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Cosmopsychism and the Many Worlds Interpretation: A Monistic Perspective on Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics

[This article was first published on R-Bloggers – Learning Machines, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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The topic of consciousness doesn’t cease to fascinate me. I have already written about it here: Will AI become conscious any time soon?. This essay could be seen as a continuation of my ongoing journey towards an integrated (holistic) worldview of mind and matter, that could be characterized as having a spiritual dimension to it, yet being grounded in science.

The essay was written with the help of ChatGPT-4, yet the ideas therein are my own. Of course, those ideas don’t come from nowhere, they can be seen as a culmination of my decadelong thinking about those topics. The most recent inspirations came especially from my colleagues Professor Phillip Goff, Durham University, and Professor Heinrich Päs, Technical University Dortmund. The picture was created with DALL-E.


In the realm of philosophy and physics, cosmopsychism and the Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics are two intriguing ideas. Cosmopsychism posits that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of the cosmos, while the MWI suggests that every possible outcome of a quantum event results in the creation of new, parallel universes. This essay explores the combination of these two concepts, arguing that the all-encompassing cosmic consciousness seeks to experience all possible states of mind and emotion through the existence of multiple worlds, with quantum mechanics providing the mechanism for this process. By presenting consciousness as an essential aspect of existence, this view offers a monistic perspective that contrasts with traditional dualistic philosophies.

Cosmopsychism: A Brief Overview

Cosmopsychism is a philosophical position that asserts consciousness is an intrinsic and fundamental aspect of the universe. Instead of viewing consciousness as emerging from complex physical processes, cosmopsychism sees it as a primary quality of reality. The idea proposes that all entities within the universe, including humans, are part of a greater cosmic consciousness that forms the basis of all existence. This perspective challenges the dualistic notion of a divide between the mental and physical realms, suggesting instead that they are deeply interconnected aspects of a single, unified reality.

The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

The MWI of quantum mechanics is a theory that aims to explain the seemingly strange and paradoxical behavior of particles at the quantum level. According to the MWI, when a quantum event occurs, the universe splits into parallel branches, with each branch representing a possible outcome of the event. Consequently, an infinite number of parallel universes exist, each embodying a different configuration of reality. In this framework, all potential states of existence are simultaneously actualized, allowing for a vast array of experiences and perspectives to coexist.

The Union of Cosmopsychism and the Many Worlds Interpretation

The connection between cosmopsychism and the MWI can be illustrated by envisioning the cosmic consciousness as a vast experiential landscape, eager to explore the full range of emotions, thoughts, and perspectives through the medium of countless parallel universes. Quantum mechanics, as described by the MWI, provides the mechanism by which this can be accomplished. Each quantum event generates an array of potential outcomes, effectively multiplying the number of available experiences and enabling the cosmic consciousness to explore every conceivable state of mind.

In this unified model, our individual consciousness is an inseparable component of the greater cosmic consciousness, with our unique experiences contributing to the totality of reality. As such, our personal encounters with the world around us are not isolated occurrences but rather integral aspects of the broader, interconnected tapestry of existence. By positioning consciousness as a fundamental component of reality, this monistic approach eliminates the need for a dualistic divide between the mental and the physical, offering a more cohesive and holistic understanding of the universe.


The fusion of cosmopsychism and the Many Worlds Interpretation presents a fascinating and profound perspective on the nature of consciousness and the workings of the universe. By envisioning the cosmic consciousness as an entity seeking to experience all possible states of mind through the mechanism of quantum mechanics, this approach offers a compelling monistic alternative to dualistic philosophies. In this view, our consciousness and the physical world are not separate entities, but rather, interconnected aspects of a single, all-encompassing reality. This perspective not only enriches our understanding of the cosmos but also deepens our appreciation for the intricate and boundless tapestry of existence.

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