Couch, apis and all that
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It is getting easier to get data directly into R from the web. Often R packages that retrieve data from the web return useful R data structures like a data.frame or plot. This is a good thing of course to make things user friendly.
However, what if you want to drill down into the data that’s returned from a query to a database in R? What if you want to get that nice data.frame in R, but you think you may want to look at the raw data later? The raw data from web queries are often JSON or XML data. This type of data, especially JSON, can be easily stored in schemaless so-called NoSQL databases, and queried later.
So here’s the use case, or workflow:
- Query a database on the web, and choose to write the raw data to a local database.
- Do whatever you want with the output R object – analyze, visualize, etc.
- Now you want to go back and search through some of the raw data. But, that query took an hour. Since you wrote it to a local database, you can search the data.
- If you hadn’t written it locally, you would have to make a new web call.
I’ve started an R package to interact with the NoSQL database CouchDB. This is a schemaless database that speaks JSON, so you can store JSON and get back JSON (no worries about XML, we can just wrap it in JSON). What’s especially cool is you can interact with CouchDB via a RESTful API. CouchDB doesn’t have full text search built in (though you can build map-reduce Views, basically preset queries on the database), so I added functions (and docs to help) to interact with the CouchDB River plugin for Elasticsearch, which provides powerful full text search via an API interface. But nevermind the tech details – all this just means you can search on the full text of your stored data.
Is this for the casual R user? Probably not. But, I imagine there are R users out there that want some more flexibility when it comes to interacting with web data in R. It is nice and tidy to get back an R data.frame from a web call, but having the raw data at your fingertips could be super powerful.
I’ll describe using an R package to interat with a web database with sofa baked in, and discuss a bit about the functions within sofa.
I would be remiss if I did not point out that there was another R package to interact with CouchDB before sofa: R4couchdb.
First start CouchDB in your terminal
You can do this from anywhere in your directory. See here for instructions on how to install CouchDB.
Then start elasticsearch in your terminal
See here for instructions on how to install Elasticsearch and the River CouchDB plugin.
cd /usr/local/elasticsearch
bin/elasticsearch -f
Install sofa
# Uncomment these lines if you don't have these packages installed # install.packages('devtools') library(devtools) install_github('sofa', # 'ropensci') install_github('alm', 'ropensci', ref='couch') library(sofa) library(alm)
Simultaneously write data to CouchDB along with API calls using the alm package to get altmetrics data on PLoS papers. Ping to make sure CouchDB is on
sofa_ping() couchdb version "Welcome" "1.2.1"
Create a new database
sofa_createdb(dbname = "alm_db") ok TRUE
Write couchdb database name to options
options(couch_db_name = "alm_db")
List the databases
sofa_listdbs() [1] "_replicator" "_users" [3] "alm_couchdb" "alm_db" [5] "dudedb" "example" [7] "poop" "rplos_db" [9] "shit" "shitty" [11] "shitty2" "test_suite_db" [13] "test_suite_db/with_slashes" "test_suite_reports" [15] "testr2couch" "twitter_db"
Search for altmetrics normally, w/o writing to a database
head(alm(doi = "10.1371/journal.pone.0029797")) .id pdf html shares groups comments likes citations total 1 bloglines NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0 2 citeulike NA NA 1 NA NA NA NA 1 3 connotea NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0 4 crossref NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 4 5 nature NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 4 6 postgenomic NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0
Search for altmetrics normally, while writing to a database
head(alm(doi = "10.1371/journal.pone.0029797", write2couch = TRUE)) .id pdf html shares groups comments likes citations total 1 bloglines NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0 2 citeulike NA NA 1 NA NA NA NA 1 3 connotea NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0 4 crossref NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 4 5 nature NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 4 6 postgenomic NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0
Make lots of calls, and write them simultaneously
# install_github('rplos', 'ropensci') library(rplos) dois <- searchplos(terms = "evolution", fields = "id", limit = 100) out <- alm(doi = as.character(dois[, 1]), write2couch = TRUE) lapply(out[1:2], head) $`01` .id pdf html shares groups comments likes citations total 1 bloglines NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0 2 citeulike NA NA 0 NA NA NA NA 0 3 connotea NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0 4 crossref NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0 5 nature NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0 6 postgenomic NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0 $`02` .id pdf html shares groups comments likes citations total 1 bloglines NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0 2 citeulike NA NA 1 NA NA NA NA 1 3 connotea NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0 4 crossref NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 2 5 nature NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0 6 postgenomic NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0
Writing data to CouchDB does take a bit longer
system.time(alm(doi = as.character(dois[, 1])[1:60], write2couch = FALSE)) user system elapsed 2.646 0.020 4.464 system.time(alm(doi = as.character(dois[, 1])[1:60], write2couch = TRUE)) user system elapsed 4.692 0.086 7.022
Search using elasticsearch
tell elasticsearch to start indexing your database
elastic_start(dbname = "alm_db") $ok [1] TRUE
Search your database
out <- elastic_search(dbname = "alm_db", q = "twitter", parse_ = TRUE) out$hits$total [1] 549
Using views
Write a view - here letting key be the default of null
sofa_view_put(dbname = "alm_db", design_name = "myview", value = "doc.baseurl") $ok [1] TRUE $id [1] "_design/myview" $rev [1] "1-e7c17cff1b96e4595c3781da53e16ad8"
Get info on your new view
sofa_view_get(dbname = "alm_db", design_name = "myview") $`_id` [1] "_design/myview" $`_rev` [1] "1-e7c17cff1b96e4595c3781da53e16ad8" $views $views$foo map "function(doc){emit(null,doc.baseurl)}"
Get data using a view
out <- sofa_view_search(dbname = "alm_db", design_name = "myview") length(out$rows) # 160 results [1] 161 sapply(out$rows, function(x) x$value)[1:5] # the values, just the API call URLs [1] "" [2] "" [3] "" [4] "" [5] ""
Delete the view
sofa_view_del(dbname = "alm_db", design_name = "myview") [1] ""
What happens now?
Well, if no one uses this, then probably nothing. Though, if people think this could be useful, then...
- It would be cool to make easy hooks into any package making web calls to allow users to write data to CouchDB if they choose to, sort of like the example above with rplos.
- Perhaps automate some of the setup for CouchDB for users, making system calls so they don't have to.
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