My Crappy Fantasy Football Draft
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I compared the results of my fantasy football draft with the results of more than 1500 mock drafts at the Fantasy Football Calculator (FFC). I looked at where player X was drafted in our league, subtracted off the average draft position on FFC, and divided by the standard deviation of the draft positon of that player on FFC. In other words, I’ve computed a ‘standardized’ draft position for the given player.
How do we interpret this standardized draft position? Obviously if we have a positive score, then a player was drafted later in our draft than the average position on FFC. This would mean that a team owner in our league got a pretty good deal on that player. Understand? Divided by the standard deviation just places all of the draft positions in a standardized unit for comparison purposes. Here are the results of our draft.
What do we see from this? Well, my draft sucked. Most of my boxes in the heat map are negative! So I drafted my players a little higher than the average draft position on FFC. In particular, it looks like I picked Pierre Thomas way earlier.
Some positives: Yurcy picked Randy Moss with the 18th pick and his average draft position on this website was 8.8. Possibly the biggest winner was Rob’s 6th round pick of Wes Welker…good value there.
I’ll do the same for my league with the boys in Vermont. Hopefully the results are a little better than what I did with the Princeton gang.
The code is published at github under ffdraft. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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