Articles by klr

Horizon Plots with plot.xts

August 17, 2012 | klr

Anyone who has read 48 Industries (Dendrogram Ordered) Over 50 Years 48 Industries Since 1963 “Trend is Not Your Friend” Applied to 48 Industries Horizon Plots in Base Graphics More on Horizon Charts Application of Horizon Plots Horizon Plo...
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plot.xts is wonderful

August 16, 2012 | klr

As mentioned in FOSS Trading post A New plot.xts yesterday “The Google Summer of Code (2012) project to extend xts has produced a very promising new plot.xts function. Michael Weylandt, the project's student, wrote R-SIG-Finance to request impressio...
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48 Industries (Dendrogram Ordered) Over 50 Years

August 9, 2012 | klr

Thanks to reader AHWest for the comment on post 48 Industries Since 1963. “I think it would be interesting to see the industries ordered by some sort of similarity of returns.” I think this is a great suggestion, and I would like to see it also.&n...
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48 Industries Since 1963

August 7, 2012 | klr

Please see for all horizon plot posts. Once more thanks to Ken French for his data, we can accomplish something I think is fairly amazing.  In 640x800, we can see 250 day rollling return...
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Horizon Plots in Base Graphics

August 3, 2012 | klr

for background please see prior posts More on Horizon Charts, Application of Horizon Plots, Horizon Plot Already Available, and Cubism Horizon Charts in R There are three primary graphics routes in R (base graphics, lattice, and ggplot2), and each have...
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More on Horizon Charts

August 1, 2012 | klr

for background please see prior posts Application of Horizon Plots, Horizon Plot Already Available, and Cubism Horizon Charts in R Some feedback has led me to think that I might have been a little ambitious with my last post on horizon charts. I though...
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Application of Horizon Plots

July 31, 2012 | klr

for background please see prior posts Horizon Plot Already Available and Cubism Horizon Charts in R Good visualization simplifies, and stories are better told with effective and pretty visualizations. Although horizon plots are not immediately intuitiv...
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Best of Axys, R, d3.js, and HTML5

July 19, 2012 | klr

Axys, R, d3.js, and HTML5 all offer incredibly powerful tools for investment management and reporting, but they are not set up to synergistically interact to fill each other’s gaps and leverage each other’s strengths.  In my ideal scenario, Ax...
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More Exploration of Crazy RUT

July 5, 2012 | klr

Unintentionally while playing with the lawstat package in R, I started trying to build systems (STANDARD DISCLAIMER: NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE AND WILL LOSE LOTS OF MONEY SO PROCEED WITH CAUTION) based on the Jarque Bera test of normality (entry in Wikiped...
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Graphics Artifacts from Quarterly Commentary

July 2, 2012 | klr

For my Q2 2012 commentary, I tried multiple graphs to illustrate the disconnect of the US stock markets with the rest of the world.  I think I finally settled on this simple Excel bar graph populated by Bloomberg data, but I thought some might lik...
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Horizon Plot Already Available

June 29, 2012 | klr

When I wrote Cubism Horizon Charts in R, I should have known that horizon plot functionality already exists in R and in this case in one of my already favorite packages latticeExtra...
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Where are the Fat Tails?

June 19, 2012 | klr

In Crazy RUT, I started to explore why the moving average strategy has failed for the last 2 decades on the Russell 2000.  I still do not have an answer, but I thought looking at skewness and kurtosis might help explain some of the challenge of be...
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Cubism Horizon Charts in R

June 15, 2012 | klr

Like many, I have been in awe of the d3.js and cubism.js visualization packages created by Mike Bostock. Mike Bostock @ Square talks about Time Series Visualization from Librato on Vimeo. The charts are beautiful and extraordinarily functional, so I th...
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