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Upcoming Talk on Monetizing R Packages

In early June I will be speaking at the San Francisco EARL Conference about my experience monetizing my own open source R packages. This is quite an exciting talk for me, as it will be the first time that I speak about this topic!

If you will be at the conference, please contact me so we can arrange to meet.

You can see the abstract for my talk below:

Beyond Popularity: Monetizing R Packages

In 2015 I spoke at the EARL Boston conference about my R packages for mapping US Census Data. At that time I had invested two years developing the packages, received the gratitude of countless package users, and $0 in monetary compensation.

Two years later those same packages are the primary way that I get new customers and clients.

What changed?

In short, I decided to take the marketing of my R packages seriously.

This was a hard decision to make: I had no prior experience in marketing, generally held marketing in contempt, and knew of no role models I could copy.

This talk will discuss the marketing techniques that provided the most value to me. I believe that they can be used by other R package authors with similar results.

The talk should be relevant to anyone who has is interested in having R package development become a source of revenue

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