RSiteCatalyst Version 1.4.16 Release Notes

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It’s been a while since the last update, but RSiteCatalyst is still going strong! Thanks to Wen for submitting a fix/enhancement to enable the ability to use multiple columns from a Classification within the QueueDataWarehouse function. No other bug fixes were made, nor was any additional functionality added.

Version 1.4.16 of RSiteCatalyst was submitted to CRAN yesterday and should be available for download in the coming days.

Community Contributions

As I’ve mentioned in many a blog post before this one, I encourage all users of the software to continue reporting bugs via GitHub issues, and especially if you can provide a working code example. Even better, a fix via pull request will ensure that your bug will be addressed in a timely manner and for the benefit to others in the community.

Note: Please don’t email directly via the email in the RSiteCatalyst package, it will not be returned. Having a valid email contact in the package is a requirement to have a package listed on CRAN so they can contact the package author, it is not meant to imply I can/will provide endless, personalized support for free.

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