Comparing methods using a prediction interval
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In this post, I will illustrate the use of prediction intervals for the comparison of measurement methods. In the example a new spectral method for measuring whole blood hemoglobin is compared with a reference method.
First, let’s start with discussing the large difference between a confidence interval and a prediction interval.
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Prediction interval versus Confidence interval
Very often a confidence interval is misinterpreted as a prediction interval, leading to unrealistic “precise” predictions. Prediction intervals (PI) resemble confidence intervals (CI), but the width of the PI is by definition larger than the width of the CI. Let’s assume that we measure the whole blood hemoglobin concentration in a random sample of 100 persons. We obtain the estimated mean (Est_mean), limits of the confidence interval (CI_Lower and CI_Upper) and limits of the prediction interval (PI_Lower and PI_Upper): (The R-code to do this is in the next paragraph)Est_mean | CI_Lower | CI_Upper | PI_Lower | PI_Upper |
140 | 138 | 143 | 113 | 167 |

Estimating a prediction interval in R
First, let’s simulate some data. The sample size in the plot above was (n=100). Now, to see the effect of the sample size on the width of the confidence interval and the prediction interval, let’s take a “sample” of 400 hemoglobin measurements using the same parameters:set.seed(123) hemoglobin<-rnorm(400, mean = 139, sd = 14.75) df<-data.frame(hemoglobin)Although we don’t need a linear regression yet, I’d like to use the lm() function, which makes it very easy to construct a confidence interval (CI) and a prediction interval (PI). We can estimate the mean by fitting a “regression model” with an intercept only (no slope). The default confidence level is 95%. -Confidence interval:
CI<-predict(lm(df$hemoglobin~ 1), interval="confidence") CI[1,] ## fit lwr upr ## 139.2474 137.8425 140.6524The CI object has a length of 400. But since there is no slope in our “model”, each row is exactly the same. -Prediction interval:
PI<-predict(lm(df$hemoglobin~ 1), interval="predict") current data refer to _future_ responses PI[1,] ## fit lwr upr ## 139.2474 111.1134 167.3815We get a “warning” that “predictions on current data refer to future responses”. That’s exactly what we want, so no worries there. As you see, the column names of the objects CI and PI are the same. Now, let’s visualize the confidence and the prediction interval. The code below is not very elegant but I like the result (tips are welcome :-))
library(ggplot2) limits_CI <- aes(x=1.3 , ymin=CI[1,2], ymax =CI[1,3]) limits_PI <- aes(x=0.7 , ymin=PI[1,2], ymax =PI[1,3]) PI_CI<-ggplot(df, aes(x=1, y=hemoglobin)) + geom_jitter(width=0.1, pch=21, fill="grey", alpha=0.5) + geom_errorbar (limits_PI, width=0.1, col="#1A425C") + geom_point (aes(x=0.7, y=PI[1,1]), col="#1A425C", size=2) + geom_errorbar (limits_CI, width=0.1, col="#8AB63F") + geom_point (aes(x=1.3, y=CI[1,1]), col="#8AB63F", size=2) + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,2))+ scale_y_continuous(limits=c(95,190))+ theme_bw()+ylab("Hemoglobin concentration (g/L)") + xlab(NULL)+ geom_text(aes(x=0.6, y=160, label="Prediction\ninterval", hjust="right", cex=2), col="#1A425C")+ geom_text(aes(x=1.4, y=140, label="Confidence\ninterval", hjust="left", cex=2), col="#8AB63F")+ theme(legend.position="none", axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) PI_CI

Example: comparing a new with a reference measurement method
A prediction interval can be useful in the case where a new method should replace a standard (or reference) method. If we can predict well enough what the measurement by the reference method would be, (given the new method), than the two methods give similar information and the new method can be used. For example in (Tian, 2017) a new spectral method (Near-Infra-Red) to measure hemoglobin is compared with a Golden Standard. In contrast with the Golden Standard method, the new spectral method does not require reagents. Moreover, the new method is faster. We will investigate whether we can predict well enough, based on the measured concentration of the new method, what the measurement by the Golden Standard would be. (note: the measured concentrations presented below are fictive)Hb<- read.table("", header = TRUE) head(Hb)
New | Reference |
84.97 | 87.24 |
99.91 | 103.4 |
111.8 | 116.7 |
117 | 116.7 |
118.1 | 113.5 |
118.2 | 121.7 |
plot(Hb$New, Hb$Reference, xlab="Hemoglobin concentration (g/L) - new method", ylab="Hemoglobin concentration (g/L) - reference method")

Prediction Interval based on linear regression
Now, let’s fit a linear regression model predicting the hemogoblin concentrations measured by the reference method, based on the concentrations measured with the new <- lm(Hb$Reference ~ Hb$New) plot(Hb$New, Hb$Reference, xlab="Hemoglobin concentration (g/L) - new method", ylab="Hemoglobin concentration (g/L) - reference method") cat ("Adding the regression line:")Adding the regression line:
abline (a=fit.lm$coefficients[1], b=fit.lm$coefficients[2] ) cat ("Adding the identity line:")Adding the identity line (dotted line):
abline (a=0, b=1, lty=2)

CI_ex <- predict(fit.lm, interval="confidence") colnames(CI_ex)<- c("fit_CI", "lwr_CI", "upr_CI")And the prediction interval:
PI_ex <- predict(fit.lm, interval="prediction") ## predictions on current data refer to _future_ responses colnames(PI_ex)<- c("fit_PI", "lwr_PI", "upr_PI")We can combine those results in one dataframe and plot both the confidence interval and the prediction interval
Hb_results<-cbind(Hb, CI_ex, PI_ex) head(Hb_results)
New | Reference | fit_CI | lwr_CI | upr_CI | fit_PI | lwr_PI | upr_PI |
84.97 | 87.24 | 90.58 | 87.39 | 93.76 | 90.58 | 82.14 | 99.02 |
99.91 | 103.4 | 103.8 | 101.4 | 106.2 | 103.8 | 95.66 | 112 |
111.8 | 116.7 | 114.4 | 112.6 | 116.2 | 114.4 | 106.4 | 122.4 |
117 | 116.7 | 119 | 117.4 | 120.5 | 119 | 111 | 126.9 |
118.1 | 113.5 | 120 | 118.5 | 121.5 | 120 | 112 | 127.9 |
118.2 | 121.7 | 120.1 | 118.6 | 121.6 | 120.1 | 112.1 | 128 |
plot(Hb$New, Hb$Reference, xlab="Hemoglobin concentration (g/L) - new method", ylab="Hemoglobin concentration (g/L) - reference method") Hb_results_s <- Hb_results[order(Hb_results$New),] lines (x=Hb_results_s$New, y=Hb_results_s$fit_CI) lines (x=Hb_results_s$New, y=Hb_results_s$lwr_CI, col="#8AB63F", lwd=1.2) lines (x=Hb_results_s$New, y=Hb_results_s$upr_CI, col="#8AB63F", lwd=1.2) lines (x=Hb_results_s$New, y=Hb_results_s$lwr_PI, col="#1A425C", lwd=1.2) lines (x=Hb_results_s$New, y=Hb_results_s$upr_PI, col="#1A425C", lwd=1.2) abline (a=0, b=1, lty=2)

- Predictions intervals are very sensitive to deviations from the normal distribution.
- In “standard” linear regression (or Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression),the presence of measurement error is allowed for the Y-variable (here, the reference method) but not for the X-variable (the new method). In other words, the absence of errors on the x-axis is one of the assumptions. Since we can expect some measurement error for the new method, this assumption is violated here.
Taking into account errors on both axes
In contrast to Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression, Bivariate Least Square (BLS) regression takes into account the measurement errors of both methods (the New method and the Reference method). Interestingly, prediction intervals calculated with BLS are not affected when the axes are switched (del Rio, 2001). In 2017, a new R-package BivRegBLS was released. It offers several methods to assess the agreement in method comparison studies, including Bivariate Least Square (BLS) regression. If the data are unreplicated but the variance of the measurement error of the methods is known, The BLS() and XY.plot() functions can be used to fit a bivariate Least Square regression line and corresponding confidence and prediction intervals.library (BivRegBLS) Hb.BLS = BLS (data = Hb, xcol = c("New"), ycol = c("Reference"), var.y=10, var.x=8, conf.level=0.95) XY.plot (Hb.BLS, yname = "Hemoglobin concentration (g/L) - reference method", xname = "Hemoglobin concentration (g/L) - new method", = c("CI","PI"))Now we would like to decide whether the new method can replace the reference method. We allow the methods to differ up to a given threshold, which is not clinically relevant. Based on this threshold an “acceptance interval” is created. Suppose that differences up to 10 g/L (=threshold) are not clinically relevant, then the acceptance interval can be defined as Y=X±Δ, with Δ equal to 10. If the PI is inside the acceptance interval for the measurement range of interest then the two measurement methods can be considered to be interchangeable (see Francq, 2016). The argument of the XY.plot() function allows for a visualization of this acceptance interval.
XY.plot (Hb.BLS, yname = "Hemoglobin concentration (g/L) - reference method", xname = "Hemoglobin concentration (g/L) - new method", = c("CI","PI"),
Regression on replicated data
In method comparison studies, it is adviced to create replicates (2 or more measurements of the same sample with the same method). An example of such a dataset:Hb_rep <- read.table("", header = TRUE) head(Hb_rep)
New_rep1 | New_rep2 | Ref_rep1 | Ref_rep2 |
88.25 | 94.98 | 90.17 | 84.01 |
109.1 | 109.2 | 106.9 | 98.17 |
114.6 | 122.5 | 116.2 | 118.2 |
120.2 | 114.6 | 114.5 | 104.3 |
108.4 | 110.7 | 116.5 | 108.7 |
125.9 | 124.4 | 112.6 | 112.4 |
Hb_rep.BLS = BLS (data = Hb_rep, xcol = c("New_rep1", "New_rep2"), ycol = c("Ref_rep1", "Ref_rep2"), qx = 1, qy = 1, conf.level=0.95, pred.level=0.95) XY.plot (Hb_rep.BLS, yname = "Hemoglobin concentration (g/L) - reference method", xname = "Hemoglobin concentration (g/L) - new method", = c("CI","PI"),

plot(x=c(Hb_rep$New_rep1, Hb_rep$New_rep2), y=c(Hb_rep$Ref_rep1, Hb_rep$Ref_rep2), xlab="Hemoglobin concentration (g/L) - new method", ylab="Hemoglobin concentration (g/L) - reference method") lines (x=as.numeric(Hb_rep.BLS$Pred.BLS[,1]), y=as.numeric(Hb_rep.BLS$Pred.BLS[,2]), lwd=2) lines (x=as.numeric(Hb_rep.BLS$Pred.BLS[,1]), y=as.numeric(Hb_rep.BLS$Pred.BLS[,3]), col="#8AB63F", lwd=2) lines (x=as.numeric(Hb_rep.BLS$Pred.BLS[,1]), y=as.numeric(Hb_rep.BLS$Pred.BLS[,4]), col="#8AB63F", lwd=2) lines (x=as.numeric(Hb_rep.BLS$Pred.BLS[,1]), y=as.numeric(Hb_rep.BLS$Pred.BLS[,5]), col="#1A425C", lwd=2) lines (x=as.numeric(Hb_rep.BLS$Pred.BLS[,1]), y=as.numeric(Hb_rep.BLS$Pred.BLS[,6]), col="#1A425C", lwd=2) abline (a=0, b=1, lty=2)

- Although not appropriate in the context of method comparison studies, Pearson correlation is still frequently used. See Bland & Altman (2003) for an explanation on why correlations are not adviced.
- Methods presented in this blogpost are not applicable to time-series
-Confidence interval and prediction interval: Applied Linear Statistical Models, 2005, Michael Kutner, Christopher Nachtsheim, John Neter, William Li. Section 2.5 -Prediction interval for method comparison: Bland, J. M. and Altman, D. G. (2003), Applying the right statistics: analyses of measurement studies. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 22: 85-93. doi:10.1002/uog.12 section: “Appropriate use of regression”. Francq, B. G., and Govaerts, B. (2016) How to regress and predict in a Bland-Altman plot? Review and contribution based on tolerance intervals and correlated-errors-in-variables models. Statist. Med., 35: 2328-2358. doi: 10.1002/sim.6872. del Río, F. J., Riu, J. and Rius, F. X. (2001), Prediction intervals in linear regression taking into account errors on both axes. J. Chemometrics, 15: 773-788. doi:10.1002/cem.663 -Example of a method comparison study: H. Tian, M. Li, Y. Wang, D. Sheng, J. Liu, and L. Zhang, “Optical wavelength selection for portable hemoglobin determination by near-infrared spectroscopy method,” Infrared Phys. Techn 86, 98-102 (2017). -the predict() and lm() functions of R: Chambers, J. M. and Hastie, T. J. (1992) Statistical Models in S. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.The post Comparing methods using a prediction interval appeared first on Colman Statistics.
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