Detour in taste wordclouds
[This article was first published on Wiekvoet, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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I read Mining Twitter for consumer attitudes towards hotels in my feed of R-bloggers. That reminded me that I intended to look at generating wordclouds for salt and MSG at some point. Salt, or sodium is linked to hypertension, which is linked to some diseases It is a topic within governments and health organizations, but I have the feeling it is not so much an issue in the public. MSG, or mono sodium glutamate, is not an issue for the governments of health organisations, but has a bad name and is for some linked to the chinese restaurant syndrom. Luckily there was an nice post to follow: Generating Twitter Wordclouds in R.Want to share your content on R-bloggers? click here if you have a blog, or here if you don't.
Neither @Salt nor #Salt are good when interested in salt taste. Hence the search is for #sodium
sodium.tweets <- searchTwitter('#sodium',n=1500)
sodium.texts <- laply(sodium.tweets, function(x) x$getText())
[1] “#Citric Acid #Sodium Bicarbonate HealthAid Vitamin C 1000mg – Effervescent (Blackcurrant Flavour) – 20 Tablets”
[2] “I dnt understand metro I can go on Facebook an Twitter but I can’t call or text anybody #sodium”
[3] “Get the facts on #sodium: #BCHC @TheHSF”
[4] “#Sodium: How to tame your salt habit now?”
[5] “#lol #funny #insta #instafunny #haha #smile #meme #chemistry #joke #sodium”
[6] “@Astroboii07 #sodium. Haha. Tas bisaya daw. i-sudyum. Hahaha. @andiedote @krizhsexy @mjpatingo #building”
At this point I found the blog twitter to wordcloud, so I restarted and used those functions. The original is from Using Text Mining to Find Out What @RDataMining Tweets are About. There was a small bit of editing. Require(tm) and require(wordcloud) within the functions did not work, so I called on the libraries directly. The clouds had some links in them, shown as ‘httpt’ with some more text added (link to a chemistry joke) a function to remove those is added too.
RemoveAtPeople <- function(tweet) {
gsub(“@\\w+”, “”, tweet)}
RemoveHTTP <- function(tweet) {
gsub(“http[[:alnum:][:punct:]]+”, “”, tweet)
generateCorpus= function(df,my.stopwords=c()){
#The following is cribbed and seems to do what it says on the can
tw.corpus= Corpus(VectorSource(df))
# remove punctuation
tw.corpus = tm_map(tw.corpus, removePunctuation)
#normalise case
tw.corpus = tm_map(tw.corpus, tolower)
# remove stopwords
tw.corpus = tm_map(tw.corpus, removeWords, stopwords(‘english’))
tw.corpus = tm_map(tw.corpus, removeWords, my.stopwords)
doc.m = TermDocumentMatrix(corpus, control = list(minWordLength = 1))
dm = as.matrix(doc.m)
# calculate the frequency of words
v = sort(rowSums(dm), decreasing=TRUE)
d = data.frame(word=names(v), freq=v)
#Generate the wordcloud
wc=wordcloud(d$word, d$freq, min.freq=min.freq)
rdmTweets = searchTwitter(searchTerm, n=num,.encoding=’UTF-8′)
tweets <- as.vector(sapply(tw.df$text, RemoveAtPeople))
tweets <- tweets[-308] # tweet in wrong locale
The ugly line which removed tweed 308 is because this is in the wrong locale. It gave an error. This is an error which is not simple to resolve, so I removed the offending tweet: R tm package invalid input in ‘utf8towcs’
Error in FUN(X[[308L]], …) :
invalid input ‘That was too much sodium offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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