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StatCheck the Game

[This article was first published on Revolutions, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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If you don't get enough joy from publishing scientific papers in your day job, or simply want to experience what it's like to be in a publish-or-perish environment where the P-value is the only important part of a paper, you might want to try StatCheck: the board game where the object is to publish two papers before any of your opponents.

As the game progresses, players combine "Test", "Statistic" and "P-value" cards to form the statistical test featured in the paper (and of course, significant tests are worth more than non-significant ones). Opponents may then have the opportunity to play a "StatCheck" card to challenge the validity of the test, which can then be verified using a companion R package or online Shiny application. Other modifier cards include "Bayes Factor" (which can be used to boost the value of your own papers, or diminish the value of an opponents'), "Post-Hoc Theory" (improving the value of already-published papers), and "Behind the Paywall" (making it more difficult to challenge the validity of your statistics).

StatCheck The Game was created by Sacha Epskamp and Adela Isvoranu, who provide all the the code to create the cards as open source on GitHub, along with instructions to print and play with your own game materials. You can find everything you need (except the needed 8-sided die and some like-minded friends to play with) at the link below.

StatCheck: An open source game for methodological terrorists!

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