Submit your useR tutorial proposals before January 5
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The program for next year's useR! conference in Los Angeles is shaping up nicely, with confirmed speakers including John Chambers (from the R Core Group), David Diez (OpenIntro), Dirk Eddelbuettel (Rcpp, Debian), Jan de Leeuw (Journal of Statistical Software), Martin Mächler (R Core, R Foundation) and Karline Soetaert (author of Solving Differential Equations in R).
The tutorial sessions, held around the main conference program, are always a great way to learn more about R and R packages from the experts. Tutorial sessions are proposed by attendees, so if you'd like to teach a half-day session on using R, or if you have an R package or interface that would be of interest to the useR! attendees, why not propose a tutorial? Tutorial proposals are open until January 5:
We invite R users to submit proposals for three hour tutorials on special topics regarding R. The proposals should give a brief description of the tutorial, including goals, detailed outline, justification of why the tutorial is important, background knowledge required and potential attendees. The proposals should be sent before January 5, 2014 to
For the main program, start thinking about whether you'd like to make a presentation there, too: abstract submissions for contributed talks will be opening soon.
useR! 2014: The R User Conference 2014 offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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