Adding a legend to a plot
[This article was first published on Learning R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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plot (c(1968,2010),c(0,10),type=”n”, # sets the x and y axes scales
xlab=”Year”,ylab=”Expenditures/GDP (%)”) # adds titles to the axes
lines(year,defense,col=”red”,lwd=2.5) # adds a line for defense expenditures
lines(year,health,col=”blue”,lwd=2.5) # adds a line for health expenditures
legend(2000,9.5, # places a legend at the appropriate place c(“Health”,”Defense”), # puts text in the legend
lty=c(1,1), # gives the legend appropriate symbols (lines)
lwd=c(2.5,2.5),col=c(“blue”,”red”)) # gives the legend lines the correct color and width

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