Kenneth French Gift to the Finance World
[This article was first published on Timely Portfolio, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Kenneth French gives one of the best gifts to the finance world at his website I am surprised I have waited so long to write a post about this wonderful resource. After seeing Systematic Relative Strength’s post The #1 Investment Return Factor No One Wants to Talk About, I thought I would play with Size and Momentum in R, and it is very clear that size and momentum have been very important return factors.
From TimelyPortfolio |
From TimelyPortfolio |
From TimelyPortfolio |
#get very helpful Ken French data #for this project we will look at Momentum Portfolios # require(PerformanceAnalytics) require(quantmod) require(ggplot2) my.url="" my.tempfile<-paste(tempdir(),"\\",sep="") my.usefile<-paste(tempdir(),"\\6_Portfolios_ME_Prior_12_2.txt",sep="") download.file(my.url, my.tempfile, method="auto", quiet = FALSE, mode = "wb",cacheOK = TRUE) unzip(my.tempfile,exdir=tempdir(),junkpath=TRUE) #read space delimited text file extracted from zip french_momentum <- read.table(file=my.usefile, header = TRUE, sep = "", = TRUE, skip = 12, nrows=1013) colnames(french_momentum) <- c(paste("Small", colnames(french_momentum)[1:3],sep="."), paste("Large",colnames(french_momentum)[1:3],sep=".")) #get dates ready for xts index datestoformat <- rownames(french_momentum) datestoformat <- paste(substr(datestoformat,1,4), substr(datestoformat,5,7),"01",sep="-") #get xts for analysis french_momentum_xts <- as.xts(french_momentum[,1:6], french_momentum_xts <- french_momentum_xts/100 #jpeg(filename="performance by momentum and size.jpg",quality=100,width=6.25, height = 5, units="in",res=96) charts.PerformanceSummary(french_momentum_xts,ylog=TRUE, main="Performance by Kenneth French Size and Momentum Monthly Since 1927", colorset=c("cadetblue3","cadetblue","cadetblue4", "darkolivegreen3","darkolivegreen","darkolivegreen4")) mtext("Source:", side=1,adj=0,cex=0.75) #jpeg(filename="rolling performance by momentum and size.jpg",quality=100,width=6.25, height = 5, units="in",res=96) chart.RollingPerformance(french_momentum_xts,width=36, main="Performance by Kenneth French Size and Momentum 36 Month Rolling Since 1927", legend.loc = "bottomright", colorset=c("cadetblue3","cadetblue","cadetblue4", "darkolivegreen3","darkolivegreen","darkolivegreen4")) mtext("Source:", side=1,adj=0,cex=0.75) #use ggplot2 for boxplot #could also use chart.Boxplot() from PerformanceAnalytics df <- cbind(as.Date(index(french_momentum_xts)), coredata(french_momentum_xts))) dfmelt <- melt(df,id.vars=1) colnames(dfmelt) <- c("date","frenchmomentum","return") #jpeg(filename="boxplot by momentum and size.jpg",quality=100,width=6.25, height = 5, units="in",res=96) ggplot(dfmelt,aes(x=frenchmomentum,y=return,colour=frenchmomentum)) + geom_boxplot() + opts(title="Kenneth French Momentum and Size")
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