ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
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Pierre Lecuyer is the new editor of the ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) and he has asked me to become an Area Editor for the new area of simulation in Statistics. I am quite excited by this new Æditor’s hat, since this is a cross-disciplinary journal:
The ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) provides a single archival source for the publication of high-quality research and developmental results in computer simulation. The subjects of emphasis are discrete event simulation, combined discrete and continuous simulation, as well as Monte Carlo methods. Papers in continuous simulation will also receive serious consideration if their contributions to modeling and simulation in general are substantial.
The use of simulation techniques is pervasive, extending to virtually all the sciences. TOMACS serves to enhance the understanding, improve the practice, and increase the utilization of computer simulation. Submissions should contribute to the realization of these objectives, and papers treating applications should stress their contributions vis-a-vis these objectives.
As an indication of this cross-disciplinarity, I note that most Area Editors and Associate Editors are unknown to me (except for Luc Devroye, of course!). In addition, I savour the irony of being associated with a journal of the Association for Computer Machinery (ACM), given my complete lack of practical skills! So, if you have relevant papers to submit in the field, please consider the ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) as a possible outlet.
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