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Playing Wordle in R

[This article was first published on R – Statistical Odds & Ends, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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The game Wordle has taken the world (or at least my facebook feed) by storm. It’s a really simple word game that’s a lot like the classic Mastermind. Here are the rules from the Wordle website:

The logic behind the game is pretty simple, so I thought I’d code up an R version so that those of you who can’t get enough of it can play it on your own! The full code is available here.

In my version, I allow the user to set 3 parameters:

While the user sees guesses and answers as strings (e.g."early"), it’s much easier to work with vectors of characters in R (e.g. c("e", "a", "r", "l", "y")). Since these are going to be short words, there isn’t much of a performance difference.

I only have one helper function, which takes a guess and the answer (as character vectors) and evaluates the color of the tiles (“G” for green, “Y” for yellow, “-” for neither). I use two passes over the guess vector: the first to evaluate which tiles should be green, and the second to evaluate which should be yellow. There might be a way to do it over one pass, but I wanted to achieve certain behavior when letters were repeated (either in guess or answer) that wasn’t easy to do so in one pass. Again, there isn’t much of a performance hit since the words are short.

evaluateGuess <- function(guessVec, answerVec) {
  wordLength <- length(answerVec)

  resVec <- rep("-", wordLength)
  # first pass: mark exact matches (green)
  for (i in 1:wordLength) {
    if (guessVec[i] == answerVec[i]) {
      resVec[i] <- "G"
      answerVec[i] <- "-"  # mark unavailable for yellow
  # second pass: mark yellow
  for (i in 1:wordLength) {
    if (resVec[i] != "G") {
      idx <- match(guessVec[i], answerVec)
      if (! {
        resVec[i] <- "Y"
        answerVec[idx] <- "-"

# example
evaluateGuess(strsplit("early", "")[[1]], 
              strsplit("later", "")[[1]])
# [1] "Y" "G" "Y" "Y" "-"

Here is the main function for playing one round of Wordle:

playGame <- function(dictionary, wordLength = 5, nGuesses = 6) {
  # select an answer
  possibleAnswers <- dictionary[nchar(dictionary) == wordLength]
  answer <- sample(possibleAnswers, 1)
  answerVec <- strsplit(answer, "")[[1]]
  print(paste("You have", nGuesses, "chances to guess a word of length", 
  guessCnt <- 0
  lettersLeft <- LETTERS
  while (guessCnt < nGuesses) {
    # display "keyboard"
    print(paste(c("Letters left:", lettersLeft), collapse = " "))
    # read in guess
    guessCnt <- guessCnt + 1
    guess <- readline(paste0("Enter guess ", guessCnt, ": "))
    while (nchar(guess) != wordLength) {
      guess <- readline(paste0("Guess must have ", wordLength, " characters: "))
    guess <- toupper(guess)
    guessVec <- strsplit(guess, "")[[1]]
    # evaluate guess and update keyboard
    resVec <- evaluateGuess(guessVec, answerVec)
    # update keyboard
    lettersLeft <- setdiff(lettersLeft, guessVec)
    # print result
    print(paste(strsplit(guess, "")[[1]], collapse = " "))
    print(paste(resVec, collapse = " "))
    if (all(resVec == "G")) {
      print("You won!")
  print(paste("Sorry, you lost! Answer was ", answer))

Finally, we need to get a dictionary of words for our function playGame to choose words from. I found at least two possibilities: Collin’s Scrabble word list and the 10,000 most common English words according to Google’s Trillion Word Corpus. Here’s how you can read each of them into R after downloading the text file (you might need to change the file path):

# scrabble
dictionary <- read.csv("../Dictionaries/Collins Scrabble Words (2019).txt", 
                       header = FALSE, skip = 2)[, 1]

# google
dictionary <- read.csv("../Dictionaries/google-10000-english-usa-no-swears.txt",
                       head = FALSE)[, 1]

We’re now ready to play the game! Here’s an example of one call of playGame():

# [1] "You have 6 chances to guess a word of length 5"
# [1] "Letters left: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z"
# Enter guess 1: state
# [1] "S T A T E"
# [1] "Y - Y G Y"
# [1] "Letters left: B C D F G H I J K L M N O P Q R U V W X Y Z"
# Enter guess 2: Seat
# Guess must have 5 characters: seats
# [1] "S E A T S"
# [1] "Y G Y G -"
# [1] "Letters left: B C D F G H I J K L M N O P Q R U V W X Y Z"
# Enter guess 3: pesta
# [1] "P E S T A"
# [1] "- G G G G"
# [1] "Letters left: B C D F G H I J K L M N O Q R U V W X Y Z"
# Enter guess 4: vesta
# [1] "V E S T A"
# [1] "G G G G G"
# [1] "You won!"
# [1] 4

While this is playable, there are a number of ways this can be improved. If you are interested, perhaps you can implement these changes! (Some are much harder than others!)

Wordle keyboard from an unspecified round.

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