Bookmarking a Shiny app without Shiny bookmarking

[This article was first published on Saturn Elephant, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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I do not well remember, but it seems to me I faced some difficulties when I tried to use Shiny bookmarking to save and restore the state of a Shiny app. These difficulties arose when there were some renderUI in the app or an input updated with an updateXXXinput function.

Then I’m using my own way for bookmarking the state of a Shiny app and restoring it. I’m saving the state of the app in a rds file and I restore the inputs delayed by a renderUI or an updateXXXinput function with the help of the delay function of the ‘shinyjs’ package. Below is an example


ui <- fluidPage(
      wellPanel( # restore the bookmarked state
          "Restore state",
          accept = ".rds"
      wellPanel( # upload data from a CSV file
          "Upload CSV",
          accept = ".csv"
          uiOutput("uiX"), # select the variable to be plotted
          checkboxInput(   # whether to log-transform the variable
            value = FALSE
        wellPanel( # bookmarking
            "Save state"
      plotOutput("plot", width = "400px")

server <- function(input, output, session){
  data <- reactiveVal() # to store the uploaded data
  observeEvent(input[["csv"]], { # read and store the uploaded data
    csv <- input[["csv"]][["datapath"]]
  output[["uploaded"]] <- reactive({ # indicator data uploaded
  outputOptions(output, "uploaded", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
  output[["uiX"]] <- renderUI({ # the widget for selecting a variable
      "Select variable",
      choices = colnames(data())
  Xloggable <- reactiveVal(FALSE) # indicates whether log-transform is possible 
  observeEvent(input[["X"]], {    
    loggable <- all(data()[[input[["X"]]]] > 0, na.rm = TRUE)
  logX <- reactive({ # indicates whether to log-transform the selected variable
    Xloggable() && input[["log10"]]
  observeEvent(list(input[["X"]], input[["log10"]]), { # prevents log-transform
    req(input[["X"]])                                  # if not possible
    if(input[["log10"]] && !Xloggable()){
      showNotification("The selected variable cannot be log-transformed.")
      updateCheckboxInput(session, "log10", value = FALSE)
  output[["plot"]] <- renderPlot({ # the plot
    x <- data()[[input[["X"]]]]
      plot(log10(x), pch = 19)
      plot(x, pch = 19)
  output[["saveState"]] <- downloadHandler( # bookmarking
    filename = "state.rds",
    content = function(file){
      state <- list(
        data  = data(),
        X     = input[["X"]],
        log10 = input[["log10"]]
      saveRDS(state, file)
  observeEvent(input[["rds"]], { # restore state
    # read the saved state
    state <- readRDS(input[["rds"]][["datapath"]])
    # restore data
    delay(0, {
      delay(0, { # restore the selected variable
        updateSelectInput(session, "X", selected = state[["X"]])
        delay(0, { # restore the checkbox state (log-transform)
          updateCheckboxInput(session, "log10", value = state[["log10"]])

shinyApp(ui, server)

I firstly tried to delay the updateSelectInput directly in the delay function, like this:

    delay(0, { # restore the selected variable
      updateSelectInput(session, "X", selected = state[["X"]])
      delay(0, { # restore the checkbox state (log-transform)
        updateCheckboxInput(session, "log10", value = state[["log10"]])

Oddly, that worked in the RStudio browser, but not in Chrome. This is why I added a nested delay function.


And now, restoring:

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