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Last night we had a great meet up of the Montreal R User Group. I got things started with a little presentation asking the question “What does R do?” (slides). I made the presentation using Montreal R User Group member Ramnath Vaidyanathan‘s Slidify package. Slidify allows you to generate rather handsome HTML5 slides directly using R markdown.
We were then treated to a great workshop by Etienne Low-Decarie. He gave us a fly over of some of the most powerful R packages for wrangling data, namely plyr, reshape and ggplot.
Here are Etienne’s slides.
You can also follow along with the code posted here.
We met a lot of people who are doing very cool things using R. I’m looking forward to our next meetup!
I’m no shutterbug – drop me a note if you came and have any better pictures.
Also, thanks to Notman House for hosting us. The haunted house feeling wasn’t enough to scare off this hardy group of data geeks.

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