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R Posts You Might Have Missed!

[This article was first published on Alastair Rushworth, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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I wanted something that goes some way to automating my own time-consuming process of scrolling twitter for cool things to read. I thought a few other people might feel somewhat similar, so I decided to build a feed.

R posts you might have missed is an semi-automated twitter account posting recent R-related content. The goal is to make it easier to keep up with the most important packages and news from the community. Links to relevant and popular resources are gathered from twitter and the R blogosphere before being processed and lightly curated.

Read on to learn the origin story of the account, how it works and what comes next!

News overload!

Keeping track of new developments in the data science, open source and R communities is hard. The number of active developers, application areas and R packages is exploding. Ever since I started writing R code I’ve found it hard to avoid reinventing solutions to problems that are already solved by other developers, usually through ignorance of those developments. Being up-to-date with recent developments equips you with options that can change the way you approach a new problem.

This is more or less the reason I still use twitter, because it’s still the place where a majority of R developers hang out and share their projects and ideas. The problem is that the volume of new stuff is just too large – and I could easily spend endless hours per week scrolling twitter, discovering and re-discovering new stuff (and getting very distracted in the process). This is compounded by twitter’s news feed algorithm which I think has made it even harder to develop a tailored feed. So what can you do?

Well you’ve got options of course. R Bloggers has been around for some time and aggregates the feeds of several hundred well-known R blogs. I’ve never found this solves my problem: blog articles are one type of content, but there are many other types of content that I’d like to see in the same place, and most of them do not have RSS feeds. The site itself carries a lot of banner ads and doesn’t render articles very nicely – although those may be minor considerations if you still use an RSS reader to access the posts.

Ok so what else? R-Weekly is a terrific resource. The team gather links to posts, packages, community news and tweets into a single weekly digest. I think R Weekly is a wonderful resource, and I still read it every week – it does a particularly good job of creating a nicely formatted list broken into content types and topics that were active in the last week. However, this doesn’t scratch my itch completely. One issue is that it’s not totally automated (AFAIK, please correct me if that’s false), and there’s always the risk that something gets excluded. Additionally – any news oriented resource focusses on what’s occurred most recently (of course, yeah I know) and by definition excludes older useful resources that keep resurfacing. I think it’s good for those things to continue to get air-time – particularly because if I’m not working on a specific topic at the time of the initial news announcement, I’ll probably forget about it. Or more likely I just missed the announcement to begin with. I think repeated exposure and reminders can be important.

Long story short, I wanted something that goes some way to automating my own time-consuming process of scrolling twitter for cool things to read. I thought a few other people might feel somewhat similar, so I decided to build a feed.

R posts you might have missed

R posts you might have missed is a twitter feed with the following attributes:

How does it work?

The recipe underpinning the feed takes the following steps:

1. Gather links from #rstats twitter

2. Gather new post urls from RSS feeds

3. Read and filter urls based on content

4. Find the author’s twitter username

Hello?\! Is it me you’re looking for?

5. Compose tweets using an interactive shiny app

Everything until this point is totally automatic and carried out using a batch process on a cheap Google VM. Now the tweets are composed from various ingredients that have been gathered. To do this, a simple GUI built using R shiny, provides a simple editing environment to choose the correct author credentials, choose an image to show with the post and to check for any errors or formatting issues. For each tweet:

A hideously basic shiny app for choosing images and author names. It’s simple but does the job\!

6. Post!

This is a tweet scheduling service. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

What next?

There’s a lot to do. In the short-term the intention is to

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Comments? Suggestions? Issues?

Feedback is very welcome! Do you find R posts you might have missed useful? What do you like? How would you improve it? Find me on twitter at rushworth_a or write a github issue here.

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