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Creating a data.table from C++

[This article was first published on Rcpp Gallery, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Rcpp provides the DataFrame class which enables us to pass data.frame object between C++ and R. DataFrame objects are key to R and used very widely. They also provide the basis from which two key packages extend them. One of these, the tibble package, operates in a similar fashion to data.frame and treats the data as immutable. Upon a change to the data, a new version is created internally—this is frequently referred to as “copy-on-write”. Immutable data structures have some desirable properties in terms of reasoning with and about data, but the copying comes at a price in terms of performance especially once data becomes sizeable.

The other package, data.table, offers a contrasting approach. It generally modifies the data in-place; this is often referred to as by reference. As (generally) no copies of the data are needed, the runtime is often reduced. This design difference is (along with a lot of attention to performance and optimisations in general) one of the reasons why data.table is so looking rather attractive in benchmarks.

As objects of type data.table also inherit from data.frame, we can use all data.frame functions on a data.table. Internally, however, the two are very different. The question now is, how can we create a data.table efficiently inside of Rcpp without the need for a deep copy of the data?

This question is important if the data generation process takes place in C++, e.g. when parsing, simulating, or otherwise generating data. One example for which question came up is the RITCH package which parses (large) binary ITCH files (financial messages) in Rcpp and needs a fast data conversion to data.table.

Very Short Answer

We first provide a very short answer, mostly for future reference. A more detailed answer is provided below.

Essentially two steps have to be taken:

Rcpp::List create_data_table() {
    Rcpp::List res;
    // Populate the list
    // ...
    res.attr("class") = Rcpp::CharacterVector::create("data.table", "data.frame");
    return res;
foo <- function() {
    dt <- create_data_table()
    dt <- data.table::setalloccol(dt)

A look inside the data.table::setalloccol() functions shows that it itself calls only a few data.table functions needed to do some housekeeping and optimisation on internal state. It would be useful to access these functions directly from another package at the C level, and we plan to discuss this with the data.table team.

Detailed Answer

A first thought would be to use the Rcpp::DataFrame or the Rcpp::List class in Rcpp to return the data to R and then call data.table::setDT() on the object to properly convert it to a data.table. To give an example, lets consider creating a dataset of some data in Rcpp and returing it to R as a Data.Frame

using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
DataFrame simulate_data(int n = 10, int nobs = 10000) {
    // create a list with n slots
    List res(n);
    CharacterVector list_names = CharacterVector(n);
    // populate the list elements
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        list_names[i] = "col_" + std::to_string(i);
        res[i] = rnorm(nobs);
    // set the names for the list elements
    res.names() = list_names;
    return res;

Using setDT(), we can convert the list to a data.table:

create_dt_naive <- function(n = 10, nobs = 10000) {
    dt <- simulate_data(n, nobs)
dt <- create_dt_naive()
Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':	10000 obs. of  10 variables:
 $ col_0: num  -0.5605 -0.2302 1.5587 0.0705 0.1293 ...
 $ col_1: num  2.371 -0.167 0.927 -0.568 0.225 ...
 $ col_2: num  -0.836 -0.221 -2.104 -1.668 -1.098 ...
 $ col_3: num  -0.194 0.258 -0.538 -1.179 0.901 ...
 $ col_4: num  0.4825 0.7214 -0.5078 -0.0647 1.3021 ...
 $ col_5: num  0.26 0.918 -0.722 -0.808 -0.141 ...
 $ col_6: num  -0.3883 0.0274 -0.2761 -0.0867 2.1477 ...
 $ col_7: num  0.414 -0.641 0.281 -0.694 -0.367 ...
 $ col_8: num  0.783 -0.424 -0.844 0.876 1.125 ...
 $ col_9: num  0.5732 0.0183 -0.022 -0.4278 -0.4776 ...
 - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 

Inspecting the data.table code reveals that internally, data.table uses the setalloccol() function to convert a data.frame to data.table after doing some checks. This can be leveraged in the following way:

Set the class attribute of the list to "data.table", "data.frame"

using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List simulate_data_partial_dt(int n = 10, int nobs = 10000) {
    // create a list with n slots
    List res(n);
    CharacterVector list_names = CharacterVector(n);
    // populate the list elements
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        list_names[i] = "col_" + std::to_string(i);
        res[i] = rnorm(nobs);
    res.names() = list_names;
    // Set the class attribute of the list
    res.attr("class") = CharacterVector::create("data.table", "data.frame");
    return res;

and then use setalloccol() to reallocate the data by reference

create_dt_correct <- function(n = 10, nobs = 10000) {
    dt <- simulate_data_partial_dt(n, nobs)
    # reallocate the data.table by reference
    dt <- data.table::setalloccol(dt)
dt2 <- create_dt_correct()
Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame':	10000 obs. of  10 variables:
 $ col_0: num  -0.5605 -0.2302 1.5587 0.0705 0.1293 ...
 $ col_1: num  2.371 -0.167 0.927 -0.568 0.225 ...
 $ col_2: num  -0.836 -0.221 -2.104 -1.668 -1.098 ...
 $ col_3: num  -0.194 0.258 -0.538 -1.179 0.901 ...
 $ col_4: num  0.4825 0.7214 -0.5078 -0.0647 1.3021 ...
 $ col_5: num  0.26 0.918 -0.722 -0.808 -0.141 ...
 $ col_6: num  -0.3883 0.0274 -0.2761 -0.0867 2.1477 ...
 $ col_7: num  0.414 -0.641 0.281 -0.694 -0.367 ...
 $ col_8: num  0.783 -0.424 -0.844 0.876 1.125 ...
 $ col_9: num  0.5732 0.0183 -0.022 -0.4278 -0.4776 ...
 - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 
all.equal(dt, dt2)
[1] TRUE

Comparing the two methods, we see that the second implementation is a lot faster on smaller datasets.

On larger datasets, the differences is less dominant, which hints that data.table is able to use the data in place and has no need to copy it.

# small dataset
    create_dt_naive(15, 1e3),
    create_dt_correct(15, 1e3),
    replications = 10
                         test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
2 create_dt_correct(15, 1000)           10   0.004     1.00     0.004    0.000
1   create_dt_naive(15, 1000)           10   0.011     2.75     0.009    0.001
  user.child sys.child
2          0         0
1          0         0
# larger dataset
    create_dt_naive(15, 1e6),
    create_dt_correct(15, 1e6),
    replications = 10
                          test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
2 create_dt_correct(15, 1e+06)           10    3.92     1.00     3.820    0.100
1   create_dt_naive(15, 1e+06)           10    4.00     1.02     3.923    0.077
  user.child sys.child
2          0         0
1          0         0

R 4.0.0 brings a new function list2DF() which we could consider as well.

Note: This post draws upon, and extends, an earlier writeup at his repo.

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