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Survey in R course taught by Thomas Lumley at is offering a new online course, “Survey Analysis in R,” debuts March 23 – April 20, with Dr. Thomas Lumley. Dr. Lumley is the creator of the R package “Survey,” and the author of the course text – “Complex Surveys: A Guide to Analysis Using R.” The course is suitable for those with some familiarity with R and with survey design, and who need to put the two together. Dr. Lumley is a Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Auckland and, in addition to the “Survey” package for R and the related book, has published numerous journal articles in his areas of research interest, which include regression modeling, clinical trials, statistical computing, and survey research. He is also coauthor of Biostatistics: A Methodology for the Health Sciences, Second Edition, published by Wiley. Participants can ask questions and exchange comments with Dr. Lumley via a private discussion board throughout the course. Course details: