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Computing wind average in an area using rWind

[This article was first published on long time ago..., and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Hi all!

A researcher asked me last week about how to compute wind average for an area using rWind. I wrote a simple function to do this using dplyr library (following the advice of my friend Javier Fajardo). The function will be added to rWind package as soon as possible. Meanwhile, you can test the results… enjoy!

 # First, charge the new function  
 wind.region <- function (X){   
  X[,3] <- X[,3] %% 360   
  X[X[,3]>=180,3] <- X[X[,3]>=180,3] - 360   
  avg<-summarise_all(X[,-1], .funs = mean)   
  wind_region <- cbind(X[1,1],avg)   

Once you have charged the function, let’s do some example

 # Get some wind data and convert it into a raster to be plotted later  
 wind_fitted_data <-  
 r_speed <- wind2raster(wind_fitted_data, type="speed")  

Now, you can use the new function to obtain wind average in the study area:

 myMean <- wind.region(wind_data)  

 # Now, you can use to get wind speed and direction.  
 myMean_fitted <-  

 # Finally, let's plot the results!  
 lines(getMap(resolution = "low"), lwd=4)   
 alpha <- arrowDir(myMean_fitted)  
 Arrowhead(myMean_fitted$lon, myMean_fitted$lat, angle=alpha,   
      arr.length = 2, arr.type="curved")  
 text(myMean_fitted$lon+1, myMean_fitted$lat+1,   
    paste(round(myMean_fitted$speed,2), "m/s"), cex = 2)  

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