R Function Usage Frequencies, Take 2
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Yesterday, Hadley Wickham commented on my post on the frequency of calling various R functions that it would be helpful to have the number of packages that call a function in addition to the number of times that the function is called. I compiled the relevant data last night: you can grab it here This data set includes a row for every function I found, indexed by each of the packages and files in which it was used. At this higher level of resolution, I record the number of times each function was called.
To get a sense of the correspondence between these measures, below I’ve plotted the number of packages using each function in my data set against the log number of times each function is called:

And here’s a new top 25 most called functions table:
Function | Packages Using Function |
function | 1903 |
if | 1846 |
c | 1795 |
length | 1791 |
list | 1679 |
for | 1656 |
return | 1559 |
stop | 1538 |
paste | 1526 |
rep | 1512 |
matrix | 1419 |
is.null | 1413 |
sum | 1396 |
max | 1368 |
cat | 1308 |
names | 1297 |
is.na | 1241 |
min | 1216 |
cbind | 1175 |
nrow | 1158 |
sqrt | 1157 |
t | 1134 |
1120 | |
class | 1120 |
seq | 1098 |
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