Strength of a Lennon song exposed with R function glue::glue
[This article was first published on Guillaume Pressiat, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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love_verse <- function(w1, w2, w3){
"Love is {b}, {b} is love
Love is {y}, {y} love
Love is {u} to be loved",
b = w1, y = w2, u = w3)
As a return, parameters sometimes gives echoes of poetry.
love_verse('real', 'feeling', 'wanting')
Love is real, real is love
Love is feeling, feeling love
Love is wanting to be loved
love_verse('touch', 'reaching', 'asking')
Love is touch, touch is love
Love is reaching, reaching love
Love is asking to be loved
## refrain
Love is you
You and me
Love is knowing
We can be
love_verse('free', 'living', 'needing')
Love is free, free is love
Love is living, living love
Love is needing to be loved
list(list(w1 = 'real', w2 = 'feeling', w3 = 'wanting'),
list(w1 = 'touch', w2 = 'reaching', w3 = 'asking' ),
list(w1 = 'free', w2 = 'living', w3 = 'needing')) %>%
purrr::map(function(x), x))
Love is real, real is love
Love is feeling, feeling love
Love is wanting to be loved
Love is touch, touch is love
Love is reaching, reaching love
Love is asking to be loved
Love is free, free is love
Love is living, living love
Love is needing to be loved
We could also read title of this article as “strength of an R function exposed with a Lennon song”…
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