
relevant, revised, & resubmitted

May 7, 2012 | xi'an

We have now completed our revision of the paper Relevant statistics for Bayesian model choice, written with Judith Rousseau, Jean-Michel Marin, and Natesh Pillai. It has been resubmitted to Series B and reposted on arXiv. The major change in the paper is the inclusion of a check about the relevance ... [Read more...]

recents advances in Monte Carlo Methods

February 8, 2012 | xi'an

Next Thursday (Jan. 16), at the RSS, there will be a special half-day meeting (afternoon, starting at 13:30) on Recent Advances in Monte Carlo Methods organised by the General Application Section. The speakers are Richard Everitt, University of Oxford, Missing data, and what to do about it Anthony Lee, Warwick University, Auxiliary ... [Read more...]

Job Satisfaction in England – GGPlot #2

November 29, 2011 | Abraham Mathew

I’ve recently been scouring the internet for a public opinion data set pertaining to job satisfaction. I was particularly interested in examining how gender, age, and socio-economic status influence how satisfied an individual is with their current employment situation. For example, existing research suggests that women and private-sector employees ... [Read more...]

Programming with R – Processing Football League Data Part I

November 23, 2010 | Ralph

In this post we will make use of football results data from the football-data.co.uk website to demonstrate creating functions in R to automate a series of standard operations that would be required for results data from various leagues and divisions. The first step is to consider what control ... [Read more...]

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