
Hjust and Vjust

November 16, 2012 | is.R()

So, when you’re setting the position of text in ggplot, you may have to use the hjust and vjust commands. Depending on your demands, and if you don’t understand what they’re doing, they might seem hard to use. I found one script that... [Read more...]

Can’t a plot catch a break(s)?

November 13, 2012 | is.R()

This post continues with the theme of how to modify plots from within ggplot; today we will specifically looking at custom axis breaks. Plots later in the week will examine the commands to change text in the plot area. The various other shortcomings o... [Read more...]

Horizon on ggplot2

August 27, 2012 | klr

SocialDataBlog’s kind reference in post Horizon plots with ggplot (not) motivated me to finish what the post started.  I knew that ggplot2 would be a little more difficult to use for the purpose of a horizon plot, but I felt compelled to provide...
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Heatmap tables with ggplot2

August 20, 2012 | steve

I wrote before about heatmap tables as a better way of producing frequency or other tables, with a solution which works nicely in latex. It is possible to do them much more easily in ggplot2, like this library(Hmisc) library(ggplot2) library(reshape) data(HairEyeColor) P=t(HairEyeColor[,,2]) Pm=melt(... [Read more...]

Horizon plots with ggplot2, sort-of

August 19, 2012 | steve

The Timely Portfolio blog via R-bloggers has recently published some interesting entries about the value of horizon plots for visual comparison of a number of time series. Very nice it looks too. You can read more about them here. The trick to understanding them is to imagine that each row ...
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Holt-Winters forecast using ggplot2

July 16, 2012 | Bart

R has great support for Holt-Winter filtering and forecasting. I sometimes use this functionality, HoltWinter & predict.HoltWinter, to forecast demand figures based on historical data. Using the HoltWinter functions in R is pretty straightforward. Let's say our dataset looks as follows; demand [Read more...]

Graphics Artifacts from Quarterly Commentary

July 2, 2012 | klr

For my Q2 2012 commentary, I tried multiple graphs to illustrate the disconnect of the US stock markets with the rest of the world.  I think I finally settled on this simple Excel bar graph populated by Bloomberg data, but I thought some might lik...
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R-NOLD 2012-05-21 04:46:00

May 21, 2012 | arsalvacion

Mapping Philippines earthquake data from January 2011 to January 2012 collected by PHIVOLCS using R ggplot package.I tried to recreate the earthquake map of the Philippines created using maptool and R plot function using ggplot2. Earthquake map ...
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Bar Graph Colours That Work Well

May 17, 2012 | inkhorn82

Ever since I started using ggplot2 more often at work in order to do graphs, I’ve realized something about the use of colour in bar graphs vs. dot plots: When I’m looking at a graph displayed on the brilliant Viewsonic … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Opinions Not Backed by Money Updated Again

March 15, 2012 | klr

Strange that I am updating this post for a third time and nothing really has changed, but the fact that nothing has changed is incredibly interesting to me.  Since it is an update, I will not duplicate the explanation, so please read the last vers...
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If you have to use circles…

February 15, 2012 | Luis

Stats Chat is an interesting kiwi site—managed by the Department of Statistics of the University of Auckland—that centers around the use and presentation of statistics in the media. This week there was an interesting discussion on one of those infographics … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Revisiting homicide rates

February 10, 2012 | Luis

A pint of R plotted an interesting dataset: intentional homicides in South America. I thought the graphs were pretty but I was unhappy about the way information was conveyed in the plots; relative risk should be very important but number … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Plotting earthquake data

January 2, 2012 | Luis

Since 4th September 2010 we have had over 2,800 quakes (considering only magnitude 3+) in Christchurch. Quakes come in swarms, with one or few strong shocks, followed by numerous smaller ones and then the ocasional shock, creating an interesting data … Continue reading → [Read more...]
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