
Another Mystery: sas7bdat != sd2

October 14, 2011 | BioStatMatt

I received an email from a very inconvenienced statistician a few weeks ago. The problem was an old data file with the extension .sd2. Apparently, this is an obsolete data storage format used by past versions of SAS. A quick glance at the file contents revealed that this sd2 formatted ... [Read more...]

More sas7bdat progress

September 13, 2011 | BioStatMatt

The development version of the read.sas7bdat function (in the sas7bdat package) now reads field labels and formats. In addition, errors of the type "found subheaders where 1 expected" are now a thing of the past. These improvements are largely due to work by Clint Cummins. The function also ... [Read more...]

sas7bdat database reader update

June 14, 2011 | BioStatMatt

An earlier post (1216) introduced a compatibility study (i.e. reverse engineering) of the sas7bdat database file format. The code and documentation for this are here: I've recently restructured the code as an R package, and added some functionality. Look for the sas7bdat ... [Read more...]

Progress reading SAS sas7bdat files (natively) in R

April 18, 2011 | BioStatMatt

This post describes some preliminary results from a compatibility study of the SAS sas7bdat file format. The most current results stored in a github repository here: sas7bdat The ultimate goal is a native solution to the incompatibility between open-source statistical software (e.g. R) and sas7bdat database ... [Read more...]

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