Articles by Joshua Kunst

My KISS Attempt to rstatsgoes10k Contest

January 6, 2017 | Joshua Kunst

Last year launched a contest to predict when the R packages will be 10k. So this is a really good opportunity to use (finally) the forecastHybrid package developed by Peter Ellis and David Shaub. This will be a really KISS-naive-sim... [Read more...]

Thematic Interactive Map

January 4, 2017 | Joshua Kunst

Last week all the rstatsosphere see the beautiful Timo Grossenbacher work. The last month, yep, the past year I’ve working on create maps easily with highcharter. When I saw this chart I took as challege to replicate this nice map in using... [Read more...]

interactive and styled middle earth map

December 14, 2016 | Joshua Kunst

This is pure nerdism. There is a project to create a shapfile from a fictional world, the Middle Earth. The data is in this repository. The author of the web site made a ggplot version of this map ... [Read more...]

Replicating NYT Weather App

December 1, 2016 | Joshua Kunst

So much time since my last post so I want to post something, no matter what it is, but I hope this will be somehow helpfull In this post I will show some new features for the next version of highcharter package. The main feature added is hc_ad... [Read more...]

Case Study: Animation and Others Vizs

June 22, 2016 | Joshua Kunst

This post will be about if we can show some data in other ways to try to tell more clearly the Oh! Foo! is this rly happening? story. Time time ago an gif appears showing the change of the global temperatures over time. Well, some sites like ... [Read more...]

Adding motion to choropleths

April 11, 2016 | Joshua Kunst

Time ago @hrbrmstr show how to replicate a visualization made by New York Times with R. The @nytgraphics folks are is #rstats #tigrisviridisggplot— boB Rudis (@hrbrmstr) March 25, 2016 The result we hope is like ... [Read more...]

How to: Weather Radials

March 23, 2016 | Joshua Kunst

TLDR: Creating weather radials with highcharter and ggplot2. I was surfing by the deep seas of the web and I found the Brice Pierre de la Briere’s blocks and I saw the weather radials which originally are a poster collection. Brice uses D3 and he used D3 very well ... [Read more...]

Visualizing Movies Gross Income

March 17, 2016 | Joshua Kunst

Shh.. this post is an excuse to test the brand new subtitles and captions in #ggplot2! powered by @hrbrmstr. "And there came a day unlike any other,when earth's mightiest data sci vis tool added subtitles & captions" #rstats— boB Rudis (@hrbrmstr) March 15, 2016 The recently (I ... [Read more...]

pokemon: visualize ’em all!

March 7, 2016 | Joshua Kunst

Time ago, when I was a younger man I know pokemon I konw the 150 pokemon then I And more than 10 year there are over 700 with new types new, new regions, etc. So to know the status of all these monsters I download the data and make some chart and see ... [Read more...]

BythMusteR: Mobile Phone Evolution

February 29, 2016 | Joshua Kunst

TL DRs Time ago I changed my humble moto G 1st gen with a more big Mate Ascend 7 and my thumb did things I didn’t know to reach the opposite top corner. In one of this efforts to reach a far icon I remembered the phone evolution image. And ... [Read more...]

Presenting Highcharter

January 13, 2016 | Joshua Kunst

After a lot of documentation, a lot of R CMD checks and a lot of patience from CRAN people I'm happy to anonounce highcharter v0.1.0: A(nother) wrapper for Highcharts charting library. Now it's easy make a chart like this. Do you want to know how? I like Highcharts. It ...
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What do we ask in stack overflow

December 9, 2015 | Joshua Kunst

How many times you have an error in your code, query, etc and you don't have the solution? How many times in these cases you open your favorite browser and search in your favorite search engine and type (I mean copy/paste) that error and you click the first result ... [Read more...]

Visualizing Chess Data With ggplot

October 29, 2015 | Joshua Kunst

There are nice visualizations from chess data: piece movement, piece survaviliy, square usage by player. Sadly not always the authors shows the code/data for replicate the final result. So I wrote some code to show how to do some this great visualizations entirely in R. Just for fun. The ... [Read more...]

rchess a Chess Package for R

October 6, 2015 | Joshua Kunst

A lot time ago I wonder for some R package for chess. Python, JS, Java, C have chess libraries, why R not? But then the htmlwidgets and V8 packages were born and now possibilities are almost endless. Anyone can make a wrapper for a JS library :D. And this is ... [Read more...]

Visualizing Sort Algorithms With ggplot

September 24, 2015 | Joshua Kunst

Have you read Visualizing Algorithms by Mike Bostock? It's a pure gold post. In that post Mike show a static representation of a sort algorith and obvious it will fun to replicate that image with ggplot. So here we go. We need some sorts algorihms. In this link you can ... [Read more...]

Just another way to make a R flavored blog

August 6, 2015 | Joshua Kunst

This post is in active development! image source This usually is "echo=FALSE"
<span>rm</span><span>(</span><span>list</span> <span>=</span> <span>ls</span><span>())</span>
knitr<span>::</span>opts_knit<span>$</span>set<span>(</span>root.dir  <span>=</span> <span>normalizePath</span><span>(</span><span>".."</span><span>))</span>
Considerations Use h2 ## in R files to spin, because h1 is reserved for title post. At the begin of R script write a chunk of R code loading the print package This post have some considerations ... [Read more...]
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