memDecompress(y1, "gzip")))
stopifnot(identical(x, memDecompress(y2, "bzip2")))
stopifnot(identical(x, memDecompress(y3, "xz")))
stopifnot(identical(x, brotli_decompress(y4)))
Compression ratio
If we compare compression ratios, we can see Brotli significantly outperformes the competition for this example.# Combine data
alldata <- data.frame (
algo = c("gzip", "bzip2", "xz (lzma2)", "brotli"),
ratio = c(length(y1), length(y2), length(y3), length(y4)) / length(x)
ggplot(alldata, aes(x = algo, fill = algo, y = ratio)) +
geom_bar(color = "white", stat = "identity") +
xlab("") + ylab("Compressed ratio (less is better)")

Decompression speed
Perhaps the most important performance dimension for internet formats is decompression speed. Clients should be able to decompress quickly, even with limited resources such as on browsers and mobile devices.library(microbenchmark)
bm <- microbenchmark(
memDecompress(y1, "gzip"),
memDecompress(y2, "bzip2"),
memDecompress(y3, "xz"),
times = 1000
alldata$decompression <- summary(bm)$median
ggplot(alldata, aes(x = algo, fill = algo, y = decompression)) +
geom_bar(color = "white", stat = "identity") +
xlab("") + ylab("Decompression time (less is better)")

Compression speed
So far Brotli showed the best compression ratio, with decompression performance comparable to gzip. But there is no such thing as a free pastry in Switzerland. Here is the caveat: compressing data with brotli is complex and slow:library(microbenchmark)
bm <- microbenchmark(
memCompress(x, "gzip"),
memCompress(x, "bzip2"),
memCompress(x, "xz"),
times = 20
alldata$compression <- summary(bm)$median
ggplot(alldata, aes(x = algo, fill = algo, y = compression)) +
geom_bar(color = "white", stat = "identity") +
xlab("") + ylab("Compression time (less is better)")

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