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curl 5.0.0: massive concurrent downloads and HTTP/2

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curl 5.0.0 is on CRAN

A new major version of the curl package has been released to CRAN. This release both brings internal improvements as well as new user-facing functionality, in particular with respect to concurrent downloads. From the NEWS file:

curl 5.0.0
- New function multi_download() which supports concurrent downloads and resuming
download for large files, while giving detailed progress information.
- Windows: updated libcurl to 7.84.0 + nghttp2
- Windows: default to CURLSSLOPT_NATIVE_CA when using openssl unless an ennvar
with CURL_CA_BUNDLE is set.
- Use the new optiontype API for type checking if available (libcurl 7.73.0)

The curl package is used by most other R packages for performing HTTP requests. Over 60% of rOpenSci packages directly or indirectly depend on curl for network interaction, hence improvements and bugs in curl have a big impact on the entire ecosystem.

New advanced download function

The most exciting new feature is multi_download(): an advanced alternative to curl_download(). It can perform many requests concurrently, with nice progress updates and support for interrupting and resuming large files. This function does not error in case any of the individual requests fail; it returns a data frame with information about the status of each request.

pkg <- 'curl'
mirror <- ''
db <- available.packages(repos = mirror)
packages <- c(pkg, tools::package_dependencies(pkg, db = db, reverse = TRUE)[[pkg]])
versions <- db[packages,'Version']
urls <- sprintf("%s/src/contrib/%s_%s.tar.gz", mirror, packages, versions)
res <- curl::multi_download(urls)
all.equal(unname(tools::md5sum(res$destfile)), unname(db[packages, 'MD5sum']))

Above a small example from the ?multi_download manual, which downloads all reverse dependencies for a given CRAN package. It downloads 316 files, total 261.41 Mb. On a fast server, the multi_download() part takes about 1 or 2 seconds.

The function scales well in terms of the number of requests. Below is an example, which downloads the DESCRIPTION file for the first 3000 CRAN packages. On a fast server (with HTTP/2 support) this again takes about 2 or 3 seconds.

mirror <- ''
pkgs <- row.names(available.packages(repos = mirror))[1:3000]
urls <- sprintf('%s/web/packages/%s/DESCRIPTION', mirror, pkgs)
files <- sprintf('descriptions/%s.txt', pkgs)
dir.create('descriptions', showWarnings = FALSE)
res <- curl::multi_download(urls, files)

This second example will especially from HTTP/2 support because there are many small files that can be multiplexed, whereas with HTTP/1.1 these need to be requested one after another.

Updated libcurl and HTTP/2 on Windows

The Windows binaries are now using libcurl 7.84.0 with nghttp 1.51.0. The latter brings support for HTTP/2, but only when using the OpenSSL TLS backend, which is not (yet) the default. You can change this by setting the CURL_SSL_BACKEND environment variable in your ~/.Renviron file and then restart R. The Windows vignette explains this in more detail.

To test if HTTP/2 is working you can perform a verbose request:

multi_download('', tempfile(), verbose = TRUE)

And the output will show HTTP/2 200 somewhere in the response:

* Connection state changed (MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS == 128)!
< HTTP/2 200

Right now OpenSSL is not the default, because Windows Native TLS back-end may be more robust, which has to do with the next topic.

OpenSSL now uses the Windows certificate store

As mentioned above, libcurl on Windows can use one of two SSL back-ends (for https): SecureChannel (the native Windows TLS implementation) or OpenSSL. OpenSSL is also used by most other operating systems and is therefore better tested and moreover it supports HTTP/2. However there was always a big limitation with OpenSSL Windows: it required us to ship a ca-bundle with root certificates, which gets outdated quickly and may not work well on corporate networks that use custom SSL certificates.

This has now changed because libcurl has gained a new experimental option CURLSSLOPT_NATIVE_CA which lets OpenSSL import the root certificates from the native Windows certificate store, instead of a custom ca-bundle. The R package now enables this option by default when using the OpenSSL back-end. Thereby curl in R should support the same TLS connections, regardless of which SSL back-end is in use. This might make OpenSSL once again the preferable option, and if this works well we may make it the default in a future version of the R package.

Better internal type checking

The final topic is mostly an internal change, but I’m pretty proud of it because it is based on functionality in libcurl that I proposed myself, and is now finally widely available.

At the curl-up 2020 conference I gave a presentation 5 years of libcurl bindings for R, after which we had a discussion on potential improvements for language bindings, such as in the R package. Eventually this led to the proposal of a new API that exposes a list of supported libcurl options and their types, to the language binding. This is important such that when users in R set an option in new_handle(), it can be verified that the option is valid and has the correct type (e.g. string, number, vector), because passing invalid types to libcurl will result in a crash.

The proposal was merged later in 2020, and is now (2 years later) available in the stable versions of most operating systems. Version 5.0.0 of the R package (conditionally) use this API if available, which makes the type bindings safer to use.

It's been a journey, but with help from friends like @opencpu, today we landed a new API to libcurl to query it for details about "easy options". This should allow for better libcurl bindings in the future.

Suitable staring point for reading up:

— daniel:// stenberg:// (@bagder) August 27, 2020
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