structure and uncertainty, Bristol, Sept. 26

September 26, 2012 | xi'an

Another day full of interesting and challenging—in the sense they generated new questions for me—talks at the SuSTain workshop. After another (dry and fast) run around the Downs; Leo Held started the talks with one of my favourite topics, namely the theory of g-priors in generalized linear models. ... [Read more...]

ISBA towards higher computing goals [yet another new section!!!]

September 19, 2012 | xi'an

Surrounding the great and exciting gathering of Bayesian statisticians in Kyoto last June, several ISBA sections have appeared in the past weeks, as already mentioned on the ‘Og. Along with Anto Mira and Nicolas Chopin (who did most of the organisational work while I was wandering down under!), we discussed ... [Read more...]

Course at Monash (#2)

July 19, 2012 | xi'an

Here are the slides for the second day of my course at Monash University, Melbourne, in the Special Lectures in Econometrics, with a strong strong similarity with the slides of my course in Roma this Spring. (Ah, sunny Roma…) The first day lecture was very well attended and I hope ... [Read more...]

Carnon [and Core, end]

June 15, 2012 | xi'an

Yet another full day working on Bayesian Core with Jean-Michel in Carnon… This morning, I ran along the canal for about an hour and at last saw some pink flamingos close enough to take pictures (if only to convince my daughter that there were flamingos in the area!). Then I ... [Read more...]

PLoS topic page on ABC

June 6, 2012 | xi'an

A few more comments on the specific entry on ABC written by Mikael Sunnåker et al…. The entry starts with the representation of the posterior probability of an hypothesis, rather than with the posterior density of a model parameter, which seems to lead the novice reader astray. After all, (... [Read more...]

ABC+EL=no D(ata)

May 27, 2012 | xi'an

It took us a loooong while [for various and uninteresting reasons] but we finally ended up completing a paper on ABC using empirical likelihood (EL) that was started by me listening to Brunero Liseo’s tutorial in O’Bayes-2011 in Shanghai… Brunero mentioned empirical likelihood as a semi-parametric technique w/... [Read more...]

PLoS computational biology meets wikipedia

May 26, 2012 | xi'an

Robin Ryder pointed out to me this new experiment run by PLoS since March 2012, namely the introduction of a new article type, “called “Topic Pages” and written in the style of a Wikipedia article“. Not only this terrific idea gives more credence to Wikipedia biology pages, at least in their ... [Read more...]

mad statistic

April 29, 2012 | xi'an

In the motivating toy example to our ABC model choice paper, we compare summary statistics, mean, median, variance, and… median absolute deviation (mad). The latest is the only one able to discriminate between our normal and Laplace models (as now discussed on Cross Validated!). When rerunning simulations to produce nicer ... [Read more...]

di Roma

March 4, 2012 | xi'an

It has been a wonderful week in Roma, a mix of pleasant work and enjoyable free-time! I gave the ABC advanced course for the second time in a month so it did not require much in terms of preparation and there was a good sized audience with attentive (if too ... [Read more...]

ABC in Roma [R lab #2]

March 2, 2012 | xi'an

Here are the R codes of the second R lab organised by Serena Arima in supplement of my lectures (now completed!). This morning I covered ABC model choice and the following example is the benchmark used in the course (and in the paper) about the impact of summary statistics. (Warning! ... [Read more...]

ABC in Roma [R lab #1]

February 29, 2012 | xi'an

Here are the R codes of the R labs organised by Serena Arima in supplement of my lectures. This is quite impressive and helpful to the students, as illustrated by the first example below (using the abc software). I am having a great time teaching this “ABC in Roma” course, ... [Read more...]

A Roma

February 25, 2012 | xi'an

Today, I am going to Rome for a week, teaching my PhD course on ABC I first gave in Paris. The course takes place in La Sapienza Università di Roma, from Monday till Thursday. There will be an R lab in addition to the lectures. (I have no further item ... [Read more...]

recents advances in Monte Carlo Methods

February 8, 2012 | xi'an

Next Thursday (Jan. 16), at the RSS, there will be a special half-day meeting (afternoon, starting at 13:30) on Recent Advances in Monte Carlo Methods organised by the General Application Section. The speakers are Richard Everitt, University of Oxford, Missing data, and what to do about it Anthony Lee, Warwick University, Auxiliary ... [Read more...]

updated slides for ABC PhD course

February 7, 2012 | xi'an

Over the weekend, I have added a few slides referring to recent papers mentioning the convergence of ABC algorithms, in particular the very relevant paper by Dean et al. I had already discussed in an earlier post. (This is taking a larger chunk of my time than expected! I am ... [Read more...]

tenured research position with ABC skills!

February 2, 2012 | xi'an

I just received this announcement for the opening of a (tenured/civil servant) position in the national research institute in biostatistics, genetics, and agronomy, INRA: Position opening with profile Approximate inference techniques in complex systems Key activities and required skills: You will develop methodological research in the field of statistical ... [Read more...]

ABC [PhD] course

January 25, 2012 | xi'an

As mentioned in the latest post on ABC, I am giving a short doctoral course on ABC methods and convergence at CREST next week. I have now made a preliminary collection of my slides (plus a few from Jean-Michel Marin’s), available on slideshare (as ABC in Roma, because I ... [Read more...]

semi-automatic ABC

December 17, 2011 | xi'an

The talk of Wednesday afternoon Ordinary Meeting of the Royal Statistical Society went on quite well, I think. I would have expected a few people (in general) and some specific people (in particular) but this being the last week of term the schedule was not the best of times. Paul ... [Read more...]

ABC on wordpress

November 7, 2011 | xi'an

Erkan Buzbas sent me an email about his webpage (operated as a wordpress blog) on ABC. It contains different items of information on ABC research and an hopefully growing list of references. After Scott Sisson’s tweet on ABC_research (latest news: two ABC sessions in ISBA 20122, Kyoto),  here comes ... [Read more...]

Selecting statistics for ABC model choice [R code]

November 1, 2011 | xi'an

As supplementary material to the ABC paper we just arXived, here is the R code I used to produce the Bayes factor comparisons between summary statistics in the normal versus Laplace example. (Warning: running the R code takes a while!) Filed under: R, Statistics, University life Tagged: ABC, Bayesian model ... [Read more...]

Catching up faster by switching sooner

October 25, 2011 | xi'an

Here is our discussion (with Nicolas Chopin) of the Read Paper of last Wednesday by T. van Erven, P. Grünwald and S. de Rooij (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam), entitled Catching up faster by switching sooner: a predictive approach to adaptive estimation with an application to the Akaike ... [Read more...]
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