Candlestick charts using Plotly and Quantmod

[This article was first published on R – Modern Data, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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This post is dedicated to creating candlestick charts using Plotly’s R-API.
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We’ll also showcase Plotly’s awesome new range selector feature !
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plotlyCandleStick <- function(symbol = "MSFT", fillcolor = "#ff6666", hollowcolor = "#39ac73", linewidth = 4, plotcolor = "#3E3E3E", papercolor = "#1E2022", fontcolor = "#B3A78C", startdate = "2015-01-01"){ # Get OHLC prices using quantmod prices <- getSymbols(symbol, auto.assign = F) prices <- prices[index(prices) >= startdate] # Convert to dataframe prices <- data.frame(time = index(prices), open = as.numeric(prices[,1]), high = as.numeric(prices[,2]), low = as.numeric(prices[,3]), close = as.numeric(prices[,4]), volume = as.numeric(prices[,5])) # Create line segments for high and low prices plot.base <- data.frame() plot.hollow <- data.frame() plot.filled <- data.frame() for(i in 1:nrow(prices)){ x <- prices[i, ] # For high / low mat <- rbind(c(x[1], x[3]), c(x[1], x[4]), c(NA, NA)) plot.base <- rbind(plot.base, mat) # For open / close if(x[2] > x[5]){ mat <- rbind(c(x[1], x[2]), c(x[1], x[5]), c(NA, NA)) plot.filled <- rbind(plot.filled, mat) }else{ mat <- rbind(c(x[1], x[2]), c(x[1], x[5]), c(NA, NA)) plot.hollow <- rbind(plot.hollow, mat) } } colnames(plot.base) <- colnames(plot.hollow) <- colnames(plot.filled) <- c("x", "y") plot.base$x <- as.Date(as.numeric(plot.base$x)) plot.hollow$x <- as.Date(as.numeric(plot.hollow$x)) plot.filled$x <- as.Date(as.numeric(plot.filled$x)) hovertxt <- paste("Date: ", round(prices$time,2), "<br>", "High: ", round(prices$high,2),"<br>", "Low: ", round(prices$low,2),"<br>", "Open: ", round(prices$open,2),"<br>", "Close: ", round(prices$close,2)) # Base plot for High / Low prices p <- plot_ly(plot.base, x = x, y = y, mode = "lines", marker = list(color = '#9b9797'), line = list(width = 1), showlegend = F, hoverinfo = "none") # Trace for when open price > close price p <- add_trace(p, data = plot.filled, x = x, y = y, mode = "lines", marker = list(color = fillcolor), line = list(width = linewidth), showlegend = F, hoverinfo = "none") # Trace for when open price < close price p <- add_trace(p, data = plot.hollow, x = x, y = y, mode = "lines", marker = list(color = hollowcolor), line = list(width = linewidth), showlegend = F, hoverinfo = "none") # Trace for volume p <- add_trace(p, data = prices, x = time, y = volume/1e6, type = "bar", marker = list(color = "#ff9933"), showlegend = F, hoverinfo = "x+y", yaxis = "y2") # Trace for hover info p <- add_trace(p, data = prices, x = time, y = high, opacity = 0, hoverinfo = "text", text = hovertxt, showlegend = F) # Layout options p <- layout(p, xaxis = list(title = "", showgrid = F, tickformat = "%b-%Y", tickfont = list(color = fontcolor), rangeselector = list( x = 0.85, y = 0.97, bgcolor = "fontcolor", buttons = list( list( count = 3, label = "3 mo", step = "month", stepmode = "backward"), list( count = 6, label = "6 mo", step = "month", stepmode = "backward"), list( count = 1, label = "1 yr", step = "year", stepmode = "backward"), list( count = 1, label = "YTD", step = "year", stepmode = "todate"), list(step = "all")))), yaxis = list(title = "Price", gridcolor = "#8c8c8c", tickfont = list(color = fontcolor), titlefont = list(color = fontcolor), domain = c(0.30, 0.95)), yaxis2 = list(gridcolor = "#8c8c8c", tickfont = list(color = fontcolor), titlefont = list(color = fontcolor), side = "right", domain = c(0, 0.2)), paper_bgcolor = papercolor, plot_bgcolor = plotcolor, margin = list(r = 50, t = 50), annotations = list( list(x = 0.02, y = 0.25, text = "Volume(mil)", ax = 0, ay = 0, align = "left", xref = "paper", yref = "paper", xanchor = "left", yanchor = "top", font = list(size = 20, color = fontcolor)), list(x = 0, y = 1, text = symbol, ax = 0, ay = 0, align = "left", xref = "paper", yref = "paper", xanchor = "left", yanchor = "top", font = list(size = 20, color = fontcolor)), list(x = 0.1, y = 1, text = paste("Start: ", format(min(prices$time), "%b-%Y"), "<br>End: ", format(max(prices$time), "%b-%Y")), ax = 0, ay = 0, align = "left", xref = "paper", yref = "paper", xanchor = "left", yanchor = "top", font = list(size = 10, color = fontcolor)) )) return(p) } library(plotly) library(quantmod) plotlyCandleStick("TSLA")
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