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Documentation for internal functions

[This article was first published on R – Statistical Odds & Ends, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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tl;dr: To avoid triple quotes and R CMD CHECK --as-cran errors due to documentation examples for internal functions, enclose the example code in \dontrun{}.

I recently encountered an issue when submitting an R package to CRAN that I couldn’t find a clean answer for. One of the comments from the manual check was the following:

Using foo:::f instead of foo::f allows access to unexported objects. It should not be used in other context and is generally not recommended, as the semantics of unexported objects may be changed by the package author in routine maintenance.

I was a bit surprised at getting this message as I was quite careful to avoid using the triple quotes ::: in my functions. A bit of checking revealed that I had used them in one of the examples when documenting an internal function.

Now, a simple fix for this would have been to delete the documentation examples for this internal function and resubmit, but that seemed wrong to me. These examples, while not necessarily user-facing, and very important for developers of the package to get a quick handle on the internal functions. There has to be a better way!

Here’s a small example that replicates the problem I faced. (Note that I am working on a Mac, and parts of the post will reflect that.) Create a new R package via RStudio’s “New Project…” (I named this package mypackage, and add the following internal function as internal.R:

#' Internal function
#' This function prints a message.
#' @examples
#' mypackage:::internal_function()
internal_function <- function() {
  print("This is an internal function.")

Running ?internal_function in the console, I get the following documentation, as one would expect:

Running R CMD CHECK --as-cran on this package does not throw any warnings or notes, but when you submit it on CRAN, you will get the comment at the beginning of the post.

My first thought was to replace the line #' mypackage:::internal_function() with #' internal_function(). However, this will throw an error when running R CMD CHECK --as-cran:

A simple workaround I found (from this thread) is to enclose the example in \dontrun{}:

#' Internal function
#' This function prints a message.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' internal_function()
#' }
internal_function <- function() {
  print("This is an internal function.")

R CMD CHECK --as-cran no longer throws an error, and there are no :::s to complain about. The documentation file for internal_function now looks like this:

Because this function is internal, it is worth adding a line @keywords internal in the roxygen comment block for this function; that way the function is removed from the package’s documentation index.

Disclaimer: This is the workaround I found: it is not necessarily the best way or the correct way to deal with this issue. I would love to hear from others on how you avoid this problem when documenting internal functions!

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