
integrating R with other systems

June 16, 2012 | Harlan

I just returned from the useR! 2012 conference for developers and users of R. One of the common themes to many of the presentations was integration of R-based statistical systems with other systems, be they other programming languages, web systems, or enterprise data systems. Some highlights for me were an update ... [Read more...]

Programmers Should Know R

August 6, 2011 | John Mount

Programmers should definitely know how to use R. I don’t mean they should switch from their current language to R, but they should think of R as a handy tool during development.Again and again I find myself working with Java code like the following. td.linenos { background-color: #f0... [Read more...]

hacking .gov shortened links

July 30, 2011 | Harlan

This past Friday, the web portal to the US Federal government,, organized hackathons across the US for programmers and data scientists to work with and analyze the data from their link-shortening service. It turns out that if you shorten a web link with, the shortened link ... [Read more...]

making meat shares more efficient with R and Symphony

May 9, 2011 | Harlan

In my previous post, I motivated a web application that would allow small-scale sustainable meat producers to sell directly to consumers using a meat share approach, using constrained optimization techniques to maximize utility for everyone involved. In this post, I’ll walk through some R code that I wrote to ... [Read more...]

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

January 21, 2010 | Ed Borasky

Download "Getting Started with the Social Media Analytics Research Toolkit" (pdf, 1.25 megabytes) Download the Social Media Analytics Research Toolkit Media Inactivist, Thought Follower, Sit-Down Comic, Social Media Analytics Researcher, Former Boy Gen... [Read more...]

Top Five Open Source Projects of 2009

November 5, 2009 | Ed Borasky

Every year, I single out what I think are the Top Five open source projects. This year, there's only one hold-over from previous years, and it's likely that I'm just going to give it a Lifetime Achievement Award and pick five others next year. 5. NetBe... [Read more...]

[, [[, $: R accessors explained

October 21, 2009 | Christopher Brown

For more than ten years, I have been teaching R both formally and informally. One thing that I find often trips up students is the use of R’s accessors and mutators. ( For those readers not from a formal computer science background, an accessor is a method for accessing data ...
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The geese are migrating, and so have I

October 20, 2009 | Ed Borasky

topsyWidgetPreload({ "url": "", "style": "big", "title": "The geese are migrating, and so have I" }); As someone wiser than I once said, “It’s fall – time to roast footballs and play touch marshmallow.” Or something like that. It’s the time of ... [Read more...]

R: The Dummies Package

September 30, 2009 | Christopher Brown

R-2.9.2 was released in August. While R can be considered stable and battle-ready, it is also far from stagnation. It is humbling to see such an intelligent and vibrant community helping CRAN grow faster than ever. Every day I see a new package or read a new comment on R-Help [...] [Read more...]

Analytic Infrastructure – Three Trends

May 11, 2009 | Robert Grossman

This is a post about systems, applications, services and architectures for building and deploying analytics. Sometimes this is called analytic infrastructure. In this post, we look at several trends impacting analytic infrastructure. Trend 1. Open source analytics has reached Main Street. R, which was first released in 1996, is now [...] [Read more...]

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