For loops for quick summaries in R
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Because I often work with categorical data, I find myself making lots of quick, sorted counts of variables in a dataset. I find that this is a really common technique to get to know a dataset you’re working with; I’ve also noticed David Robinson do it often in his screencasts. (If you haven’t checked these out, I cannot recommend these enough!)
Using for loops
As always, I need to make a disclaimer that I know I should be using some type of functional like lapply
or purrr::map
, but again since I’m newer to programming, I find it best to make a for loop first to better understand what’s happening.
This example uses a sample of the General Social Survey found in the forcats
library(tidyverse) gss <- forcats::gss_cat %>% as_tibble() gss ## # A tibble: 21,483 x 9 ## year marital age race rincome partyid relig denom tvhours ## <int> <fct> <int> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <int> ## 1 2000 Never ma~ 26 White $8000 to ~ Ind,near r~ Protesta~ Souther~ 12 ## 2 2000 Divorced 48 White $8000 to ~ Not str re~ Protesta~ Baptist~ NA ## 3 2000 Widowed 67 White Not appli~ Independent Protesta~ No deno~ 2 ## 4 2000 Never ma~ 39 White Not appli~ Ind,near r~ Orthodox~ Not app~ 4 ## 5 2000 Divorced 25 White Not appli~ Not str de~ None Not app~ 1 ## 6 2000 Married 25 White $20000 - ~ Strong dem~ Protesta~ Souther~ NA ## 7 2000 Never ma~ 36 White $25000 or~ Not str re~ Christian Not app~ 3 ## 8 2000 Divorced 44 White $7000 to ~ Ind,near d~ Protesta~ Luthera~ NA ## 9 2000 Married 44 White $25000 or~ Not str de~ Protesta~ Other 0 ## 10 2000 Married 47 White $25000 or~ Strong rep~ Protesta~ Souther~ 3 ## # ... with 21,473 more rows
What I want to do is quick count of the responses for each column of the survey. First, I just try to do it for the first column:
gss %>% group_by(year) %>% summarize(n = n()) ## # A tibble: 8 x 2 ## year n ## <int> <int> ## 1 2000 2817 ## 2 2002 2765 ## 3 2004 2812 ## 4 2006 4510 ## 5 2008 2023 ## 6 2010 2044 ## 7 2012 1974 ## 8 2014 2538
Easy enough. I could have wrote one less line of code with count()
, but the reason I am not has to do with how the for loops work. I found that count()
inside a for loop was nearly impossible, for reasons I have yet to understand.
Now let’s write the for loop. As always we want three things: output, sequence, and body.
gss_list <- vector("list", ncol(gss)) # 1. output for (i in 1:ncol(gss)) { # 2. sequence gss_list[[i]] <- gss %>% # 3. body group_by(gss[[i]]) %>% summarize(n = n()) } #printing the 8th item in the list for an example. gss_list[[7]] ## # A tibble: 15 x 2 ## `gss[[i]]` n ## <fct> <int> ## 1 No answer 93 ## 2 Don't know 15 ## 3 Inter-nondenominational 109 ## 4 Native american 23 ## 5 Christian 689 ## 6 Orthodox-christian 95 ## 7 Moslem/islam 104 ## 8 Other eastern 32 ## 9 Hinduism 71 ## 10 Buddhism 147 ## 11 Other 224 ## 12 None 3523 ## 13 Jewish 388 ## 14 Catholic 5124 ## 15 Protestant 10846
Awesome! That wasn’t so bad. And what’s nice is, if I print the whole list, I get a nice quick summary of counts for every column in the dataframe.
Here’s the problem: I want the column name in the dataframe, not gss[[i]]
, which isn’t meaningful. If I had 40 columns for instance, how could I keep track of what’s what?
Below, I add another line inside the for loop that replaces gss[[i]]
in each dataframe in gss_list
to the original column names.
gss_list <- vector("list", ncol(gss)) # 1. output for (i in 1:ncol(gss)) { # 2. sequence gss_list[[i]] <- gss %>% # 3. body group_by(gss[[i]]) %>% summarize(n = n()) %>% ungroup() colnames(gss_list[[i]])[1] <- names(gss)[i] #here I rename the column to its orig name. } #printing the 8th item in the list for an example. gss_list[[7]] ## # A tibble: 15 x 2 ## relig n ## <fct> <int> ## 1 No answer 93 ## 2 Don't know 15 ## 3 Inter-nondenominational 109 ## 4 Native american 23 ## 5 Christian 689 ## 6 Orthodox-christian 95 ## 7 Moslem/islam 104 ## 8 Other eastern 32 ## 9 Hinduism 71 ## 10 Buddhism 147 ## 11 Other 224 ## 12 None 3523 ## 13 Jewish 388 ## 14 Catholic 5124 ## 15 Protestant 10846
It’s not the prettiest code, but it does the trick. I’d love a more elegant solution, but for now, it works.
A quick plot
I always end by doing a quick plot, because really what’s the point of summarizing data like this without visualizing it in some way?
First, though, I want to group by the first column year
for all my counts, so I’ll tweak the for loop again.
gss_list <- vector("list", ncol(gss)) # 1. output for (i in 1:ncol(gss)) { # 2. sequence gss_list[[i]] <- gss %>% # 3. body group_by(year, gss[[i]]) %>% #adding the year column summarize(n = n()) %>% ungroup() colnames(gss_list[[i]])[2] <- names(gss)[i] #here I rename the column to its orig name. Note: it's the second column now! } #printing the 8th item in the list for an example. gss_list[[7]] ## # A tibble: 118 x 3 ## year relig n ## <int> <fct> <int> ## 1 2000 No answer 3 ## 2 2000 Don't know 1 ## 3 2000 Inter-nondenominational 17 ## 4 2000 Native american 4 ## 5 2000 Christian 39 ## 6 2000 Orthodox-christian 12 ## 7 2000 Moslem/islam 12 ## 8 2000 Other eastern 1 ## 9 2000 Hinduism 8 ## 10 2000 Buddhism 17 ## # ... with 108 more rows
Okay, now on to plotting! This is also a chance to show off Julia Silge’s awesome reorder_within()
function that allows you to easily reorder factors within each facet using facet_wrap()
library(scales) library(tidytext) #this has reorder_within() along with a lot of great functions for working with text. theme_set(theme_minimal(base_size = 10) + theme(plot.title = element_text(face = "bold"), axis.text = element_text(size = 8)) ) gss_list[[7]] %>% mutate(relig = reorder_within(relig, n, year)) %>% #use this inside of mutate ggplot(aes(x = relig, y = n, fill = relig)) + geom_col() + coord_flip() + facet_wrap(~year, scales = "free_y") + scale_x_reordered() + #and this to scale it properly. scale_fill_viridis_d(direction = -1) + scale_y_log10(labels = comma_format()) + theme(legend.position = "none") + labs( title = "Although the top five have remained steady,\nthere's been lots of movement in minority religions.", subtitle = "Count of religious affiliation, 2000-2014.", x = element_blank(), y = element_blank(), caption = "A sample of categorical variables from the General Social survey." )
Another thing to note that David Robinson got me hooked on is scale_y_log10()
; without it in this particular plot, it would be difficult to see how the smaller minority religions have changed across time. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you're looking to post or find an R/data-science job.
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