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First thoughts on a community-driven R learning platform

[This article was first published on R programming – Oscar Baruffa, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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I’ve been mulling over some things. I hope that by sharing them, it will spark some inspiration for others.

I think R needs a good, comprehensive and curated learning platform.

Ever since you-know-who did you-know-what and then the leadership proceeded to shoot themselves in both feet, and after running out of feet, shoot themselves wherever they could, I’ve sensed there’s a lack of a platform that helps beginners and more experienced programmers alike. A place to point beginners to and say – “Go there!”.

I’ll start by responding to some likely questions and then set out some principles of what I think will make a good platform.

What about DataQuest?

The most likely contender for a new R platform is DataQuest. I’ve been following them for a while, and why they aren’t already the go-to platform I’m not sure. Maybe they will be one day! The most common way I see DataQuest being referred to is by someone (including me) saying “try them, they seem good”. I suspect that twitter-prominent R users don’t have first hand experience of the platform and so don’t recommend them.

DataQuest is worth a go

— Oscar Baruffa (@OscarBaruffa) July 5, 2020

I’m speculating wildly here. Maybe the R community still feels pretty betrayed by platforms in general now. Many of the top instructors can’t get their content off other platforms and have to do a lot of work to not be associated with it. They’re maybe wary of recommending another platform. Maybe DataQuest could get a jumpstart by allowing content creators to pull their content from the platform if they wish. Maybe this is already the case? I’m not familiar with their terms.

Another reason might be purely down to their chosen path of explicity excluding video instruction. Many R programmers seem to be very keen on video if the TidyTuesday screencasts are anything to go by.

Overall DataQuest seem like they have good leadership and a sincere desire to build a good platform. I hope they crack this nut and even if they don’t, they seem to be doing ok :).

What about list_of_resources?

There’s a plethora of resource lists around. If the list is long enough, the list is grouped by topic.

These are of course great, but there are some shortcomings.

What about R4DS and the R4DS slack group?

I’ve recommended (and will keep doing so) the R4DS book and the loosely-associated Slack community. These form an important part of the learning ecosystem, and form part of what I envisage in a learning platform.

Thinking Bigger & Better

For many people, the resources I’ve listed above will be enough to get started, but we need to think more comprehensively if we want to introduce R, Data Science or even just Data Literacy to a much broader spectrum of people. The future (and present, I guess) has a lot of challenges. We need as many people as possible to be able to work with data.

Principles for my dream learning platform

I’ll make this list as comprehensive as possible, which might take a few updates as we go. If any of this resonates with you for your own work, please, go ahead and use it! Want to take the whole lot and create my dream platform? Please do!

Some of these are principles, some are plans, some are just a train of thought, all mixed up. Bear with me :).

Some of this vision might be down to my own naivety child-like sense of wonder. In 6 months or 6 years I may well cringe at some of what I’ve written here. What I hope is that this a spark of what will become something really amazing, somewhere, by someone :).

Of course we don’t need just one platform – many platforms can co-exist, each taking different angles to things. I really hope this happens!

Next steps

If I had the time/energy, this is how I would start building this out.

Have the governing terms of reference, principles and key decisions available in a publicly viewable document. Invite some key collaborators.

Build the whole site using WordPress. It’s got a tonne of functionality and you can more easily get people working on the site without first needing to learn how to code.

Build out a core learning path as a proof of concept.

Have a publicly visible road map available in Trello. Apart from my own love affair with Kanban boards lately, I think it will be a good draw for getting people involved by showing what steps are coming up and where help and specific skills are needed.

Seek out volunteer curators to help build out the core learning paths and topic lessons into the v0.1 of the platform. Keep everything tightly scoped and be pretty strict about this.

When it comes to funding, figure out what the first year or so would cost. I don’t think it will be crazy amounts of cash. Most costs would be realted to any specific WordPress plugins and if there are a lot of collaborators, then the Basecamp subscription. I would directly fund a large chunk of this myself and seek the rest from community donations. Maybe the R-consortium might put in some funding if the proof of concept works and there’s a high level of community interest.

So that’s a wrap on this post. If you’d like to get in touch, you can find me on Twitter. My DMs are open :).

Featured image: Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

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    The post First thoughts on a community-driven R learning platform appeared first on Oscar Baruffa.

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