rNOMADS 2.0.2 released
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I uploaded the newest version of rNOMADS to CRAN yesterday. This one has a new plotting function for wind altitude azimuth, and magnitude (see below for plot and source code). I also added a function for reading GRIB inventories, fixed a few typos, and tweaked a few functions. In other news, the rNOMADS subversion repository has migrated to R-Forge: http://rnomads.r-forge.r-project.org/.
I’ve also set up an rNOMADS mailing list; subscribe here if you need to ask for help or want to hear about new releases.

Wind profiles at each infrasound station in the Transportable Array (currently on the US East Coast). Ground surface is at the center of the plot, the top of the stratosphere is at the outer radius. Wind magnitudes are denoted by color, and azimuth by position around the circle.
library(rNOMADS) download.file("http://www.unc.edu/~haksaeng/rNOMADS/myTA.RDATA", destfile = "myTA.RDATA") load("myTA.RDATA") #Find the latest Global Forecast System model run model.urls <- GetDODSDates("gfs_hd") latest.model <- tail(model.urls$url, 1) model.runs <- GetDODSModelRuns(latest.model) latest.model.run <- tail(model.runs$model.run, 1) #Get model nodes lons <- seq(0, 359.5, by = 0.5) lats <- seq(-90, 90, by = 0.5) lon.ind <- which(lons <= max(myTA$lon + 360) & lons >= min(myTA$lon + 360)) - 1 lat.ind <- which(lats <= max(myTA$lat) & lats >= min(myTA$lat)) - 1 levels <- c(0, 46) time <- c(0, 0) #Get data hgt.data <- DODSGrab(latest.model, latest.model.run, "hgtprs", time, c(min(lon.ind), max(lon.ind)), c(min(lat.ind), max(lat.ind)), levels) ugrd.data <- DODSGrab(latest.model, latest.model.run, "ugrdprs", time, c(min(lon.ind), max(lon.ind)), c(min(lat.ind), max(lat.ind)), levels) vgrd.data <- DODSGrab(latest.model, latest.model.run, "vgrdprs", time, c(min(lon.ind), max(lon.ind)), c(min(lat.ind), max(lat.ind)), levels) #Reformat the data hgt.grid <- ModelGrid(hgt.data, c(0.5, 0.5)) ugrd.grid <- ModelGrid(ugrd.data, c(0.5, 0.5)) vgrd.grid <- ModelGrid(vgrd.data, c(0.5, 0.5)) #Build profiles zonal.wind <- c() meridional.wind <- c() height >- c() for(k in 1:length(myTA$lon)) { hgt.profile <- BuildProfile(hgt.grid, myTA$lon[k], myTA$lat[k], spatial.average = TRUE) ugrd.profile <- BuildProfile(ugrd.grid, myTA$lon[k], myTA$lat[k], spatial.average = TRUE) vgrd.profile <- BuildProfile(vgrd.grid, myTA$lon[k], myTA$lat[k], spatial.average = TRUE) synth.hgt <- seq(min(hgt.profile), max(hgt.profile), length.out = 1000) ugrd.spline <- splinefun(hgt.profile, ugrd.profile, method = "natural") vgrd.spline <- splinefun(hgt.profile, vgrd.profile, method = "natural") zonal.wind[[k]] <- ugrd.spline(synth.hgt) meridional.wind[[k]] <- vgrd.spline(synth.hgt) height[[k]] <- synth.hgt print(paste("Finished", k, "of", length(myTA$lon), "profiles!")) } #Plot them all PlotWindProfile(zonal.wind, meridional.wind, height, lines = TRUE, points = FALSE, elev.circles = c(0, 25000, 50000), elev.labels = c(0, 25, 50), radial.lines = seq(45, 360, by = 45), colorbar = TRUE, invert = FALSE, point.cex = 2, pch = 19, lty = 1, lwd = 1, height.range = c(0, 50000), colorbar.label = "Wind Speed (m/s)", elev.labels.az = 15)

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