Articles by Christopher Gandrud

Federal Register API/R Package Ideas?

September 21, 2012 | Christopher Gandrud

The other day Critical Juncture put up an API for the Federal Register. I thought it would be great if there was a package that could use this API to download data directly into R (much like the excellent WDI package). This would make it easier to anal... [Read more...]

ggplot2 Self-deprecation

August 24, 2012 | Christopher Gandrud

I've been in China working for a few weeks (where this blog is (oddly) blocked). So, I haven't been able to post much over the summer. To kick things off for the new (academic) year, I thought I might just re-post something good I saw on the Book of Sa... [Read more...]

Sourcing Code from GitHub

July 10, 2012 | Christopher Gandrud

In previous posts I described how to input data stored on GitHub directly into R. You can do the same thing with source code stored on GitHub. Hadley Wickham has actually made the whole process easier by combining the getURL, textConnection, and source commands into one function: source_url. This ... [Read more...]

knitr, Slideshows, and Dropbox

May 29, 2012 | Christopher Gandrud

I just noticed that Markus Gesmann has a nice post on using RStudio, knitr, Pandoc, and Slidy to create slideshows. After my recent attempt to use deck.rb to turn a Markdown/knitr file into a deck.js presentation I caved in and also decided to go with ...
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Disproportionality Data

March 25, 2012 | Christopher Gandrud

So I was hunting around for some data on disproportional electoral outcomes (when the proportion of voters cast for political parties is not close to the proportion of legislative seats that they win).Michael Gallagher keeps an updated version of his L...
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OpenCPU, R in the Cloud

February 8, 2012 | Christopher Gandrud

I ran across OpenCPU today. If you have any intest in R and reproducible research this is definitely worth checking out. Also, it looks like I might want to explore the potential of embedding functions in websites. Hm . . . .
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Japan Stagnation Myth?

December 28, 2011 | Christopher Gandrud

I came across this piece on The Atlantic website by Eamonn Fingleton arguing that Japan's two decade long stagnation is largely a myth. I'm not willing, just yet, to completely go along with his thesis that this myth has been stoked by the Japanes...
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