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Mirai’s Workshop at e-Rum2020

[This article was first published on Mirai Solutions, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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We are happy to share our virtual workshop experience at e-Rum 2020, including materials and recordings.

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Mirai Solutions and Vanlog, organizing partners of e-Rum2020, delivered two connected, albeit independent, workshops, telling a full story about making your R work(flows) production-ready. Starting from a simple Shiny app structured in modules and packaged with golem, as described in Vanlog’s workshop “Is R Ready for Production? Let’s Develop a Professional Shiny Application!”, Mirai’s workshop “Bring your R Application Safely to Production. Collaborate, Deploy, Automate.” was a natural follow-up.

Our workshop featured a variety of relevant topics and approaches, from the collaborative development and release of packaged applications using a GitFlow branching model, to the automation of CI / CD (Continuous Integration / Deployment) pipelines using Travis CI and GitHub Actions. The hands-on workshop was led by our enthusiastic Miraier Riccardo, and received a lot of interest. Despite the challenges of a virtual workshop, the over 80 participants were amazing in keeping us going, and we were very pleased by their great response. Their feedback confirmed that this workshop covers aspects and best practices that are nowadays perceived by many as key to the growth of useRs and developeRs, which in turn highlights the importance of sharing and spreading such topics to the open community in general.

You can get a short overview summarizing the workshop by watching the following trailer

< video controls="" class="img-responsive img-centered img-medium"> < source src="/assets/videos/mirai-erum2020-workshop-trailer.mp4" type="video/mp4" />

At Mirai, we strongly believe in open source and community projects. We are happy to share all materials on GitHub, and the full workshop recordings are available on the e-Rum2020 YouTube channel. If you missed the live event and want to dig into the topics of the workshop, you now have the possibility to catch up at any time. Using a simple R package with a Shiny app as running example, Riccardo lays out the background concepts and provides all the explanations you need, in order to understand and design a full workflow for stable, secure, reproducible deployments and releases.

Are you ready to get your head around pull requests and branches, travis.yml files, workflows and processes for controlled development and deployments?

Enjoy the workshop and share it among your community and colleagues!

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