Sunday Data/Statistics Link Roundup (11/18/12)

[This article was first published on Simply Statistics, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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  1. An interview with Brad Efron about scientific writing. I haven’t watched the whole interview, but I do know that Efron is one of my favorite writers among statisticians.
  2. Slidify, another approach for making HTML5 slides directly from R.  I love the idea of making HTML slides, I would definitely do this regularly. But there are a couple of issues I feel still aren’t resolved: (1) It is still just a little too hard to change the theme/feel of the slides in my opinion. It is just CSS, but that’s still just enough of a hurdle that it is keeping me away and (2) I feel that the placement/insertion of images is still a little clunky, Google Docs has figured this out, I’d love it if they integrated the best features of Slidify, Latex, etc. into that system. 
  3. Statistics is still the new hotness. Here is a Business Insider list about 5 statistics problems that will “change the way you think about the world”
  4. I love this one in the New Yorker, especially the line,”statisticians are the new sexy vampires, only even more pasty” (via Brooke A.)
  5. We’ve hit the big time! We have been linked to by a real (Forbes) blogger. 
  6. If you haven’t noticed, we have a new logo. We are going to be making a few other platform-related changes over the next week or so. If you have any trouble, let us know!

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