Set up R/Stan on Amazon EC2

[This article was first published on Christopher Gandrud (간드루드 크리스토파), and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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A few months ago I posted the script that I use to set up my R/JAGS working environment on an Amazon EC2 instance.

Since then I’ve largely transitioned to using R/Stan to estimate my models. So, I’ve updated my setup script (see below).

There are a few other changes:

  • I don’t install/use RStudio on Amazon EC2. Instead, I just use R from the terminal. Don’t get me wrong, I love RStudio. But since what I’m doing on EC2 is just running simulations (I handle the results on my local machine), RStudio is overkill.

  • I don’t install git anymore. Instead I use source_url (from devtools) and source_data (from repmis) to source scripts from GitHub. Again all of the manipulation I’m doing to these scripts is on my local machine.

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