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Simulation models of epidemics using R and simecol

[This article was first published on U.N.A. Matemáticas El Tigre, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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In this post we’ll dip our toes into the waters of epidemological dynamics models, using R and simecol, as we have done in the previous two posts of this series. These models of epidemics are interesting in that they introduce us to a more general class of models called compartment models, commonly used in the study of biological systems. This “compartment point of view” will prove to be an useful tool in modeling, as we shall see in future posts. As usual, after a brief theoretic and mathematical rundown of the various types of epidemic models, we shall fit one of those models to some data using R’s simecol package.

Infectious or Epidemic Processes

When studying the spread of infectious diseases, we must take into account the possible states of a host with respect to the disease:
  • Susceptible (S) These are the individuals susceptible to contracting the disease if they’re exposed to it.
  • Exposed (E) These individuals have contracted the disease but are not yet infectious, thus still not able to pass the disease unto the susceptible (S) group.
  • Infectious (I) After having been exposed, these individuals are now abel to pass the disease unto other individuals in the S group. This group should not be confused with the infected group of individuals, which are those that are either exposed (E) or infectious (I).
  • Recovered (R) Having gone through the previous phases of the disease, individuals recover because they have developed an immunity to the disease (permanent or temporary). This group is neither susceptible to the disease nor infectious1.
Not all epidemological models will include all four of the above classes or groups, and some models with greater degree of sophistication may include more (Berec, 2010). For example, there may be diseases for which it is useful to consider a group of chronic carriers. Moreover, infected mothers may have been previously infected with a disease and, having developed antibodies, pass these to their newborn infants through the placenta. These newborn infants are temporarily immune to the disease, but later move into the susceptible (S) group after the maternal antibodies disappear. These newborn infants would then constitute a group of passively immune (M) individuals. On the other hand, it is posible that all these groups may not be as homogenous as one may think. Different social, cultural, demographic or geographical factors may affect or be related to the mode of transmission, rate of contact, infectious control, and overall genetic susceptibility and resistance.

Based on the selection or ommision of these classes or compartments, which in itself implies some assumptions about the characteristics of the specific disease we’re trying to model, there are several accronyms used to name these models. For example, in an SI model, also known as a simple epidemic model, the host never recovers. An SIS model is one in which the susceptible population becomes infected and then after recovering from the disease and its symptoms, becomes susceptible again. The SIS model implies that the host population never becomes immune to the disease. An SEIR model is one in which there is an incubation period: susceptible individuals first become exposed (but not yet infectious), later enter the infectious group when the disease is incubated, and finally, they enter the R group when they cease to become infectious and develop immunity. An SIR model is basically the same as the SEIR model, but without an incubation period, etc.

Compartment models

We can see from the last paragraph on different epidemic models that these attempt to describe how the individuals in a population leave one group and enter another. This is characteristic of compartment, or “box” models, in which individuals in a population are classified at any given time into different compartments or boxes according to the state in which they find themselves. Compartment models are commonly used to study biological or chemical systems in which the main interest is the transport or change of state of materials or substances over time2.

In the process of dynamic model building, it is often useful to think of the state variables as boxes or compartments that “hold” a certain amount of substance at any given time, even though “substance” or “material” may refer to discrete entities such as individuals. In fact, because system dynamic models are governed by differential equations, modeling discrete entities through quantities that vary continously is inevitable. Notwithstanding, thinking in terms of compartments is useful because it forces us to reflect on the mechanisms that affect how individuals enter or leave a compartment. For example, in the Lanchester model of the Battle of Iwo Jima there were two compartments: American troops and Japanese troops. In that case, individuals would not leave one compartment to enter another, because we were not contemplating soldiers defecting from their original army to fight for the other side. In the epidemic models, however, we do contemplate individuals leaving one compartment and entering another as they progresss through the various stages of the disease. The utility of the “compartment point of view” in modeling lies in the principle that if there are group of entities whose dynamic behavior is different from other groups, even though they are apparently the same type of entity, they should each have their own compartment. We shall explore this idea in more detail when we cover population growth models in a future post in this blog.

SIS models

SIS models of epidemics comprise two compartments: S (susceptible) and I (infected). In what follows we will assume that:

  1. There is a finite population \(N\) that remains constant at all times.
  2. The epidemic cycle is sufficiently short to assume that births, deaths, immigration/emmigration or any other event that modifies the population do not occur.
  3. Individuals transition from being susceptible to the disease, then to being infected, and back again to being susceptible as they recover. The disease is such that no permanent or temporary immunity is developped, and there are no mortalities.
  4. The number of infections of susceptible individuals that occur is proportional to the number of contacts between infected and susceptible individuals.
  5. At each time unit, a certain percentage \(\kappa\) of infected individuals recover from the disease and become susceptible again. This amounts to stating that the mean duration of the infected/infectious period is \(1/\kappa\) time units.
This is a very simple model and some of the above assumptions may be unrealistic or inapplicable to all SIS epidemic processes but nevertheless, it is an useful model for illustrating the emmergent behavior of some systems. These assumptions are usually expressed in the literature in differential equation form as follows:

\[\frac{dS}{dt}=\kappa I – \alpha\gamma S\cdot I\] \[\frac{dI}{dt}=-\kappa I + \alpha\gamma S\cdot I\]
As already mentioned, the parameter \(\kappa\) represents the percentage of infected individuals that recover at each time unit and become susceptible again. Parameter \(\alpha\) represents the percentage of contacts that result in an infection and \(\gamma\) is the rate of contact between infected and susceptible people. Having these two last parameters in a model may render the model impossible to fit using simecol, since there are infinetly many combinations of \(\alpha\) and \(\gamma\) that result in the same value for their product \(\alpha\gamma\)3. Besides, in principle one should strive to have as few parameters as possible in a model – all the more so in this case since the two parameters can be considered as one: \(\beta=\alpha\gamma\), which could be taken to represent the percentage of cases from the overall susceptible and infected populations that effectively result in an infection. So the resulting model is:

\[\frac{dS}{dt}=\kappa I – \beta S\cdot I\] \[\frac{dI}{dt}=-\kappa I + \beta S\cdot I\]
At a glance, one thing becomes apparent in this model: the rate of flow into compartment S is the same as the rate of flow out of compartment I, so that at any two given time instants \(S_{t+a}+I_{t+a}=S_t+I_t\). The total number of individuals that are either in compartment S or in compartment I is invariable, in keeping with one of the assumptions laid down for this model.

Let’s try to understand the implications of this assumption intuitively. At one instant, susceptible individuals are becoming infected, but at some later instant, these infected individuals are becoming susceptible again. There is a negative feedback mechanism in place here because each compartment relies on a greater quantity of individuals on the other compartment to grow in numbers. In other words, the lack of susceptible individuals ensures that the population of infected individuals will start to decrease, which can only mean that there will be more susceptible individuals in the future, as the overall population remains constant. Indeed, the SIS model represents a system that works its way towards equilibrium.

And precisely what is this equilibrium? Can we expect the disease to eventually extinguish itself or on the contrary, will everyone become infected? Or will the system perhaps work its way towards a certain fixed amount of infected and susceptible individuals? Answering questions of this type is one of the aims or dynamic system modeling. We usually want to determine the emmergent behavior of the system that results from the mathematical properties hidden deep within the differential equations.

In our case of this simple SIS model of epidemics, we don’t have to dig too deep. A simple mathematical procedure will sufice to determine this equilibrium state analitically. In a state of equilibrium, the state variables do not change, so any of the above derivatives can be set to 0:

\[\kappa I – \beta S\cdot I=0\qquad\rightarrow\] \[\kappa (N-S) – \beta S(N-S)=0\qquad\rightarrow\] \[\beta S^2 – (\kappa+\beta N)S+\kappa N=0\]
The last equation is a simple cuadratic equation whose roots are \(S=\kappa/\beta\) and \(S=N\)- these are the equilibrium states for the number of susceptible individuals. If the equilibrium state for the susceptible population S is greater than or equal to N, everyone will eventually become susceptible and no one will be infected \(I=N-N=0\): the disease is extinguished. If on the contrary no one recovers from the infection (\(\kappa=0\)), then everyone will eventually be infected and there will be no susceptibles. Otherwise, \(0\leq\kappa/\beta\leq N\) and the number of steady-state susceptibles will be closer to N for large values of \(\kappa\) (high recovery rates) and low values of \(\beta\) (low rate of effective contagious contacts).

The following R/simecol simulation model, run for three different combinations of the \(\kappa\) and \(\beta\) parameters serve to validate our simple mathematical analysis. Each simulation run starts with \(I=5\) infected individuals and \(S=95\) susceptibles. But regardless of the initial values, we can see that the steady-state susceptible population reaches \(\kappa/\beta\) or \(N\), if \(\kappa/\beta\gt N\) in all simulation runs.

N <- 100  #total population size
sis <- odeModel(
    p <- parms
    dS <- p["k"]*y["I"]-p["b"]*y["S"]*y["I"]
    dI <- -p["k"]*y["I"]+p["b"]*y["S"]*y["I"]
simsis <- sim(sis)

We run the SIS model script using different values for the parameters \(\beta\) (b in the code) and \(\kappa\) (k in the code), to illustrate the steady state behavior of the system. Notice that the plot method in line 16, when called with an odeModel object, produces an individual plot for each state variable.

SIS model simulation run with k=1, b=0.003

< svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="432pt" height="216pt" viewBox="0 0 432 216" version="1.1">SIS model with k=1, b=0.003< defs>< g>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha0-0">< path style="stroke:none;" d=""/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha0-1">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.21875 -4.21875 C 6.21875 -7.171875 5.140625 -8.765625 3.296875 -8.765625 C 1.46875 -8.765625 0.375 -7.15625 0.375 -4.296875 C 0.375 -1.421875 1.46875 0.1875 3.296875 0.1875 C 5.09375 0.1875 6.21875 -1.421875 6.21875 -4.21875 Z M 4.859375 -4.3125 C 4.859375 -1.90625 4.453125 -0.953125 3.28125 -0.953125 C 2.15625 -0.953125 1.734375 -1.953125 1.734375 -4.28125 C 1.734375 -6.609375 2.15625 -7.578125 3.296875 -7.578125 C 4.4375 -7.578125 4.859375 -6.59375 4.859375 -4.3125 Z M 4.859375 -4.3125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha0-2">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.28125 -2.953125 C 6.28125 -4.625 5.046875 -5.875 3.40625 -5.875 C 2.8125 -5.875 2.21875 -5.671875 2.015625 -5.515625 L 2.28125 -7.28125 L 5.84375 -7.28125 L 5.84375 -8.59375 L 1.203125 -8.59375 L 0.515625 -3.875 L 1.71875 -3.875 C 2.25 -4.5 2.5625 -4.671875 3.21875 -4.671875 C 4.359375 -4.671875 4.9375 -4.0625 4.9375 -2.8125 C 4.9375 -1.578125 4.375 -1.015625 3.21875 -1.015625 C 2.296875 -1.015625 1.859375 -1.359375 1.578125 -2.453125 L 0.25 -2.453125 C 0.625 -0.625 1.734375 0.1875 3.234375 0.1875 C 4.953125 0.1875 6.28125 -1.15625 6.28125 -2.953125 Z M 6.28125 -2.953125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha0-3">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.296875 -0.125 L 4.296875 -8.765625 L 3.359375 -8.765625 C 2.953125 -7.328125 2.859375 -7.28125 1.078125 -7.0625 L 1.078125 -6.0625 L 2.96875 -6.0625 L 2.96875 0 L 4.296875 0 Z M 4.296875 -0.125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha0-4">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.265625 -6.140625 C 6.265625 -7.578125 5.015625 -8.765625 3.40625 -8.765625 C 1.671875 -8.765625 0.515625 -7.75 0.453125 -5.5625 L 1.78125 -5.5625 C 1.875 -7.109375 2.328125 -7.578125 3.375 -7.578125 C 4.328125 -7.578125 4.90625 -7.03125 4.90625 -6.125 C 4.90625 -5.453125 4.546875 -4.96875 3.796875 -4.53125 L 2.6875 -3.90625 C 0.90625 -2.90625 0.359375 -2 0.25 0 L 6.203125 0 L 6.203125 -1.3125 L 1.75 -1.3125 C 1.84375 -1.875 2.1875 -2.21875 3.234375 -2.828125 L 4.421875 -3.484375 C 5.609375 -4.109375 6.265625 -5.09375 6.265625 -6.140625 Z M 6.265625 -6.140625 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha0-5">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.1875 -0.125 L 3.1875 -1.15625 C 2.921875 -1.0625 2.765625 -1.0625 2.5625 -1.0625 C 2.140625 -1.0625 2.140625 -1.046875 2.140625 -1.484375 L 2.140625 -5.46875 L 3.1875 -5.46875 L 3.1875 -6.546875 L 2.140625 -6.546875 L 2.140625 -8.28125 L 0.875 -8.28125 L 0.875 -6.546875 L 0.03125 -6.546875 L 0.03125 -5.46875 L 0.875 -5.46875 L 0.875 -1.046875 C 0.875 -0.40625 1.453125 0.078125 2.234375 0.078125 C 2.46875 0.078125 2.71875 0.0625 3.1875 -0.03125 Z M 3.1875 -0.125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha0-6">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.96875 -0.125 L 1.96875 -6.546875 L 0.703125 -6.546875 L 0.703125 0 L 1.96875 0 Z M 2.09375 -7.375 L 2.09375 -8.75 L 0.578125 -8.75 L 0.578125 -7.234375 L 2.09375 -7.234375 Z M 2.09375 -7.375 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha0-7">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.25 -0.125 L 9.25 -4.84375 C 9.25 -5.96875 8.5 -6.734375 7.3125 -6.734375 C 6.484375 -6.734375 5.875 -6.4375 5.40625 -5.875 C 5.109375 -6.40625 4.515625 -6.734375 3.703125 -6.734375 C 2.859375 -6.734375 2.203125 -6.390625 1.65625 -5.625 L 1.890625 -5.53125 L 1.890625 -6.546875 L 0.703125 -6.546875 L 0.703125 0 L 1.984375 0 L 1.984375 -4.078125 C 1.984375 -4.984375 2.515625 -5.59375 3.328125 -5.59375 C 4.0625 -5.59375 4.34375 -5.265625 4.34375 -4.46875 L 4.34375 0 L 5.609375 0 L 5.609375 -4.078125 C 5.609375 -4.984375 6.15625 -5.59375 6.96875 -5.59375 C 7.703125 -5.59375 7.984375 -5.25 7.984375 -4.46875 L 7.984375 0 L 9.25 0 Z M 9.25 -0.125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha0-8">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.28125 -2.984375 C 6.28125 -3.90625 6.21875 -4.46875 6.03125 -4.9375 C 5.625 -5.96875 4.53125 -6.734375 3.359375 -6.734375 C 1.609375 -6.734375 0.34375 -5.296875 0.34375 -3.234375 C 0.34375 -1.171875 1.578125 0.1875 3.34375 0.1875 C 4.78125 0.1875 5.90625 -0.765625 6.1875 -2.171875 L 4.921875 -2.171875 C 4.59375 -1.21875 4.171875 -1.015625 3.375 -1.015625 C 2.328125 -1.015625 1.6875 -1.546875 1.65625 -2.859375 L 6.28125 -2.859375 Z M 5.1875 -3.78125 C 5.1875 -3.78125 4.984375 -3.921875 4.984375 -3.9375 L 1.6875 -3.9375 C 1.765625 -4.921875 2.34375 -5.546875 3.34375 -5.546875 C 4.328125 -5.546875 4.9375 -4.859375 4.9375 -3.875 Z M 5.1875 -3.78125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha1-0">< path style="stroke:none;" d=""/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha1-1">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -4.578125 -6.234375 C -7.25 -6.234375 -8.765625 -5.1875 -8.765625 -3.234375 C -8.765625 -1.625 -7.484375 -0.3125 -5.8125 -0.3125 C -4.234375 -0.3125 -3.03125 -1.53125 -3.03125 -3.078125 C -3.03125 -3.875 -3.359375 -4.5625 -4.015625 -5.109375 L -4.109375 -4.875 C -2.046875 -4.859375 -1.015625 -4.328125 -1.015625 -3.125 C -1.015625 -2.375 -1.359375 -1.984375 -2.296875 -1.796875 L -2.296875 -0.46875 C -0.78125 -0.703125 0.1875 -1.75 0.1875 -3.046875 C 0.1875 -5.046875 -1.640625 -6.234375 -4.578125 -6.234375 Z M -5.84375 -4.8125 C -4.796875 -4.8125 -4.234375 -4.21875 -4.234375 -3.1875 C -4.234375 -2.171875 -4.765625 -1.671875 -5.90625 -1.671875 C -6.984375 -1.671875 -7.578125 -2.25 -7.578125 -3.234375 C -7.578125 -4.21875 -6.953125 -4.8125 -5.84375 -4.8125 Z M -5.84375 -4.8125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha1-2">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -2.953125 -6.28125 C -4.625 -6.28125 -5.875 -5.046875 -5.875 -3.40625 C -5.875 -2.8125 -5.671875 -2.21875 -5.515625 -2.015625 L -7.28125 -2.28125 L -7.28125 -5.84375 L -8.59375 -5.84375 L -8.59375 -1.203125 L -3.875 -0.515625 L -3.875 -1.71875 C -4.5 -2.25 -4.671875 -2.5625 -4.671875 -3.21875 C -4.671875 -4.359375 -4.0625 -4.9375 -2.8125 -4.9375 C -1.578125 -4.9375 -1.015625 -4.375 -1.015625 -3.21875 C -1.015625 -2.296875 -1.359375 -1.859375 -2.453125 -1.578125 L -2.453125 -0.25 C -0.625 -0.625 0.1875 -1.734375 0.1875 -3.234375 C 0.1875 -4.953125 -1.15625 -6.28125 -2.953125 -6.28125 Z M -2.953125 -6.28125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha1-3">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -7.578125 -6.375 L -8.59375 -6.375 L -8.59375 -0.40625 L -7.28125 -0.40625 L -7.28125 -4.859375 C -5.375 -3.34375 -2.796875 -2.109375 0 -1.46875 L 0 -2.890625 C -2.875 -3.390625 -5.359375 -4.546875 -7.53125 -6.375 Z M -7.578125 -6.375 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha1-4">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -4.21875 -6.21875 C -7.171875 -6.21875 -8.765625 -5.140625 -8.765625 -3.296875 C -8.765625 -1.46875 -7.15625 -0.375 -4.296875 -0.375 C -1.421875 -0.375 0.1875 -1.46875 0.1875 -3.296875 C 0.1875 -5.09375 -1.421875 -6.21875 -4.21875 -6.21875 Z M -4.3125 -4.859375 C -1.90625 -4.859375 -0.953125 -4.453125 -0.953125 -3.28125 C -0.953125 -2.15625 -1.953125 -1.734375 -4.28125 -1.734375 C -6.609375 -1.734375 -7.578125 -2.15625 -7.578125 -3.296875 C -7.578125 -4.4375 -6.59375 -4.859375 -4.3125 -4.859375 Z M -4.3125 -4.859375 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha1-5">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -6.140625 -6.265625 C -7.578125 -6.265625 -8.765625 -5.015625 -8.765625 -3.40625 C -8.765625 -1.671875 -7.75 -0.515625 -5.5625 -0.453125 L -5.5625 -1.78125 C -7.109375 -1.875 -7.578125 -2.328125 -7.578125 -3.375 C -7.578125 -4.328125 -7.03125 -4.90625 -6.125 -4.90625 C -5.453125 -4.90625 -4.96875 -4.546875 -4.53125 -3.796875 L -3.90625 -2.6875 C -2.90625 -0.90625 -2 -0.359375 0 -0.25 L 0 -6.203125 L -1.3125 -6.203125 L -1.3125 -1.75 C -1.875 -1.84375 -2.21875 -2.1875 -2.828125 -3.234375 L -3.484375 -4.421875 C -4.109375 -5.609375 -5.09375 -6.265625 -6.140625 -6.265625 Z M -6.140625 -6.265625 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha1-6">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -2.171875 -6.375 L -3.25 -6.375 L -3.25 -5.109375 L -8.765625 -5.109375 L -8.765625 -4.125 L -3.328125 -0.1875 L -2.046875 -0.1875 L -2.046875 -3.78125 L 0 -3.78125 L 0 -5.109375 L -2.046875 -5.109375 L -2.046875 -6.375 Z M -3.25 -3.921875 L -3.25 -1.515625 L -6.75 -4.015625 L -6.84375 -3.78125 L -3.25 -3.78125 Z M -3.25 -3.921875 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha2-0">< path style="stroke:none;" d=""/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha2-1">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.1875 -3.28125 C 9.1875 -4.9375 8.28125 -5.859375 6.34375 -6.234375 L 4.703125 -6.5625 C 3.15625 -6.859375 2.78125 -7.015625 2.78125 -7.78125 C 2.78125 -8.578125 3.421875 -8.953125 4.53125 -8.953125 C 5.890625 -8.953125 6.640625 -8.5 6.640625 -7.296875 L 8.8125 -7.296875 C 8.8125 -9.65625 7.1875 -10.953125 4.625 -10.953125 C 2.109375 -10.953125 0.5625 -9.625 0.5625 -7.578125 C 0.5625 -5.9375 1.46875 -5.046875 3.59375 -4.625 L 5.078125 -4.34375 C 6.515625 -4.046875 6.953125 -3.875 6.953125 -3.03125 C 6.953125 -2.140625 6.234375 -1.828125 4.921875 -1.828125 C 3.453125 -1.828125 2.640625 -2.3125 2.640625 -3.578125 L 0.375 -3.578125 C 0.375 -1.1875 2.125 0.171875 4.8125 0.171875 C 7.515625 0.171875 9.1875 -1.15625 9.1875 -3.28125 Z M 9.1875 -3.28125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glypha2-2">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.140625 -0.125 L 3.140625 -10.78125 L 0.828125 -10.78125 L 0.828125 0 L 3.140625 0 Z M 3.140625 -0.125 "/>< g id="surface16">< rect x="0" y="0" width="432" height="216" style="fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 63.734375 139.464844 L 63.792969 138.914062 L 63.851562 138.367188 L 63.910156 137.824219 L 63.96875 137.285156 L 64.027344 136.75 L 64.085938 136.21875 L 64.144531 135.691406 L 64.203125 135.167969 L 64.261719 134.648438 L 64.320312 134.132812 L 64.378906 133.621094 L 64.4375 133.113281 L 64.496094 132.609375 L 64.613281 131.609375 L 64.730469 130.625 L 64.847656 129.65625 L 64.90625 129.175781 L 64.964844 128.699219 L 65.023438 128.226562 L 65.082031 127.757812 L 65.199219 126.828125 L 65.316406 125.914062 L 65.375 125.460938 L 65.433594 125.011719 L 65.550781 124.121094 L 65.667969 123.246094 L 65.726562 122.8125 L 65.84375 121.953125 L 65.960938 121.109375 L 66.019531 120.691406 L 66.136719 119.863281 L 66.199219 119.457031 L 66.316406 118.644531 L 66.433594 117.847656 L 66.492188 117.453125 L 66.609375 116.671875 L 66.667969 116.285156 L 66.726562 115.902344 L 66.84375 115.144531 L 66.902344 114.769531 L 67.019531 114.027344 L 67.078125 113.660156 L 67.195312 112.933594 L 67.253906 112.574219 L 67.371094 111.863281 L 67.429688 111.511719 L 67.546875 110.816406 L 67.664062 110.128906 L 67.722656 109.789062 L 67.78125 109.453125 L 67.957031 108.457031 L 68.015625 108.128906 L 68.074219 107.804688 L 68.25 106.84375 L 68.308594 106.53125 L 68.367188 106.214844 L 68.425781 105.90625 L 68.484375 105.59375 L 68.601562 104.984375 L 68.777344 104.082031 L 68.835938 103.789062 L 68.894531 103.492188 L 68.953125 103.203125 L 69.011719 102.910156 L 69.1875 102.054688 L 69.246094 101.773438 L 69.308594 101.492188 L 69.367188 101.214844 L 69.542969 100.394531 L 69.601562 100.125 L 69.777344 99.328125 L 69.894531 98.804688 L 69.953125 98.546875 L 70.011719 98.292969 L 70.070312 98.035156 L 70.128906 97.785156 L 70.1875 97.53125 L 70.246094 97.28125 L 70.363281 96.789062 L 70.539062 96.0625 L 70.65625 95.585938 L 70.773438 95.117188 L 70.949219 94.425781 L 71.066406 93.972656 L 71.242188 93.304688 L 71.359375 92.867188 L 71.535156 92.222656 L 71.652344 91.800781 L 71.828125 91.179688 L 71.945312 90.773438 L 72.003906 90.574219 L 72.0625 90.371094 L 72.121094 90.175781 L 72.179688 89.976562 L 72.296875 89.585938 L 72.414062 89.203125 L 72.476562 89.011719 L 72.652344 88.449219 L 72.828125 87.898438 L 73.003906 87.359375 L 73.179688 86.832031 L 73.238281 86.660156 L 73.296875 86.484375 L 73.355469 86.316406 L 73.414062 86.144531 L 73.53125 85.808594 L 73.589844 85.644531 L 73.648438 85.476562 L 73.707031 85.3125 L 73.765625 85.152344 L 73.824219 84.988281 L 73.882812 84.828125 L 73.941406 84.671875 L 74 84.511719 L 74.175781 84.042969 L 74.410156 83.433594 L 74.585938 82.988281 L 74.820312 82.410156 L 75.054688 81.847656 L 75.289062 81.300781 L 75.347656 81.167969 L 75.40625 81.03125 L 75.464844 80.902344 L 75.523438 80.769531 L 75.585938 80.636719 L 75.761719 80.25 L 76.054688 79.625 L 76.347656 79.019531 L 76.582031 78.550781 L 76.875 77.984375 L 77.167969 77.4375 L 77.226562 77.332031 L 77.285156 77.222656 L 77.402344 77.011719 L 77.460938 76.910156 L 77.519531 76.804688 L 77.753906 76.398438 L 77.8125 76.300781 L 77.871094 76.199219 L 78.105469 75.808594 L 78.222656 75.621094 L 78.28125 75.523438 L 78.339844 75.429688 L 78.398438 75.339844 L 78.515625 75.152344 L 78.691406 74.882812 L 78.753906 74.792969 L 78.8125 74.703125 L 78.871094 74.617188 L 78.929688 74.527344 L 79.105469 74.269531 L 79.164062 74.1875 L 79.28125 74.015625 L 79.515625 73.6875 L 79.574219 73.609375 L 79.632812 73.527344 L 79.691406 73.449219 L 79.75 73.367188 L 79.925781 73.132812 L 79.984375 73.058594 L 80.042969 72.980469 L 80.101562 72.90625 L 80.160156 72.828125 L 80.335938 72.605469 L 80.394531 72.535156 L 80.511719 72.386719 L 80.863281 71.964844 L 80.921875 71.898438 L 80.980469 71.828125 L 81.039062 71.761719 L 81.097656 71.691406 L 81.273438 71.492188 L 81.332031 71.429688 L 81.390625 71.363281 L 81.449219 71.300781 L 81.507812 71.234375 L 81.800781 70.921875 L 81.863281 70.859375 L 81.921875 70.796875 L 82.039062 70.679688 L 82.097656 70.617188 L 82.390625 70.324219 L 82.449219 70.269531 L 82.507812 70.210938 L 82.566406 70.15625 L 82.625 70.097656 L 82.976562 69.769531 L 83.035156 69.71875 L 83.09375 69.664062 L 83.152344 69.613281 L 83.210938 69.558594 L 83.679688 69.152344 L 83.738281 69.105469 L 83.796875 69.054688 L 83.914062 68.960938 L 83.972656 68.910156 L 84.207031 68.722656 L 84.265625 68.679688 L 84.382812 68.585938 L 84.441406 68.542969 L 84.5 68.496094 L 84.617188 68.410156 L 84.675781 68.363281 L 84.96875 68.148438 L 85.03125 68.109375 L 85.148438 68.023438 L 85.207031 67.984375 L 85.265625 67.941406 L 85.382812 67.863281 L 85.441406 67.820312 L 85.792969 67.585938 L 85.851562 67.550781 L 85.96875 67.472656 L 86.027344 67.4375 L 86.085938 67.398438 L 86.203125 67.328125 L 86.261719 67.289062 L 86.730469 67.007812 L 86.789062 66.976562 L 86.90625 66.90625 L 86.964844 66.875 L 87.023438 66.839844 L 87.140625 66.777344 L 87.199219 66.742188 L 87.785156 66.429688 L 87.84375 66.402344 L 87.960938 66.339844 L 88.019531 66.3125 L 88.078125 66.28125 L 88.136719 66.253906 L 88.199219 66.226562 L 88.257812 66.195312 L 88.960938 65.867188 L 89.019531 65.84375 L 89.078125 65.816406 L 89.136719 65.792969 L 89.195312 65.765625 L 89.253906 65.742188 L 89.3125 65.714844 L 89.371094 65.691406 L 89.429688 65.664062 L 89.605469 65.59375 L 89.664062 65.566406 L 90.132812 65.378906 L 90.191406 65.359375 L 90.367188 65.289062 L 90.425781 65.269531 L 90.484375 65.246094 L 90.542969 65.226562 L 90.601562 65.203125 L 90.660156 65.183594 L 90.71875 65.160156 L 90.777344 65.140625 L 90.835938 65.117188 L 90.953125 65.078125 L 91.011719 65.054688 L 91.246094 64.976562 L 91.308594 64.957031 L 91.777344 64.800781 L 91.835938 64.785156 L 92.011719 64.726562 L 92.070312 64.710938 L 92.128906 64.691406 L 92.1875 64.675781 L 92.246094 64.65625 L 92.304688 64.640625 L 92.363281 64.621094 L 92.421875 64.605469 L 92.480469 64.585938 L 92.597656 64.554688 L 92.65625 64.535156 L 92.773438 64.503906 L 92.832031 64.484375 L 93.710938 64.25 L 93.769531 64.238281 L 93.945312 64.191406 L 94.003906 64.179688 L 94.121094 64.148438 L 94.179688 64.136719 L 94.238281 64.121094 L 94.296875 64.109375 L 94.355469 64.09375 L 94.414062 64.082031 L 94.476562 64.066406 L 94.535156 64.054688 L 94.59375 64.039062 L 94.652344 64.027344 L 94.710938 64.011719 L 94.828125 63.988281 L 94.886719 63.972656 L 95.0625 63.9375 L 95.121094 63.921875 L 95.53125 63.839844 L 95.589844 63.824219 L 95.765625 63.789062 L 95.824219 63.78125 L 96.234375 63.699219 L 96.292969 63.691406 L 96.46875 63.65625 L 96.527344 63.648438 L 96.703125 63.613281 L 96.761719 63.605469 L 96.820312 63.59375 L 96.878906 63.585938 L 96.996094 63.5625 L 97.054688 63.554688 L 97.113281 63.542969 L 97.171875 63.535156 L 97.230469 63.523438 L 97.289062 63.515625 L 97.347656 63.503906 L 97.40625 63.496094 L 97.464844 63.484375 L 97.523438 63.476562 L 97.585938 63.46875 L 97.644531 63.457031 L 97.761719 63.441406 L 97.820312 63.429688 L 97.9375 63.414062 L 97.996094 63.402344 L 98.171875 63.378906 L 98.230469 63.367188 L 98.464844 63.335938 L 98.523438 63.324219 L 99.636719 63.175781 L 99.695312 63.171875 L 99.988281 63.132812 L 100.046875 63.128906 L 100.222656 63.105469 L 100.28125 63.101562 L 100.457031 63.078125 L 100.515625 63.074219 L 100.632812 63.058594 L 100.691406 63.054688 L 100.753906 63.046875 L 100.8125 63.039062 L 100.871094 63.035156 L 100.929688 63.027344 L 100.988281 63.023438 L 101.105469 63.007812 L 101.164062 63.003906 L 101.222656 62.996094 L 101.28125 62.992188 L 101.339844 62.984375 L 101.398438 62.980469 L 101.457031 62.972656 L 101.515625 62.96875 L 101.574219 62.960938 L 101.632812 62.957031 L 101.691406 62.949219 L 101.75 62.945312 L 101.808594 62.9375 L 101.925781 62.929688 L 101.984375 62.921875 L 102.042969 62.917969 L 102.101562 62.910156 L 102.21875 62.902344 L 102.277344 62.894531 L 102.335938 62.890625 L 102.394531 62.882812 L 102.511719 62.875 L 102.570312 62.867188 L 102.746094 62.855469 L 102.804688 62.847656 L 102.921875 62.839844 L 102.980469 62.832031 L 103.214844 62.816406 L 103.273438 62.808594 L 103.507812 62.792969 L 103.566406 62.785156 L 103.800781 62.769531 L 103.863281 62.765625 L 103.921875 62.757812 L 104.683594 62.707031 L 104.742188 62.699219 L 105.035156 62.679688 L 105.09375 62.679688 L 105.914062 62.625 L 105.972656 62.625 L 106.324219 62.601562 L 106.382812 62.601562 L 106.675781 62.582031 L 106.734375 62.582031 L 106.910156 62.570312 L 106.96875 62.570312 L 107.03125 62.566406 L 107.207031 62.554688 L 107.265625 62.554688 L 107.441406 62.542969 L 107.5 62.542969 L 107.617188 62.535156 L 107.675781 62.535156 L 107.851562 62.523438 L 107.910156 62.523438 L 108.027344 62.515625 L 108.085938 62.515625 L 108.203125 62.507812 L 108.261719 62.507812 L 108.378906 62.5 L 108.4375 62.5 L 108.554688 62.492188 L 108.613281 62.492188 L 108.730469 62.484375 L 108.789062 62.484375 L 108.847656 62.480469 L 108.90625 62.480469 L 109.023438 62.472656 L 109.082031 62.472656 L 109.140625 62.46875 L 109.199219 62.46875 L 109.316406 62.460938 L 109.375 62.460938 L 109.433594 62.457031 L 109.492188 62.457031 L 109.609375 62.449219 L 109.667969 62.449219 L 109.726562 62.445312 L 109.785156 62.445312 L 109.84375 62.441406 L 109.902344 62.441406 L 109.960938 62.4375 L 110.019531 62.4375 L 110.136719 62.429688 L 110.199219 62.429688 L 110.257812 62.425781 L 110.316406 62.425781 L 110.375 62.421875 L 110.433594 62.421875 L 110.492188 62.417969 L 110.550781 62.417969 L 110.609375 62.414062 L 110.667969 62.414062 L 110.726562 62.410156 L 110.785156 62.410156 L 110.84375 62.40625 L 110.902344 62.40625 L 110.960938 62.402344 L 111.019531 62.402344 L 111.078125 62.398438 L 111.136719 62.398438 L 111.195312 62.394531 L 111.253906 62.394531 L 111.3125 62.390625 L 111.429688 62.390625 L 111.488281 62.386719 L 111.546875 62.386719 L 111.605469 62.382812 L 111.664062 62.382812 L 111.722656 62.378906 L 111.78125 62.378906 L 111.839844 62.375 L 111.957031 62.375 L 112.015625 62.371094 L 112.074219 62.371094 L 112.132812 62.367188 L 112.191406 62.367188 L 112.25 62.363281 L 112.367188 62.363281 L 112.425781 62.359375 L 112.484375 62.359375 L 112.542969 62.355469 L 112.660156 62.355469 L 112.71875 62.351562 L 112.777344 62.351562 L 112.835938 62.347656 L 112.953125 62.347656 L 113.011719 62.34375 L 113.128906 62.34375 L 113.1875 62.339844 L 113.246094 62.339844 L 113.308594 62.335938 L 113.425781 62.335938 L 113.484375 62.332031 L 113.601562 62.332031 L 113.660156 62.328125 L 113.777344 62.328125 L 113.835938 62.324219 L 113.953125 62.324219 L 114.011719 62.320312 L 114.128906 62.320312 L 114.1875 62.316406 L 114.304688 62.316406 L 114.363281 62.3125 L 114.480469 62.3125 L 114.539062 62.308594 L 114.65625 62.308594 L 114.714844 62.304688 L 114.832031 62.304688 L 114.890625 62.300781 L 115.066406 62.300781 L 115.125 62.296875 L 115.242188 62.296875 L 115.300781 62.292969 L 115.417969 62.292969 L 115.476562 62.289062 L 115.652344 62.289062 L 115.710938 62.285156 L 115.886719 62.285156 L 115.945312 62.28125 L 116.0625 62.28125 L 116.121094 62.277344 L 116.296875 62.277344 L 116.355469 62.273438 L 116.535156 62.273438 L 116.59375 62.269531 L 116.769531 62.269531 L 116.828125 62.265625 L 117.0625 62.265625 L 117.121094 62.261719 L 117.296875 62.261719 L 117.355469 62.257812 L 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127.679688 62.171875 L 127.738281 62.167969 L 128.617188 62.167969 L 128.675781 62.164062 L 129.675781 62.164062 L 129.734375 62.160156 L 130.90625 62.160156 L 130.964844 62.15625 L 132.316406 62.15625 L 132.375 62.152344 L 134.074219 62.152344 L 134.132812 62.148438 L 136.246094 62.148438 L 136.304688 62.144531 L 139.179688 62.144531 L 139.238281 62.140625 L 143.753906 62.140625 L 143.8125 62.136719 L 154.492188 62.136719 L 154.550781 62.132812 L 181.066406 62.132812 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 63.734375 142.558594 L 181.066406 142.558594 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 63.734375 142.558594 L 63.734375 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 93.066406 142.558594 L 93.066406 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 122.398438 142.558594 L 122.398438 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 151.734375 142.558594 L 151.734375 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 181.066406 142.558594 L 181.066406 149.761719 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-1" x="60.234375" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-2" x="89.566406" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-3" x="115.398438" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-1" x="122.070312" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-3" x="144.734375" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-2" x="151.40625" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-4" x="174.066406" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-1" x="180.738281" y="168.256836"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 139.464844 L 59.039062 62.132812 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 139.464844 L 51.839844 139.464844 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 124 L 51.839844 124 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 108.535156 L 51.839844 108.535156 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 93.066406 L 51.839844 93.066406 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 77.601562 L 51.839844 77.601562 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 62.132812 L 51.839844 62.132812 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha1-1" x="41.538086" y="146.464844"/> < use xlink:href="#glypha1-2" x="41.538086" y="139.792969"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha1-1" x="41.538086" y="115.535156"/> < use xlink:href="#glypha1-3" x="41.538086" y="108.863281"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha1-1" x="41.538086" y="84.601562"/> < use xlink:href="#glypha1-1" x="41.538086" y="77.929688"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 142.558594 L 185.761719 142.558594 L 185.761719 59.039062 L 59.039062 59.039062 L 59.039062 142.558594 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha2-1" x="117.398438" y="34.21875"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-5" x="110.898438" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-6" x="114.234375" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-7" x="116.898438" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-8" x="126.894531" y="197.057617"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 279.734375 62.132812 L 279.792969 62.683594 L 279.851562 63.230469 L 279.910156 63.773438 L 279.96875 64.3125 L 280.027344 64.847656 L 280.085938 65.378906 L 280.144531 65.90625 L 280.203125 66.429688 L 280.261719 66.949219 L 280.320312 67.464844 L 280.4375 68.488281 L 280.496094 68.992188 L 280.554688 69.492188 L 280.671875 70.484375 L 280.789062 71.460938 L 280.847656 71.945312 L 280.90625 72.425781 L 280.964844 72.898438 L 281.023438 73.375 L 281.082031 73.84375 L 281.140625 74.308594 L 281.257812 75.230469 L 281.316406 75.6875 L 281.375 76.140625 L 281.433594 76.589844 L 281.492188 77.035156 L 281.609375 77.917969 L 281.667969 78.355469 L 281.726562 78.789062 L 281.785156 79.21875 L 281.902344 80.070312 L 281.960938 80.492188 L 282.019531 80.910156 L 282.078125 81.324219 L 282.136719 81.734375 L 282.199219 82.144531 L 282.257812 82.550781 L 282.375 83.355469 L 282.433594 83.753906 L 282.492188 84.148438 L 282.550781 84.539062 L 282.667969 85.3125 L 282.785156 86.078125 L 282.84375 86.457031 L 282.902344 86.832031 L 283.019531 87.574219 L 283.078125 87.941406 L 283.195312 88.667969 L 283.253906 89.027344 L 283.371094 89.738281 L 283.429688 90.089844 L 283.546875 90.785156 L 283.605469 91.128906 L 283.722656 91.808594 L 283.839844 92.480469 L 283.898438 92.8125 L 284.015625 93.46875 L 284.132812 94.117188 L 284.191406 94.4375 L 284.308594 95.070312 L 284.425781 95.695312 L 284.542969 96.3125 L 284.601562 96.617188 L 284.71875 97.21875 L 284.835938 97.8125 L 284.953125 98.398438 L 285.070312 98.976562 L 285.128906 99.261719 L 285.1875 99.542969 L 285.246094 99.828125 L 285.308594 100.105469 L 285.425781 100.660156 L 285.484375 100.933594 L 285.660156 101.742188 L 285.777344 102.273438 L 285.835938 102.535156 L 286.011719 103.308594 L 286.128906 103.816406 L 286.304688 104.566406 L 286.363281 104.808594 L 286.421875 105.054688 L 286.539062 105.539062 L 286.597656 105.777344 L 286.65625 106.011719 L 286.714844 106.25 L 286.773438 106.484375 L 286.949219 107.175781 L 287.066406 107.628906 L 287.183594 108.074219 L 287.242188 108.292969 L 287.300781 108.515625 L 287.359375 108.730469 L 287.417969 108.949219 L 287.476562 109.164062 L 287.710938 110.007812 L 287.769531 110.214844 L 287.828125 110.417969 L 287.886719 110.625 L 287.945312 110.824219 L 288.003906 111.027344 L 288.121094 111.425781 L 288.179688 111.621094 L 288.238281 111.820312 L 288.296875 112.011719 L 288.355469 112.207031 L 288.414062 112.398438 L 288.476562 112.585938 L 288.535156 112.777344 L 288.652344 113.152344 L 288.828125 113.703125 L 289.003906 114.242188 L 289.179688 114.769531 L 289.355469 115.285156 L 289.414062 115.453125 L 289.472656 115.625 L 289.53125 115.789062 L 289.589844 115.957031 L 289.765625 116.449219 L 290 117.089844 L 290.117188 117.402344 L 290.175781 117.554688 L 290.234375 117.710938 L 290.351562 118.015625 L 290.644531 118.757812 L 290.761719 119.046875 L 290.820312 119.1875 L 290.878906 119.332031 L 290.996094 119.613281 L 291.054688 119.75 L 291.113281 119.890625 L 291.289062 120.300781 L 291.523438 120.832031 L 291.585938 120.960938 L 291.820312 121.476562 L 291.996094 121.851562 L 292.054688 121.972656 L 292.113281 122.097656 L 292.289062 122.460938 L 292.347656 122.578125 L 292.40625 122.699219 L 292.464844 122.816406 L 292.523438 122.929688 L 292.640625 123.164062 L 292.816406 123.503906 L 292.875 123.613281 L 292.933594 123.726562 L 293.109375 124.054688 L 293.167969 124.160156 L 293.226562 124.269531 L 293.460938 124.691406 L 293.519531 124.792969 L 293.578125 124.898438 L 293.695312 125.101562 L 293.753906 125.199219 L 293.8125 125.300781 L 293.871094 125.398438 L 293.929688 125.5 L 294.046875 125.695312 L 294.105469 125.789062 L 294.164062 125.886719 L 294.457031 126.355469 L 294.515625 126.445312 L 294.574219 126.539062 L 294.691406 126.71875 L 294.753906 126.808594 L 294.8125 126.894531 L 294.871094 126.984375 L 295.222656 127.5 L 295.339844 127.664062 L 295.398438 127.75 L 295.457031 127.832031 L 295.515625 127.910156 L 295.632812 128.074219 L 296.042969 128.621094 L 296.453125 129.140625 L 296.511719 129.210938 L 296.570312 129.285156 L 296.804688 129.566406 L 296.863281 129.632812 L 296.980469 129.773438 L 297.390625 130.238281 L 297.507812 130.363281 L 297.566406 130.429688 L 297.800781 130.679688 L 297.921875 130.800781 L 297.980469 130.863281 L 298.097656 130.980469 L 298.15625 131.042969 L 298.273438 131.160156 L 298.332031 131.214844 L 298.449219 131.332031 L 298.507812 131.386719 L 298.566406 131.445312 L 298.625 131.5 L 298.683594 131.558594 L 298.917969 131.777344 L 298.976562 131.828125 L 299.09375 131.9375 L 299.210938 132.039062 L 299.269531 132.09375 L 299.621094 132.398438 L 299.679688 132.445312 L 299.738281 132.496094 L 299.796875 132.542969 L 299.855469 132.59375 L 300.324219 132.96875 L 300.382812 133.011719 L 300.441406 133.058594 L 300.5 133.101562 L 300.558594 133.148438 L 300.96875 133.449219 L 301.03125 133.492188 L 301.089844 133.535156 L 301.148438 133.574219 L 301.207031 133.617188 L 301.265625 133.65625 L 301.324219 133.699219 L 301.910156 134.089844 L 301.96875 134.125 L 302.027344 134.164062 L 302.085938 134.199219 L 302.144531 134.238281 L 302.261719 134.308594 L 302.320312 134.347656 L 302.671875 134.558594 L 302.730469 134.589844 L 302.847656 134.660156 L 302.90625 134.691406 L 302.964844 134.726562 L 303.023438 134.757812 L 303.082031 134.792969 L 303.199219 134.855469 L 303.257812 134.890625 L 303.667969 135.109375 L 303.726562 135.136719 L 303.902344 135.230469 L 303.960938 135.257812 L 304.019531 135.289062 L 304.078125 135.316406 L 304.136719 135.347656 L 304.199219 135.375 L 304.316406 135.429688 L 304.375 135.460938 L 304.84375 135.679688 L 304.902344 135.703125 L 305.019531 135.757812 L 305.078125 135.78125 L 305.195312 135.835938 L 305.3125 135.882812 L 305.371094 135.910156 L 305.429688 135.933594 L 305.488281 135.960938 L 305.78125 136.078125 L 305.839844 136.105469 L 305.957031 136.152344 L 306.015625 136.171875 L 306.25 136.265625 L 306.308594 136.285156 L 306.425781 136.332031 L 306.484375 136.351562 L 306.542969 136.375 L 306.601562 136.394531 L 306.660156 136.417969 L 306.71875 136.4375 L 306.777344 136.460938 L 306.835938 136.480469 L 306.894531 136.503906 L 307.070312 136.5625 L 307.128906 136.585938 L 307.246094 136.625 L 307.308594 136.644531 L 307.660156 136.761719 L 307.71875 136.777344 L 307.894531 136.835938 L 307.953125 136.851562 L 308.070312 136.890625 L 308.128906 136.90625 L 308.1875 136.925781 L 308.246094 136.941406 L 308.304688 136.960938 L 308.363281 136.976562 L 308.421875 136.996094 L 308.480469 137.011719 L 308.539062 137.03125 L 308.65625 137.0625 L 308.714844 137.082031 L 308.890625 137.128906 L 308.949219 137.148438 L 309.59375 137.320312 L 309.652344 137.332031 L 309.886719 137.394531 L 309.945312 137.40625 L 310.0625 137.4375 L 310.121094 137.449219 L 310.179688 137.464844 L 310.238281 137.476562 L 310.296875 137.492188 L 310.355469 137.503906 L 310.414062 137.519531 L 310.476562 137.53125 L 310.535156 137.546875 L 310.59375 137.558594 L 310.652344 137.574219 L 310.769531 137.597656 L 310.828125 137.613281 L 310.945312 137.636719 L 311.003906 137.652344 L 311.179688 137.6875 L 311.238281 137.703125 L 312.117188 137.878906 L 312.175781 137.886719 L 312.410156 137.933594 L 312.46875 137.941406 L 312.585938 137.964844 L 312.644531 137.972656 L 312.761719 137.996094 L 312.820312 138.003906 L 312.9375 138.027344 L 312.996094 138.035156 L 313.054688 138.046875 L 313.113281 138.054688 L 313.171875 138.066406 L 313.230469 138.074219 L 313.289062 138.085938 L 313.347656 138.09375 L 313.40625 138.105469 L 313.464844 138.113281 L 313.523438 138.125 L 313.585938 138.132812 L 313.644531 138.140625 L 313.703125 138.152344 L 313.820312 138.167969 L 313.878906 138.179688 L 313.996094 138.195312 L 314.054688 138.207031 L 314.289062 138.238281 L 314.347656 138.25 L 314.699219 138.296875 L 314.757812 138.308594 L 315.460938 138.402344 L 315.519531 138.40625 L 315.871094 138.453125 L 315.929688 138.457031 L 316.164062 138.488281 L 316.222656 138.492188 L 316.339844 138.507812 L 316.398438 138.511719 L 316.574219 138.535156 L 316.632812 138.539062 L 316.691406 138.546875 L 316.753906 138.550781 L 316.871094 138.566406 L 316.929688 138.570312 L 317.046875 138.585938 L 317.105469 138.589844 L 317.164062 138.597656 L 317.222656 138.601562 L 317.28125 138.609375 L 317.339844 138.613281 L 317.398438 138.621094 L 317.457031 138.625 L 317.515625 138.632812 L 317.574219 138.636719 L 317.632812 138.644531 L 317.691406 138.648438 L 317.75 138.65625 L 317.808594 138.660156 L 317.867188 138.667969 L 317.984375 138.675781 L 318.042969 138.683594 L 318.101562 138.6875 L 318.160156 138.695312 L 318.277344 138.703125 L 318.335938 138.710938 L 318.453125 138.71875 L 318.511719 138.726562 L 318.628906 138.734375 L 318.6875 138.742188 L 318.804688 138.75 L 318.863281 138.757812 L 319.039062 138.769531 L 319.097656 138.777344 L 319.273438 138.789062 L 319.332031 138.796875 L 319.625 138.816406 L 319.683594 138.824219 L 319.800781 138.832031 L 319.863281 138.835938 L 320.097656 138.851562 L 320.15625 138.859375 L 321.679688 138.960938 L 321.738281 138.960938 L 322.148438 138.988281 L 322.207031 138.988281 L 322.5 139.007812 L 322.558594 139.007812 L 322.851562 139.027344 L 322.910156 139.027344 L 322.96875 139.03125 L 323.03125 139.035156 L 323.089844 139.039062 L 323.148438 139.039062 L 323.324219 139.050781 L 323.382812 139.050781 L 323.558594 139.0625 L 323.617188 139.0625 L 323.734375 139.070312 L 323.792969 139.070312 L 323.96875 139.082031 L 324.027344 139.082031 L 324.144531 139.089844 L 324.203125 139.089844 L 324.320312 139.097656 L 324.378906 139.097656 L 324.496094 139.105469 L 324.554688 139.105469 L 324.671875 139.113281 L 324.730469 139.113281 L 324.789062 139.117188 L 324.847656 139.117188 L 324.964844 139.125 L 325.023438 139.125 L 325.082031 139.128906 L 325.140625 139.128906 L 325.257812 139.136719 L 325.316406 139.136719 L 325.375 139.140625 L 325.433594 139.140625 L 325.550781 139.148438 L 325.609375 139.148438 L 325.667969 139.152344 L 325.726562 139.152344 L 325.785156 139.15625 L 325.84375 139.15625 L 325.960938 139.164062 L 326.019531 139.164062 L 326.078125 139.167969 L 326.136719 139.167969 L 326.199219 139.171875 L 326.257812 139.171875 L 326.316406 139.175781 L 326.375 139.175781 L 326.433594 139.179688 L 326.492188 139.179688 L 326.550781 139.183594 L 326.609375 139.183594 L 326.667969 139.1875 L 326.726562 139.1875 L 326.785156 139.191406 L 326.84375 139.191406 L 326.902344 139.195312 L 326.960938 139.195312 L 327.019531 139.199219 L 327.078125 139.199219 L 327.136719 139.203125 L 327.195312 139.203125 L 327.253906 139.207031 L 327.3125 139.207031 L 327.371094 139.210938 L 327.488281 139.210938 L 327.546875 139.214844 L 327.605469 139.214844 L 327.664062 139.21875 L 327.722656 139.21875 L 327.78125 139.222656 L 327.839844 139.222656 L 327.898438 139.226562 L 328.015625 139.226562 L 328.074219 139.230469 L 328.132812 139.230469 L 328.191406 139.234375 L 328.25 139.234375 L 328.308594 139.238281 L 328.425781 139.238281 L 328.484375 139.242188 L 328.542969 139.242188 L 328.601562 139.246094 L 328.71875 139.246094 L 328.777344 139.25 L 328.835938 139.25 L 328.894531 139.253906 L 329.011719 139.253906 L 329.070312 139.257812 L 329.1875 139.257812 L 329.246094 139.261719 L 329.308594 139.261719 L 329.367188 139.265625 L 329.484375 139.265625 L 329.542969 139.269531 L 329.660156 139.269531 L 329.71875 139.273438 L 329.835938 139.273438 L 329.894531 139.277344 L 330.011719 139.277344 L 330.070312 139.28125 L 330.1875 139.28125 L 330.246094 139.285156 L 330.363281 139.285156 L 330.421875 139.289062 L 330.539062 139.289062 L 330.597656 139.292969 L 330.714844 139.292969 L 330.773438 139.296875 L 330.949219 139.296875 L 331.007812 139.300781 L 331.125 139.300781 L 331.183594 139.304688 L 331.300781 139.304688 L 331.359375 139.308594 L 331.535156 139.308594 L 331.59375 139.3125 L 331.769531 139.3125 L 331.828125 139.316406 L 331.945312 139.316406 L 332.003906 139.320312 L 332.179688 139.320312 L 332.238281 139.324219 L 332.414062 139.324219 L 332.476562 139.328125 L 332.652344 139.328125 L 332.710938 139.332031 L 332.886719 139.332031 L 332.945312 139.335938 L 333.121094 139.335938 L 333.179688 139.339844 L 333.414062 139.339844 L 333.472656 139.34375 L 333.648438 139.34375 L 333.707031 139.347656 L 333.941406 139.347656 L 334 139.351562 L 334.234375 139.351562 L 334.292969 139.355469 L 334.527344 139.355469 L 334.585938 139.359375 L 334.820312 139.359375 L 334.878906 139.363281 L 335.113281 139.363281 L 335.171875 139.367188 L 335.464844 139.367188 L 335.523438 139.371094 L 335.820312 139.371094 L 335.878906 139.375 L 336.171875 139.375 L 336.230469 139.378906 L 336.523438 139.378906 L 336.582031 139.382812 L 336.933594 139.382812 L 336.992188 139.386719 L 337.34375 139.386719 L 337.402344 139.390625 L 337.753906 139.390625 L 337.8125 139.394531 L 338.222656 139.394531 L 338.28125 139.398438 L 338.691406 139.398438 L 338.753906 139.402344 L 339.222656 139.402344 L 339.28125 139.40625 L 339.75 139.40625 L 339.808594 139.410156 L 340.335938 139.410156 L 340.394531 139.414062 L 340.980469 139.414062 L 341.039062 139.417969 L 341.625 139.417969 L 341.683594 139.421875 L 342.332031 139.421875 L 342.390625 139.425781 L 343.152344 139.425781 L 343.210938 139.429688 L 344.03125 139.429688 L 344.089844 139.433594 L 345.03125 139.433594 L 345.089844 139.4375 L 346.144531 139.4375 L 346.203125 139.441406 L 347.433594 139.441406 L 347.492188 139.445312 L 348.960938 139.445312 L 349.019531 139.449219 L 350.835938 139.449219 L 350.894531 139.453125 L 353.300781 139.453125 L 353.359375 139.457031 L 356.703125 139.457031 L 356.761719 139.460938 L 362.570312 139.460938 L 362.628906 139.464844 L 397.066406 139.464844 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 279.734375 142.558594 L 397.066406 142.558594 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 279.734375 142.558594 L 279.734375 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 309.066406 142.558594 L 309.066406 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 338.398438 142.558594 L 338.398438 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 367.734375 142.558594 L 367.734375 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 397.066406 142.558594 L 397.066406 149.761719 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-1" x="276.234375" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-2" x="305.566406" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-3" x="331.398438" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-1" x="338.070312" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-3" x="360.734375" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-2" x="367.40625" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-4" x="390.066406" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-1" x="396.738281" y="168.256836"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 139.464844 L 275.039062 62.132812 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 139.464844 L 267.839844 139.464844 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 124 L 267.839844 124 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 108.535156 L 267.839844 108.535156 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 93.066406 L 267.839844 93.066406 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 77.601562 L 267.839844 77.601562 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 62.132812 L 267.839844 62.132812 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha1-4" x="257.538086" y="142.964844"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha1-5" x="257.538086" y="112.035156"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha1-6" x="257.538086" y="81.101562"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 142.558594 L 401.761719 142.558594 L 401.761719 59.039062 L 275.039062 59.039062 L 275.039062 142.558594 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha2-2" x="335.898438" y="34.21875"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-5" x="326.898438" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-6" x="330.234375" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-7" x="332.898438" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glypha0-8" x="342.894531" y="197.057617"/>

SIS model simulation run with k=1, b=0.0125

< svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="432pt" height="216pt" viewBox="0 0 432 216" version="1.1">SIS model with k=1, b=0.0125< defs>< g>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb0-0">< path style="stroke:none;" d=""/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb0-1">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.21875 -4.21875 C 6.21875 -7.171875 5.140625 -8.765625 3.296875 -8.765625 C 1.46875 -8.765625 0.375 -7.15625 0.375 -4.296875 C 0.375 -1.421875 1.46875 0.1875 3.296875 0.1875 C 5.09375 0.1875 6.21875 -1.421875 6.21875 -4.21875 Z M 4.859375 -4.3125 C 4.859375 -1.90625 4.453125 -0.953125 3.28125 -0.953125 C 2.15625 -0.953125 1.734375 -1.953125 1.734375 -4.28125 C 1.734375 -6.609375 2.15625 -7.578125 3.296875 -7.578125 C 4.4375 -7.578125 4.859375 -6.59375 4.859375 -4.3125 Z M 4.859375 -4.3125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb0-2">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.28125 -2.953125 C 6.28125 -4.625 5.046875 -5.875 3.40625 -5.875 C 2.8125 -5.875 2.21875 -5.671875 2.015625 -5.515625 L 2.28125 -7.28125 L 5.84375 -7.28125 L 5.84375 -8.59375 L 1.203125 -8.59375 L 0.515625 -3.875 L 1.71875 -3.875 C 2.25 -4.5 2.5625 -4.671875 3.21875 -4.671875 C 4.359375 -4.671875 4.9375 -4.0625 4.9375 -2.8125 C 4.9375 -1.578125 4.375 -1.015625 3.21875 -1.015625 C 2.296875 -1.015625 1.859375 -1.359375 1.578125 -2.453125 L 0.25 -2.453125 C 0.625 -0.625 1.734375 0.1875 3.234375 0.1875 C 4.953125 0.1875 6.28125 -1.15625 6.28125 -2.953125 Z M 6.28125 -2.953125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb0-3">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.296875 -0.125 L 4.296875 -8.765625 L 3.359375 -8.765625 C 2.953125 -7.328125 2.859375 -7.28125 1.078125 -7.0625 L 1.078125 -6.0625 L 2.96875 -6.0625 L 2.96875 0 L 4.296875 0 Z M 4.296875 -0.125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb0-4">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.265625 -6.140625 C 6.265625 -7.578125 5.015625 -8.765625 3.40625 -8.765625 C 1.671875 -8.765625 0.515625 -7.75 0.453125 -5.5625 L 1.78125 -5.5625 C 1.875 -7.109375 2.328125 -7.578125 3.375 -7.578125 C 4.328125 -7.578125 4.90625 -7.03125 4.90625 -6.125 C 4.90625 -5.453125 4.546875 -4.96875 3.796875 -4.53125 L 2.6875 -3.90625 C 0.90625 -2.90625 0.359375 -2 0.25 0 L 6.203125 0 L 6.203125 -1.3125 L 1.75 -1.3125 C 1.84375 -1.875 2.1875 -2.21875 3.234375 -2.828125 L 4.421875 -3.484375 C 5.609375 -4.109375 6.265625 -5.09375 6.265625 -6.140625 Z M 6.265625 -6.140625 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb0-5">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.1875 -0.125 L 3.1875 -1.15625 C 2.921875 -1.0625 2.765625 -1.0625 2.5625 -1.0625 C 2.140625 -1.0625 2.140625 -1.046875 2.140625 -1.484375 L 2.140625 -5.46875 L 3.1875 -5.46875 L 3.1875 -6.546875 L 2.140625 -6.546875 L 2.140625 -8.28125 L 0.875 -8.28125 L 0.875 -6.546875 L 0.03125 -6.546875 L 0.03125 -5.46875 L 0.875 -5.46875 L 0.875 -1.046875 C 0.875 -0.40625 1.453125 0.078125 2.234375 0.078125 C 2.46875 0.078125 2.71875 0.0625 3.1875 -0.03125 Z M 3.1875 -0.125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb0-6">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.96875 -0.125 L 1.96875 -6.546875 L 0.703125 -6.546875 L 0.703125 0 L 1.96875 0 Z M 2.09375 -7.375 L 2.09375 -8.75 L 0.578125 -8.75 L 0.578125 -7.234375 L 2.09375 -7.234375 Z M 2.09375 -7.375 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb0-7">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.25 -0.125 L 9.25 -4.84375 C 9.25 -5.96875 8.5 -6.734375 7.3125 -6.734375 C 6.484375 -6.734375 5.875 -6.4375 5.40625 -5.875 C 5.109375 -6.40625 4.515625 -6.734375 3.703125 -6.734375 C 2.859375 -6.734375 2.203125 -6.390625 1.65625 -5.625 L 1.890625 -5.53125 L 1.890625 -6.546875 L 0.703125 -6.546875 L 0.703125 0 L 1.984375 0 L 1.984375 -4.078125 C 1.984375 -4.984375 2.515625 -5.59375 3.328125 -5.59375 C 4.0625 -5.59375 4.34375 -5.265625 4.34375 -4.46875 L 4.34375 0 L 5.609375 0 L 5.609375 -4.078125 C 5.609375 -4.984375 6.15625 -5.59375 6.96875 -5.59375 C 7.703125 -5.59375 7.984375 -5.25 7.984375 -4.46875 L 7.984375 0 L 9.25 0 Z M 9.25 -0.125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb0-8">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.28125 -2.984375 C 6.28125 -3.90625 6.21875 -4.46875 6.03125 -4.9375 C 5.625 -5.96875 4.53125 -6.734375 3.359375 -6.734375 C 1.609375 -6.734375 0.34375 -5.296875 0.34375 -3.234375 C 0.34375 -1.171875 1.578125 0.1875 3.34375 0.1875 C 4.78125 0.1875 5.90625 -0.765625 6.1875 -2.171875 L 4.921875 -2.171875 C 4.59375 -1.21875 4.171875 -1.015625 3.375 -1.015625 C 2.328125 -1.015625 1.6875 -1.546875 1.65625 -2.859375 L 6.28125 -2.859375 Z M 5.1875 -3.78125 C 5.1875 -3.78125 4.984375 -3.921875 4.984375 -3.9375 L 1.6875 -3.9375 C 1.765625 -4.921875 2.34375 -5.546875 3.34375 -5.546875 C 4.328125 -5.546875 4.9375 -4.859375 4.9375 -3.875 Z M 5.1875 -3.78125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb1-0">< path style="stroke:none;" d=""/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb1-1">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -2.53125 -6.28125 C -3.484375 -6.28125 -4.265625 -5.671875 -4.625 -4.953125 C -5.046875 -5.65625 -5.5625 -5.984375 -6.375 -5.984375 C -7.703125 -5.984375 -8.765625 -4.8125 -8.765625 -3.296875 C -8.765625 -1.796875 -7.703125 -0.59375 -6.375 -0.59375 C -5.578125 -0.59375 -5.046875 -0.921875 -4.625 -1.625 C -4.265625 -0.921875 -3.484375 -0.296875 -2.546875 -0.296875 C -0.984375 -0.296875 0.1875 -1.625 0.1875 -3.296875 C 0.1875 -4.984375 -0.984375 -6.28125 -2.53125 -6.28125 Z M -6.34375 -4.625 C -5.5625 -4.625 -5.15625 -4.1875 -5.15625 -3.296875 C -5.15625 -2.40625 -5.5625 -1.953125 -6.359375 -1.953125 C -7.171875 -1.953125 -7.578125 -2.40625 -7.578125 -3.296875 C -7.578125 -4.203125 -7.171875 -4.625 -6.34375 -4.625 Z M -2.515625 -4.9375 C -1.515625 -4.9375 -1.015625 -4.359375 -1.015625 -3.28125 C -1.015625 -2.25 -1.53125 -1.65625 -2.515625 -1.65625 C -3.515625 -1.65625 -4.015625 -2.25 -4.015625 -3.296875 C -4.015625 -4.359375 -3.515625 -4.9375 -2.515625 -4.9375 Z M -2.515625 -4.9375 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb1-2">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -4.21875 -6.21875 C -7.171875 -6.21875 -8.765625 -5.140625 -8.765625 -3.296875 C -8.765625 -1.46875 -7.15625 -0.375 -4.296875 -0.375 C -1.421875 -0.375 0.1875 -1.46875 0.1875 -3.296875 C 0.1875 -5.09375 -1.421875 -6.21875 -4.21875 -6.21875 Z M -4.3125 -4.859375 C -1.90625 -4.859375 -0.953125 -4.453125 -0.953125 -3.28125 C -0.953125 -2.15625 -1.953125 -1.734375 -4.28125 -1.734375 C -6.609375 -1.734375 -7.578125 -2.15625 -7.578125 -3.296875 C -7.578125 -4.4375 -6.59375 -4.859375 -4.3125 -4.859375 Z M -4.3125 -4.859375 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb1-3">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -2.953125 -6.28125 C -4.625 -6.28125 -5.875 -5.046875 -5.875 -3.40625 C -5.875 -2.8125 -5.671875 -2.21875 -5.515625 -2.015625 L -7.28125 -2.28125 L -7.28125 -5.84375 L -8.59375 -5.84375 L -8.59375 -1.203125 L -3.875 -0.515625 L -3.875 -1.71875 C -4.5 -2.25 -4.671875 -2.5625 -4.671875 -3.21875 C -4.671875 -4.359375 -4.0625 -4.9375 -2.8125 -4.9375 C -1.578125 -4.9375 -1.015625 -4.375 -1.015625 -3.21875 C -1.015625 -2.296875 -1.359375 -1.859375 -2.453125 -1.578125 L -2.453125 -0.25 C -0.625 -0.625 0.1875 -1.734375 0.1875 -3.234375 C 0.1875 -4.953125 -1.15625 -6.28125 -2.953125 -6.28125 Z M -2.953125 -6.28125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb1-4">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -4.578125 -6.234375 C -7.25 -6.234375 -8.765625 -5.1875 -8.765625 -3.234375 C -8.765625 -1.625 -7.484375 -0.3125 -5.8125 -0.3125 C -4.234375 -0.3125 -3.03125 -1.53125 -3.03125 -3.078125 C -3.03125 -3.875 -3.359375 -4.5625 -4.015625 -5.109375 L -4.109375 -4.875 C -2.046875 -4.859375 -1.015625 -4.328125 -1.015625 -3.125 C -1.015625 -2.375 -1.359375 -1.984375 -2.296875 -1.796875 L -2.296875 -0.46875 C -0.78125 -0.703125 0.1875 -1.75 0.1875 -3.046875 C 0.1875 -5.046875 -1.640625 -6.234375 -4.578125 -6.234375 Z M -5.84375 -4.8125 C -4.796875 -4.8125 -4.234375 -4.21875 -4.234375 -3.1875 C -4.234375 -2.171875 -4.765625 -1.671875 -5.90625 -1.671875 C -6.984375 -1.671875 -7.578125 -2.25 -7.578125 -3.234375 C -7.578125 -4.21875 -6.953125 -4.8125 -5.84375 -4.8125 Z M -5.84375 -4.8125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb1-5">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.125 -4.296875 L -8.765625 -4.296875 L -8.765625 -3.359375 C -7.328125 -2.953125 -7.28125 -2.859375 -7.0625 -1.078125 L -6.0625 -1.078125 L -6.0625 -2.96875 L 0 -2.96875 L 0 -4.296875 Z M -0.125 -4.296875 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb1-6">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -6.140625 -6.265625 C -7.578125 -6.265625 -8.765625 -5.015625 -8.765625 -3.40625 C -8.765625 -1.671875 -7.75 -0.515625 -5.5625 -0.453125 L -5.5625 -1.78125 C -7.109375 -1.875 -7.578125 -2.328125 -7.578125 -3.375 C -7.578125 -4.328125 -7.03125 -4.90625 -6.125 -4.90625 C -5.453125 -4.90625 -4.96875 -4.546875 -4.53125 -3.796875 L -3.90625 -2.6875 C -2.90625 -0.90625 -2 -0.359375 0 -0.25 L 0 -6.203125 L -1.3125 -6.203125 L -1.3125 -1.75 C -1.875 -1.84375 -2.21875 -2.1875 -2.828125 -3.234375 L -3.484375 -4.421875 C -4.109375 -5.609375 -5.09375 -6.265625 -6.140625 -6.265625 Z M -6.140625 -6.265625 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb2-0">< path style="stroke:none;" d=""/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb2-1">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.1875 -3.28125 C 9.1875 -4.9375 8.28125 -5.859375 6.34375 -6.234375 L 4.703125 -6.5625 C 3.15625 -6.859375 2.78125 -7.015625 2.78125 -7.78125 C 2.78125 -8.578125 3.421875 -8.953125 4.53125 -8.953125 C 5.890625 -8.953125 6.640625 -8.5 6.640625 -7.296875 L 8.8125 -7.296875 C 8.8125 -9.65625 7.1875 -10.953125 4.625 -10.953125 C 2.109375 -10.953125 0.5625 -9.625 0.5625 -7.578125 C 0.5625 -5.9375 1.46875 -5.046875 3.59375 -4.625 L 5.078125 -4.34375 C 6.515625 -4.046875 6.953125 -3.875 6.953125 -3.03125 C 6.953125 -2.140625 6.234375 -1.828125 4.921875 -1.828125 C 3.453125 -1.828125 2.640625 -2.3125 2.640625 -3.578125 L 0.375 -3.578125 C 0.375 -1.1875 2.125 0.171875 4.8125 0.171875 C 7.515625 0.171875 9.1875 -1.15625 9.1875 -3.28125 Z M 9.1875 -3.28125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphb2-2">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.140625 -0.125 L 3.140625 -10.78125 L 0.828125 -10.78125 L 0.828125 0 L 3.140625 0 Z M 3.140625 -0.125 "/>< g id="surface21">< rect x="0" y="0" width="432" height="216" style="fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 63.734375 62.132812 L 63.851562 62.234375 L 63.910156 62.28125 L 64.085938 62.433594 L 64.144531 62.480469 L 64.671875 62.9375 L 64.730469 62.984375 L 64.90625 63.136719 L 64.964844 63.191406 L 65.433594 63.597656 L 65.492188 63.652344 L 65.726562 63.855469 L 65.785156 63.910156 L 65.960938 64.0625 L 66.019531 64.117188 L 66.136719 64.21875 L 66.199219 64.273438 L 66.257812 64.324219 L 66.316406 64.378906 L 66.433594 64.480469 L 66.492188 64.535156 L 66.550781 64.585938 L 66.609375 64.640625 L 66.667969 64.691406 L 66.726562 64.746094 L 66.785156 64.796875 L 66.84375 64.851562 L 66.902344 64.902344 L 66.960938 64.957031 L 67.019531 65.007812 L 67.136719 65.117188 L 67.195312 65.167969 L 67.253906 65.222656 L 67.3125 65.273438 L 67.488281 65.4375 L 67.546875 65.488281 L 67.664062 65.597656 L 67.722656 65.648438 L 67.957031 65.867188 L 68.015625 65.917969 L 68.601562 66.464844 L 68.660156 66.515625 L 68.71875 66.574219 L 69.246094 67.066406 L 69.308594 67.121094 L 69.367188 67.175781 L 69.425781 67.234375 L 69.601562 67.398438 L 69.660156 67.457031 L 69.835938 67.621094 L 69.894531 67.679688 L 70.011719 67.789062 L 70.070312 67.847656 L 70.1875 67.957031 L 70.246094 68.015625 L 70.363281 68.125 L 70.421875 68.183594 L 70.480469 68.238281 L 70.539062 68.296875 L 70.597656 68.351562 L 70.65625 68.410156 L 70.714844 68.464844 L 70.773438 68.523438 L 70.832031 68.578125 L 70.890625 68.636719 L 70.949219 68.691406 L 71.007812 68.75 L 71.066406 68.804688 L 71.183594 68.921875 L 71.242188 68.976562 L 71.300781 69.035156 L 71.359375 69.089844 L 71.476562 69.207031 L 71.535156 69.261719 L 71.652344 69.378906 L 71.710938 69.433594 L 71.886719 69.609375 L 71.945312 69.664062 L 72.238281 69.957031 L 72.296875 70.011719 L 72.414062 70.128906 L 72.476562 70.1875 L 73.648438 71.359375 L 73.707031 71.421875 L 73.941406 71.65625 L 74 71.71875 L 74.175781 71.894531 L 74.234375 71.957031 L 74.410156 72.132812 L 74.46875 72.195312 L 74.585938 72.3125 L 74.644531 72.375 L 74.761719 72.492188 L 74.820312 72.554688 L 74.878906 72.613281 L 74.9375 72.675781 L 75.054688 72.792969 L 75.113281 72.855469 L 75.171875 72.914062 L 75.230469 72.976562 L 75.289062 73.035156 L 75.347656 73.097656 L 75.40625 73.15625 L 75.464844 73.21875 L 75.644531 73.398438 L 75.703125 73.460938 L 75.761719 73.519531 L 75.878906 73.644531 L 75.9375 73.703125 L 75.996094 73.765625 L 76.054688 73.824219 L 76.171875 73.949219 L 76.230469 74.007812 L 76.347656 74.132812 L 76.40625 74.191406 L 76.582031 74.378906 L 76.640625 74.4375 L 76.816406 74.625 L 76.875 74.683594 L 77.050781 74.871094 L 77.109375 74.929688 L 77.460938 75.304688 L 77.519531 75.363281 L 78.691406 76.613281 L 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149.152344 133.832031 L 149.210938 133.851562 L 149.269531 133.867188 L 149.386719 133.90625 L 149.445312 133.921875 L 149.503906 133.941406 L 149.5625 133.957031 L 149.621094 133.976562 L 149.679688 133.992188 L 149.738281 134.011719 L 149.796875 134.027344 L 149.855469 134.046875 L 149.914062 134.0625 L 149.972656 134.082031 L 150.089844 134.113281 L 150.148438 134.132812 L 150.207031 134.148438 L 150.265625 134.167969 L 150.382812 134.199219 L 150.441406 134.21875 L 150.5 134.234375 L 150.558594 134.253906 L 150.675781 134.285156 L 150.734375 134.304688 L 150.851562 134.335938 L 150.910156 134.355469 L 150.96875 134.371094 L 151.03125 134.386719 L 151.089844 134.402344 L 151.148438 134.421875 L 151.324219 134.46875 L 151.382812 134.488281 L 151.617188 134.550781 L 151.675781 134.570312 L 151.96875 134.648438 L 152.027344 134.667969 L 152.789062 134.871094 L 152.847656 134.890625 L 152.90625 134.90625 L 152.964844 134.917969 L 153.726562 135.121094 L 153.785156 135.132812 L 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136.007812 L 157.484375 136.023438 L 157.601562 136.046875 L 157.660156 136.0625 L 157.71875 136.074219 L 157.777344 136.089844 L 157.953125 136.125 L 158.011719 136.140625 L 158.128906 136.164062 L 158.1875 136.179688 L 158.363281 136.214844 L 158.421875 136.230469 L 158.597656 136.265625 L 158.65625 136.28125 L 158.890625 136.328125 L 158.949219 136.34375 L 159.300781 136.414062 L 159.359375 136.429688 L 159.886719 136.535156 L 159.945312 136.550781 L 160.414062 136.644531 L 160.476562 136.65625 L 160.945312 136.75 L 161.003906 136.757812 L 161.53125 136.863281 L 161.589844 136.871094 L 161.941406 136.941406 L 162 136.949219 L 162.234375 136.996094 L 162.292969 137.003906 L 162.527344 137.050781 L 162.585938 137.058594 L 162.761719 137.09375 L 162.820312 137.101562 L 162.996094 137.136719 L 163.054688 137.144531 L 163.171875 137.167969 L 163.230469 137.175781 L 163.347656 137.199219 L 163.40625 137.207031 L 163.523438 137.230469 L 163.585938 137.238281 L 163.703125 137.261719 L 163.761719 137.269531 L 163.878906 137.292969 L 163.9375 137.300781 L 163.996094 137.3125 L 164.054688 137.320312 L 164.171875 137.34375 L 164.230469 137.351562 L 164.289062 137.363281 L 164.347656 137.371094 L 164.464844 137.394531 L 164.523438 137.402344 L 164.582031 137.414062 L 164.640625 137.421875 L 164.699219 137.433594 L 164.757812 137.441406 L 164.816406 137.453125 L 164.875 137.460938 L 164.933594 137.472656 L 164.992188 137.480469 L 165.050781 137.492188 L 165.109375 137.5 L 165.167969 137.511719 L 165.226562 137.519531 L 165.285156 137.53125 L 165.34375 137.539062 L 165.402344 137.550781 L 165.460938 137.558594 L 165.519531 137.570312 L 165.578125 137.578125 L 165.636719 137.589844 L 165.695312 137.597656 L 165.753906 137.609375 L 165.871094 137.625 L 165.929688 137.636719 L 165.988281 137.644531 L 166.046875 137.65625 L 166.164062 137.671875 L 166.222656 137.683594 L 166.28125 137.691406 L 166.339844 137.703125 L 166.457031 137.71875 L 166.515625 137.730469 L 166.632812 137.746094 L 166.691406 137.757812 L 166.753906 137.765625 L 166.8125 137.777344 L 166.929688 137.792969 L 166.988281 137.804688 L 167.164062 137.828125 L 167.222656 137.839844 L 167.339844 137.855469 L 167.398438 137.867188 L 167.574219 137.890625 L 167.632812 137.902344 L 167.75 137.917969 L 167.808594 137.929688 L 168.042969 137.960938 L 168.101562 137.972656 L 168.277344 137.996094 L 168.335938 138.007812 L 168.628906 138.046875 L 168.6875 138.058594 L 168.980469 138.097656 L 169.039062 138.109375 L 169.449219 138.164062 L 169.507812 138.175781 L 169.800781 138.214844 L 169.863281 138.222656 L 170.332031 138.285156 L 170.390625 138.296875 L 171.09375 138.390625 L 171.152344 138.394531 L 171.972656 138.503906 L 172.03125 138.507812 L 172.5 138.570312 L 172.558594 138.574219 L 172.851562 138.613281 L 172.910156 138.617188 L 172.96875 138.625 L 173.03125 138.632812 L 173.207031 138.65625 L 173.265625 138.660156 L 173.5 138.691406 L 173.558594 138.695312 L 173.734375 138.71875 L 173.792969 138.722656 L 174.027344 138.753906 L 174.085938 138.757812 L 174.203125 138.773438 L 174.261719 138.777344 L 174.4375 138.800781 L 174.496094 138.804688 L 174.671875 138.828125 L 174.730469 138.832031 L 174.847656 138.847656 L 174.90625 138.851562 L 175.023438 138.867188 L 175.082031 138.871094 L 175.199219 138.886719 L 175.257812 138.890625 L 175.375 138.90625 L 175.433594 138.910156 L 175.550781 138.925781 L 175.609375 138.929688 L 175.726562 138.945312 L 175.785156 138.949219 L 175.902344 138.964844 L 175.960938 138.96875 L 176.019531 138.976562 L 176.078125 138.980469 L 176.136719 138.988281 L 176.199219 138.996094 L 176.257812 139 L 176.316406 139.007812 L 176.375 139.011719 L 176.492188 139.027344 L 176.550781 139.03125 L 176.609375 139.039062 L 176.667969 139.042969 L 176.726562 139.050781 L 176.785156 139.054688 L 176.902344 139.070312 L 176.960938 139.074219 L 177.019531 139.082031 L 177.078125 139.085938 L 177.136719 139.09375 L 177.195312 139.097656 L 177.253906 139.105469 L 177.3125 139.109375 L 177.371094 139.117188 L 177.429688 139.121094 L 177.546875 139.136719 L 177.605469 139.140625 L 177.664062 139.148438 L 177.722656 139.152344 L 177.78125 139.160156 L 177.839844 139.164062 L 177.898438 139.171875 L 177.957031 139.175781 L 178.015625 139.183594 L 178.074219 139.1875 L 178.132812 139.195312 L 178.191406 139.199219 L 178.25 139.207031 L 178.367188 139.214844 L 178.425781 139.222656 L 178.484375 139.226562 L 178.542969 139.234375 L 178.601562 139.238281 L 178.660156 139.246094 L 178.71875 139.25 L 178.777344 139.257812 L 178.835938 139.261719 L 178.894531 139.269531 L 179.011719 139.277344 L 179.070312 139.285156 L 179.128906 139.289062 L 179.1875 139.296875 L 179.246094 139.300781 L 179.308594 139.308594 L 179.425781 139.316406 L 179.484375 139.324219 L 179.542969 139.328125 L 179.601562 139.335938 L 179.71875 139.34375 L 179.777344 139.351562 L 179.894531 139.359375 L 179.953125 139.367188 L 180.011719 139.371094 L 180.070312 139.378906 L 180.1875 139.386719 L 180.246094 139.394531 L 180.363281 139.402344 L 180.421875 139.410156 L 180.539062 139.417969 L 180.597656 139.425781 L 180.65625 139.429688 L 180.714844 139.4375 L 180.832031 139.445312 L 180.890625 139.453125 L 181.066406 139.464844 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 63.734375 142.558594 L 181.066406 142.558594 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 63.734375 142.558594 L 63.734375 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 93.066406 142.558594 L 93.066406 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 122.398438 142.558594 L 122.398438 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 151.734375 142.558594 L 151.734375 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 181.066406 142.558594 L 181.066406 149.761719 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-1" x="60.234375" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-2" x="89.566406" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-3" x="115.398438" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-1" x="122.070312" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-3" x="144.734375" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-2" x="151.40625" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-4" x="174.066406" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-1" x="180.738281" y="168.256836"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 141.566406 L 59.039062 62.132812 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 141.566406 L 51.839844 141.566406 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 115.085938 L 51.839844 115.085938 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 88.609375 L 51.839844 88.609375 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 62.132812 L 51.839844 62.132812 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb1-1" x="41.538086" y="148.566406"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb1-2" x="41.538086" y="141.894531"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb1-1" x="41.538086" y="122.085938"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb1-3" x="41.538086" y="115.414062"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb1-4" x="41.538086" y="95.609375"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb1-2" x="41.538086" y="88.9375"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb1-4" x="41.538086" y="69.132812"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb1-3" x="41.538086" y="62.460938"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 142.558594 L 185.761719 142.558594 L 185.761719 59.039062 L 59.039062 59.039062 L 59.039062 142.558594 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb2-1" x="117.398438" y="34.21875"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-5" x="110.898438" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-6" x="114.234375" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-7" x="116.898438" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-8" x="126.894531" y="197.057617"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 279.734375 139.464844 L 279.792969 139.417969 L 279.910156 139.316406 L 279.96875 139.269531 L 280.261719 139.015625 L 280.320312 138.96875 L 281.316406 138.105469 L 281.375 138.050781 L 281.609375 137.847656 L 281.667969 137.792969 L 281.84375 137.640625 L 281.902344 137.585938 L 282.078125 137.433594 L 282.136719 137.378906 L 282.199219 137.328125 L 282.257812 137.273438 L 282.375 137.171875 L 282.433594 137.117188 L 282.492188 137.066406 L 282.550781 137.011719 L 282.609375 136.960938 L 282.667969 136.90625 L 282.726562 136.855469 L 282.785156 136.800781 L 282.84375 136.75 L 282.902344 136.695312 L 282.960938 136.644531 L 283.019531 136.589844 L 283.078125 136.539062 L 283.195312 136.429688 L 283.253906 136.378906 L 283.371094 136.269531 L 283.429688 136.21875 L 283.546875 136.109375 L 283.605469 136.058594 L 283.78125 135.894531 L 283.839844 135.84375 L 284.132812 135.570312 L 284.191406 135.519531 L 285.1875 134.589844 L 285.246094 134.53125 L 285.308594 134.476562 L 285.542969 134.257812 L 285.601562 134.199219 L 285.777344 134.035156 L 285.835938 133.976562 L 285.953125 133.867188 L 286.011719 133.808594 L 286.128906 133.699219 L 286.1875 133.640625 L 286.304688 133.53125 L 286.363281 133.472656 L 286.421875 133.417969 L 286.480469 133.359375 L 286.539062 133.304688 L 286.597656 133.246094 L 286.65625 133.191406 L 286.714844 133.132812 L 286.773438 133.078125 L 286.832031 133.019531 L 286.890625 132.964844 L 286.949219 132.90625 L 287.007812 132.851562 L 287.066406 132.792969 L 287.125 132.738281 L 287.242188 132.621094 L 287.300781 132.566406 L 287.359375 132.507812 L 287.417969 132.453125 L 287.535156 132.335938 L 287.59375 132.28125 L 287.769531 132.105469 L 287.828125 132.050781 L 288.003906 131.875 L 288.0625 131.820312 L 288.414062 131.46875 L 288.476562 131.414062 L 289.472656 130.417969 L 289.53125 130.355469 L 289.824219 130.0625 L 289.882812 130 L 290.117188 129.765625 L 290.175781 129.703125 L 290.351562 129.527344 L 290.410156 129.464844 L 290.527344 129.347656 L 290.585938 129.285156 L 290.703125 129.167969 L 290.761719 129.105469 L 290.820312 129.046875 L 290.878906 128.984375 L 290.996094 128.867188 L 291.054688 128.804688 L 291.113281 128.746094 L 291.171875 128.683594 L 291.230469 128.625 L 291.289062 128.5625 L 291.347656 128.503906 L 291.40625 128.441406 L 291.464844 128.382812 L 291.523438 128.320312 L 291.585938 128.261719 L 291.644531 128.199219 L 291.703125 128.140625 L 291.761719 128.078125 L 291.820312 128.019531 L 291.9375 127.894531 L 291.996094 127.835938 L 292.113281 127.710938 L 292.171875 127.652344 L 292.230469 127.589844 L 292.289062 127.53125 L 292.464844 127.34375 L 292.523438 127.285156 L 292.640625 127.160156 L 292.699219 127.101562 L 292.875 126.914062 L 292.933594 126.855469 L 293.167969 126.605469 L 293.226562 126.546875 L 293.636719 126.109375 L 293.695312 126.050781 L 294.691406 124.988281 L 294.753906 124.921875 L 295.222656 124.421875 L 295.28125 124.355469 L 295.515625 124.105469 L 295.574219 124.039062 L 295.808594 123.789062 L 295.867188 123.722656 L 296.042969 123.535156 L 296.101562 123.46875 L 296.21875 123.34375 L 296.277344 123.277344 L 296.394531 123.152344 L 296.453125 123.085938 L 296.570312 122.960938 L 296.628906 122.894531 L 296.746094 122.769531 L 296.804688 122.703125 L 296.921875 122.578125 L 296.980469 122.511719 L 297.039062 122.449219 L 297.097656 122.382812 L 297.15625 122.320312 L 297.214844 122.253906 L 297.332031 122.128906 L 297.390625 122.0625 L 297.449219 122 L 297.507812 121.933594 L 297.566406 121.871094 L 297.625 121.804688 L 297.683594 121.742188 L 297.742188 121.675781 L 297.800781 121.613281 L 297.863281 121.546875 L 297.921875 121.484375 L 297.980469 121.417969 L 298.039062 121.355469 L 298.097656 121.289062 L 298.15625 121.226562 L 298.214844 121.160156 L 298.273438 121.097656 L 298.332031 121.03125 L 298.390625 120.96875 L 298.507812 120.835938 L 298.566406 120.773438 L 298.625 120.707031 L 298.683594 120.644531 L 298.800781 120.511719 L 298.859375 120.449219 L 298.917969 120.382812 L 298.976562 120.320312 L 299.09375 120.1875 L 299.152344 120.125 L 299.269531 119.992188 L 299.328125 119.929688 L 299.386719 119.863281 L 299.445312 119.800781 L 299.621094 119.601562 L 299.679688 119.539062 L 299.796875 119.40625 L 299.855469 119.34375 L 299.972656 119.210938 L 300.03125 119.148438 L 300.207031 118.949219 L 300.265625 118.886719 L 300.441406 118.6875 L 300.5 118.625 L 300.675781 118.425781 L 300.734375 118.363281 L 300.910156 118.164062 L 300.96875 118.101562 L 301.03125 118.035156 L 301.207031 117.835938 L 301.265625 117.773438 L 301.558594 117.441406 L 301.617188 117.378906 L 301.910156 117.046875 L 301.96875 116.984375 L 302.320312 116.585938 L 302.378906 116.523438 L 302.789062 116.058594 L 302.847656 115.996094 L 303.375 115.398438 L 303.433594 115.335938 L 304.136719 114.539062 L 304.199219 114.476562 L 305.078125 113.480469 L 305.136719 113.417969 L 306.191406 112.222656 L 306.25 112.160156 L 307.070312 111.230469 L 307.128906 111.167969 L 307.246094 111.035156 L 307.308594 110.96875 L 307.777344 110.4375 L 307.835938 110.375 L 308.304688 109.84375 L 308.363281 109.78125 L 308.773438 109.316406 L 308.832031 109.253906 L 309.183594 108.855469 L 309.242188 108.792969 L 309.535156 108.460938 L 309.59375 108.398438 L 309.828125 108.132812 L 309.886719 108.070312 L 310.121094 107.804688 L 310.179688 107.742188 L 310.355469 107.542969 L 310.414062 107.480469 L 310.476562 107.414062 L 310.59375 107.28125 L 310.652344 107.21875 L 310.828125 107.019531 L 310.886719 106.957031 L 311.0625 106.757812 L 311.121094 106.695312 L 311.238281 106.5625 L 311.296875 106.5 L 311.414062 106.367188 L 311.472656 106.304688 L 311.589844 106.171875 L 311.648438 106.109375 L 311.765625 105.976562 L 311.824219 105.914062 L 311.941406 105.78125 L 312 105.71875 L 312.117188 105.585938 L 312.175781 105.523438 L 312.234375 105.457031 L 312.292969 105.394531 L 312.410156 105.261719 L 312.46875 105.199219 L 312.527344 105.132812 L 312.585938 105.070312 L 312.644531 105.003906 L 312.703125 104.941406 L 312.761719 104.875 L 312.820312 104.8125 L 312.9375 104.679688 L 312.996094 104.617188 L 313.054688 104.550781 L 313.113281 104.488281 L 313.171875 104.421875 L 313.230469 104.359375 L 313.289062 104.292969 L 313.347656 104.230469 L 313.40625 104.164062 L 313.523438 104.039062 L 313.585938 103.972656 L 313.644531 103.910156 L 313.703125 103.84375 L 313.761719 103.78125 L 313.820312 103.714844 L 313.878906 103.652344 L 313.9375 103.585938 L 314.054688 103.460938 L 314.113281 103.394531 L 314.230469 103.269531 L 314.289062 103.203125 L 314.347656 103.140625 L 314.40625 103.074219 L 314.523438 102.949219 L 314.582031 102.882812 L 314.699219 102.757812 L 314.757812 102.691406 L 314.933594 102.503906 L 314.992188 102.4375 L 315.167969 102.25 L 315.226562 102.183594 L 315.402344 101.996094 L 315.460938 101.929688 L 315.695312 101.679688 L 315.753906 101.613281 L 316.164062 101.175781 L 316.222656 101.109375 L 316.691406 100.609375 L 316.753906 100.546875 L 317.398438 99.859375 L 317.457031 99.800781 L 317.808594 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388.675781 63.011719 L 388.96875 62.972656 L 389.03125 62.964844 L 389.089844 62.960938 L 389.324219 62.929688 L 389.382812 62.925781 L 389.617188 62.894531 L 389.675781 62.890625 L 389.851562 62.867188 L 389.910156 62.863281 L 390.085938 62.839844 L 390.144531 62.835938 L 390.320312 62.8125 L 390.378906 62.808594 L 390.554688 62.785156 L 390.613281 62.78125 L 390.730469 62.765625 L 390.789062 62.761719 L 390.90625 62.746094 L 390.964844 62.742188 L 391.082031 62.726562 L 391.140625 62.722656 L 391.257812 62.707031 L 391.316406 62.703125 L 391.433594 62.6875 L 391.492188 62.683594 L 391.609375 62.667969 L 391.667969 62.664062 L 391.785156 62.648438 L 391.84375 62.644531 L 391.960938 62.628906 L 392.019531 62.625 L 392.078125 62.617188 L 392.136719 62.613281 L 392.199219 62.605469 L 392.257812 62.597656 L 392.316406 62.59375 L 392.375 62.585938 L 392.433594 62.582031 L 392.550781 62.566406 L 392.609375 62.5625 L 392.667969 62.554688 L 392.726562 62.550781 L 392.785156 62.542969 L 392.84375 62.539062 L 392.960938 62.523438 L 393.019531 62.519531 L 393.078125 62.511719 L 393.136719 62.507812 L 393.195312 62.5 L 393.253906 62.496094 L 393.3125 62.488281 L 393.371094 62.484375 L 393.429688 62.476562 L 393.488281 62.472656 L 393.546875 62.464844 L 393.605469 62.460938 L 393.664062 62.453125 L 393.722656 62.449219 L 393.78125 62.441406 L 393.839844 62.4375 L 393.898438 62.429688 L 393.957031 62.425781 L 394.015625 62.417969 L 394.074219 62.414062 L 394.132812 62.40625 L 394.191406 62.402344 L 394.25 62.394531 L 394.308594 62.390625 L 394.367188 62.382812 L 394.425781 62.378906 L 394.484375 62.371094 L 394.542969 62.367188 L 394.601562 62.359375 L 394.660156 62.355469 L 394.71875 62.347656 L 394.835938 62.339844 L 394.894531 62.332031 L 394.953125 62.328125 L 395.011719 62.320312 L 395.070312 62.316406 L 395.128906 62.308594 L 395.1875 62.304688 L 395.246094 62.296875 L 395.308594 62.292969 L 395.367188 62.289062 L 395.425781 62.28125 L 395.484375 62.277344 L 395.542969 62.269531 L 395.660156 62.261719 L 395.71875 62.253906 L 395.777344 62.25 L 395.835938 62.242188 L 395.953125 62.234375 L 396.011719 62.226562 L 396.128906 62.21875 L 396.1875 62.210938 L 396.304688 62.203125 L 396.363281 62.195312 L 396.421875 62.191406 L 396.480469 62.183594 L 396.597656 62.175781 L 396.65625 62.167969 L 396.773438 62.160156 L 396.832031 62.152344 L 396.949219 62.144531 L 397.007812 62.136719 L 397.066406 62.132812 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 279.734375 142.558594 L 397.066406 142.558594 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 279.734375 142.558594 L 279.734375 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 309.066406 142.558594 L 309.066406 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 338.398438 142.558594 L 338.398438 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 367.734375 142.558594 L 367.734375 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 397.066406 142.558594 L 397.066406 149.761719 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-1" x="276.234375" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-2" x="305.566406" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-3" x="331.398438" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-1" x="338.070312" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-3" x="360.734375" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-2" x="367.40625" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-4" x="390.066406" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-1" x="396.738281" y="168.256836"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 139.464844 L 275.039062 60.035156 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 139.464844 L 267.839844 139.464844 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 112.988281 L 267.839844 112.988281 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 86.511719 L 267.839844 86.511719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 60.035156 L 267.839844 60.035156 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb1-3" x="257.538086" y="142.964844"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb1-5" x="257.538086" y="119.988281"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb1-2" x="257.538086" y="113.316406"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb1-5" x="257.538086" y="93.511719"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb1-3" x="257.538086" y="86.839844"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb1-6" x="257.538086" y="67.035156"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb1-2" x="257.538086" y="60.363281"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 142.558594 L 401.761719 142.558594 L 401.761719 59.039062 L 275.039062 59.039062 L 275.039062 142.558594 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb2-2" x="335.898438" y="34.21875"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-5" x="326.898438" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-6" x="330.234375" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-7" x="332.898438" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphb0-8" x="342.894531" y="197.057617"/>

SIS model simulation run with k=1, b=0.05

< svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="432pt" height="216pt" viewBox="0 0 432 216" version="1.1">SIS model with k=1, b=0.05< defs>< g>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc0-0">< path style="stroke:none;" d=""/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc0-1">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.21875 -4.21875 C 6.21875 -7.171875 5.140625 -8.765625 3.296875 -8.765625 C 1.46875 -8.765625 0.375 -7.15625 0.375 -4.296875 C 0.375 -1.421875 1.46875 0.1875 3.296875 0.1875 C 5.09375 0.1875 6.21875 -1.421875 6.21875 -4.21875 Z M 4.859375 -4.3125 C 4.859375 -1.90625 4.453125 -0.953125 3.28125 -0.953125 C 2.15625 -0.953125 1.734375 -1.953125 1.734375 -4.28125 C 1.734375 -6.609375 2.15625 -7.578125 3.296875 -7.578125 C 4.4375 -7.578125 4.859375 -6.59375 4.859375 -4.3125 Z M 4.859375 -4.3125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc0-2">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.28125 -2.953125 C 6.28125 -4.625 5.046875 -5.875 3.40625 -5.875 C 2.8125 -5.875 2.21875 -5.671875 2.015625 -5.515625 L 2.28125 -7.28125 L 5.84375 -7.28125 L 5.84375 -8.59375 L 1.203125 -8.59375 L 0.515625 -3.875 L 1.71875 -3.875 C 2.25 -4.5 2.5625 -4.671875 3.21875 -4.671875 C 4.359375 -4.671875 4.9375 -4.0625 4.9375 -2.8125 C 4.9375 -1.578125 4.375 -1.015625 3.21875 -1.015625 C 2.296875 -1.015625 1.859375 -1.359375 1.578125 -2.453125 L 0.25 -2.453125 C 0.625 -0.625 1.734375 0.1875 3.234375 0.1875 C 4.953125 0.1875 6.28125 -1.15625 6.28125 -2.953125 Z M 6.28125 -2.953125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc0-3">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.296875 -0.125 L 4.296875 -8.765625 L 3.359375 -8.765625 C 2.953125 -7.328125 2.859375 -7.28125 1.078125 -7.0625 L 1.078125 -6.0625 L 2.96875 -6.0625 L 2.96875 0 L 4.296875 0 Z M 4.296875 -0.125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc0-4">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.265625 -6.140625 C 6.265625 -7.578125 5.015625 -8.765625 3.40625 -8.765625 C 1.671875 -8.765625 0.515625 -7.75 0.453125 -5.5625 L 1.78125 -5.5625 C 1.875 -7.109375 2.328125 -7.578125 3.375 -7.578125 C 4.328125 -7.578125 4.90625 -7.03125 4.90625 -6.125 C 4.90625 -5.453125 4.546875 -4.96875 3.796875 -4.53125 L 2.6875 -3.90625 C 0.90625 -2.90625 0.359375 -2 0.25 0 L 6.203125 0 L 6.203125 -1.3125 L 1.75 -1.3125 C 1.84375 -1.875 2.1875 -2.21875 3.234375 -2.828125 L 4.421875 -3.484375 C 5.609375 -4.109375 6.265625 -5.09375 6.265625 -6.140625 Z M 6.265625 -6.140625 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc0-5">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.1875 -0.125 L 3.1875 -1.15625 C 2.921875 -1.0625 2.765625 -1.0625 2.5625 -1.0625 C 2.140625 -1.0625 2.140625 -1.046875 2.140625 -1.484375 L 2.140625 -5.46875 L 3.1875 -5.46875 L 3.1875 -6.546875 L 2.140625 -6.546875 L 2.140625 -8.28125 L 0.875 -8.28125 L 0.875 -6.546875 L 0.03125 -6.546875 L 0.03125 -5.46875 L 0.875 -5.46875 L 0.875 -1.046875 C 0.875 -0.40625 1.453125 0.078125 2.234375 0.078125 C 2.46875 0.078125 2.71875 0.0625 3.1875 -0.03125 Z M 3.1875 -0.125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc0-6">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.96875 -0.125 L 1.96875 -6.546875 L 0.703125 -6.546875 L 0.703125 0 L 1.96875 0 Z M 2.09375 -7.375 L 2.09375 -8.75 L 0.578125 -8.75 L 0.578125 -7.234375 L 2.09375 -7.234375 Z M 2.09375 -7.375 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc0-7">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.25 -0.125 L 9.25 -4.84375 C 9.25 -5.96875 8.5 -6.734375 7.3125 -6.734375 C 6.484375 -6.734375 5.875 -6.4375 5.40625 -5.875 C 5.109375 -6.40625 4.515625 -6.734375 3.703125 -6.734375 C 2.859375 -6.734375 2.203125 -6.390625 1.65625 -5.625 L 1.890625 -5.53125 L 1.890625 -6.546875 L 0.703125 -6.546875 L 0.703125 0 L 1.984375 0 L 1.984375 -4.078125 C 1.984375 -4.984375 2.515625 -5.59375 3.328125 -5.59375 C 4.0625 -5.59375 4.34375 -5.265625 4.34375 -4.46875 L 4.34375 0 L 5.609375 0 L 5.609375 -4.078125 C 5.609375 -4.984375 6.15625 -5.59375 6.96875 -5.59375 C 7.703125 -5.59375 7.984375 -5.25 7.984375 -4.46875 L 7.984375 0 L 9.25 0 Z M 9.25 -0.125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc0-8">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.28125 -2.984375 C 6.28125 -3.90625 6.21875 -4.46875 6.03125 -4.9375 C 5.625 -5.96875 4.53125 -6.734375 3.359375 -6.734375 C 1.609375 -6.734375 0.34375 -5.296875 0.34375 -3.234375 C 0.34375 -1.171875 1.578125 0.1875 3.34375 0.1875 C 4.78125 0.1875 5.90625 -0.765625 6.1875 -2.171875 L 4.921875 -2.171875 C 4.59375 -1.21875 4.171875 -1.015625 3.375 -1.015625 C 2.328125 -1.015625 1.6875 -1.546875 1.65625 -2.859375 L 6.28125 -2.859375 Z M 5.1875 -3.78125 C 5.1875 -3.78125 4.984375 -3.921875 4.984375 -3.9375 L 1.6875 -3.9375 C 1.765625 -4.921875 2.34375 -5.546875 3.34375 -5.546875 C 4.328125 -5.546875 4.9375 -4.859375 4.9375 -3.875 Z M 5.1875 -3.78125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc1-0">< path style="stroke:none;" d=""/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc1-1">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -6.140625 -6.265625 C -7.578125 -6.265625 -8.765625 -5.015625 -8.765625 -3.40625 C -8.765625 -1.671875 -7.75 -0.515625 -5.5625 -0.453125 L -5.5625 -1.78125 C -7.109375 -1.875 -7.578125 -2.328125 -7.578125 -3.375 C -7.578125 -4.328125 -7.03125 -4.90625 -6.125 -4.90625 C -5.453125 -4.90625 -4.96875 -4.546875 -4.53125 -3.796875 L -3.90625 -2.6875 C -2.90625 -0.90625 -2 -0.359375 0 -0.25 L 0 -6.203125 L -1.3125 -6.203125 L -1.3125 -1.75 C -1.875 -1.84375 -2.21875 -2.1875 -2.828125 -3.234375 L -3.484375 -4.421875 C -4.109375 -5.609375 -5.09375 -6.265625 -6.140625 -6.265625 Z M -6.140625 -6.265625 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc1-2">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -4.21875 -6.21875 C -7.171875 -6.21875 -8.765625 -5.140625 -8.765625 -3.296875 C -8.765625 -1.46875 -7.15625 -0.375 -4.296875 -0.375 C -1.421875 -0.375 0.1875 -1.46875 0.1875 -3.296875 C 0.1875 -5.09375 -1.421875 -6.21875 -4.21875 -6.21875 Z M -4.3125 -4.859375 C -1.90625 -4.859375 -0.953125 -4.453125 -0.953125 -3.28125 C -0.953125 -2.15625 -1.953125 -1.734375 -4.28125 -1.734375 C -6.609375 -1.734375 -7.578125 -2.15625 -7.578125 -3.296875 C -7.578125 -4.4375 -6.59375 -4.859375 -4.3125 -4.859375 Z M -4.3125 -4.859375 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc1-3">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -2.765625 -6.28125 C -4.359375 -6.28125 -5.5625 -5.078125 -5.5625 -3.546875 C -5.5625 -2.71875 -5.203125 -1.9375 -4.578125 -1.484375 L -4.46875 -1.734375 C -6.546875 -1.734375 -7.578125 -2.28125 -7.578125 -3.484375 C -7.578125 -4.234375 -7.234375 -4.609375 -6.28125 -4.796875 L -6.28125 -6.125 C -7.8125 -5.90625 -8.765625 -4.859375 -8.765625 -3.5625 C -8.765625 -1.578125 -6.96875 -0.375 -4.015625 -0.375 C -1.359375 -0.375 0.1875 -1.421875 0.1875 -3.375 C 0.1875 -4.984375 -1.109375 -6.28125 -2.765625 -6.28125 Z M -2.6875 -4.9375 C -1.625 -4.9375 -1.015625 -4.359375 -1.015625 -3.390625 C -1.015625 -2.40625 -1.65625 -1.78125 -2.75 -1.78125 C -3.796875 -1.78125 -4.359375 -2.375 -4.359375 -3.421875 C -4.359375 -4.4375 -3.828125 -4.9375 -2.6875 -4.9375 Z M -2.6875 -4.9375 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc2-0">< path style="stroke:none;" d=""/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc2-1">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.1875 -3.28125 C 9.1875 -4.9375 8.28125 -5.859375 6.34375 -6.234375 L 4.703125 -6.5625 C 3.15625 -6.859375 2.78125 -7.015625 2.78125 -7.78125 C 2.78125 -8.578125 3.421875 -8.953125 4.53125 -8.953125 C 5.890625 -8.953125 6.640625 -8.5 6.640625 -7.296875 L 8.8125 -7.296875 C 8.8125 -9.65625 7.1875 -10.953125 4.625 -10.953125 C 2.109375 -10.953125 0.5625 -9.625 0.5625 -7.578125 C 0.5625 -5.9375 1.46875 -5.046875 3.59375 -4.625 L 5.078125 -4.34375 C 6.515625 -4.046875 6.953125 -3.875 6.953125 -3.03125 C 6.953125 -2.140625 6.234375 -1.828125 4.921875 -1.828125 C 3.453125 -1.828125 2.640625 -2.3125 2.640625 -3.578125 L 0.375 -3.578125 C 0.375 -1.1875 2.125 0.171875 4.8125 0.171875 C 7.515625 0.171875 9.1875 -1.15625 9.1875 -3.28125 Z M 9.1875 -3.28125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphc2-2">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.140625 -0.125 L 3.140625 -10.78125 L 0.828125 -10.78125 L 0.828125 0 L 3.140625 0 Z M 3.140625 -0.125 "/>< g id="surface26">< rect x="0" y="0" width="432" height="216" style="fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 63.734375 62.132812 L 63.792969 62.332031 L 63.851562 62.535156 L 63.910156 62.746094 L 63.96875 62.964844 L 64.027344 63.1875 L 64.085938 63.421875 L 64.144531 63.664062 L 64.203125 63.914062 L 64.261719 64.171875 L 64.320312 64.441406 L 64.378906 64.714844 L 64.4375 65 L 64.496094 65.296875 L 64.554688 65.597656 L 64.613281 65.914062 L 64.671875 66.238281 L 64.730469 66.570312 L 64.789062 66.914062 L 64.847656 67.269531 L 64.90625 67.636719 L 64.964844 68.011719 L 65.023438 68.398438 L 65.082031 68.800781 L 65.140625 69.210938 L 65.199219 69.632812 L 65.257812 70.066406 L 65.316406 70.515625 L 65.375 70.972656 L 65.433594 71.445312 L 65.492188 71.925781 L 65.550781 72.421875 L 65.609375 72.929688 L 65.667969 73.453125 L 65.726562 73.984375 L 65.785156 74.53125 L 65.84375 75.089844 L 65.902344 75.664062 L 65.960938 76.246094 L 66.019531 76.84375 L 66.078125 77.453125 L 66.136719 78.078125 L 66.199219 78.710938 L 66.257812 79.355469 L 66.316406 80.015625 L 66.375 80.683594 L 66.433594 81.367188 L 66.492188 82.058594 L 66.550781 82.761719 L 66.609375 83.476562 L 66.667969 84.203125 L 66.726562 84.9375 L 66.785156 85.679688 L 66.84375 86.433594 L 66.902344 87.195312 L 66.960938 87.964844 L 67.019531 88.742188 L 67.078125 89.527344 L 67.136719 90.320312 L 67.195312 91.117188 L 67.253906 91.917969 L 67.3125 92.726562 L 67.371094 93.539062 L 67.429688 94.355469 L 67.546875 95.996094 L 67.839844 100.117188 L 68.015625 102.578125 L 68.074219 103.390625 L 68.132812 104.199219 L 68.191406 105.003906 L 68.25 105.804688 L 68.308594 106.597656 L 68.367188 107.386719 L 68.425781 108.167969 L 68.484375 108.941406 L 68.542969 109.707031 L 68.601562 110.460938 L 68.660156 111.210938 L 68.71875 111.949219 L 68.777344 112.675781 L 68.835938 113.394531 L 68.894531 114.101562 L 68.953125 114.800781 L 69.011719 115.488281 L 69.070312 116.160156 L 69.128906 116.824219 L 69.1875 117.476562 L 69.246094 118.113281 L 69.308594 118.742188 L 69.367188 119.355469 L 69.425781 119.957031 L 69.484375 120.546875 L 69.542969 121.125 L 69.601562 121.6875 L 69.660156 122.238281 L 69.71875 122.777344 L 69.777344 123.304688 L 69.835938 123.820312 L 69.894531 124.320312 L 69.953125 124.808594 L 70.011719 125.285156 L 70.070312 125.746094 L 70.128906 126.199219 L 70.1875 126.636719 L 70.246094 127.066406 L 70.304688 127.480469 L 70.363281 127.886719 L 70.421875 128.277344 L 70.480469 128.660156 L 70.539062 129.027344 L 70.597656 129.386719 L 70.65625 129.738281 L 70.714844 130.074219 L 70.773438 130.402344 L 70.832031 130.71875 L 70.890625 131.027344 L 70.949219 131.328125 L 71.007812 131.617188 L 71.066406 131.894531 L 71.125 132.164062 L 71.183594 132.425781 L 71.242188 132.679688 L 71.300781 132.925781 L 71.359375 133.164062 L 71.417969 133.390625 L 71.476562 133.613281 L 71.535156 133.828125 L 71.59375 134.035156 L 71.652344 134.234375 L 71.710938 134.425781 L 71.769531 134.613281 L 71.828125 134.792969 L 71.886719 134.964844 L 71.945312 135.132812 L 72.003906 135.292969 L 72.0625 135.449219 L 72.121094 135.597656 L 72.179688 135.742188 L 72.238281 135.882812 L 72.296875 136.019531 L 72.355469 136.148438 L 72.414062 136.273438 L 72.476562 136.394531 L 72.59375 136.621094 L 72.652344 136.730469 L 72.769531 136.933594 L 72.828125 137.03125 L 72.945312 137.210938 L 73.0625 137.382812 L 73.179688 137.539062 L 73.238281 137.613281 L 73.296875 137.683594 L 73.414062 137.816406 L 73.53125 137.941406 L 73.648438 138.058594 L 73.707031 138.109375 L 73.765625 138.164062 L 73.824219 138.214844 L 74 138.355469 L 74.058594 138.398438 L 74.292969 138.554688 L 74.351562 138.589844 L 74.410156 138.621094 L 74.46875 138.65625 L 74.585938 138.71875 L 74.820312 138.828125 L 75.054688 138.921875 L 75.171875 138.960938 L 75.230469 138.984375 L 75.289062 139 L 75.347656 139.019531 L 75.40625 139.035156 L 75.464844 139.054688 L 75.523438 139.070312 L 75.585938 139.085938 L 75.644531 139.101562 L 75.703125 139.113281 L 75.761719 139.128906 L 75.878906 139.152344 L 75.9375 139.167969 L 75.996094 139.179688 L 76.054688 139.1875 L 76.171875 139.210938 L 76.230469 139.21875 L 76.289062 139.230469 L 76.347656 139.238281 L 76.40625 139.25 L 76.699219 139.289062 L 76.757812 139.292969 L 76.875 139.308594 L 76.933594 139.3125 L 76.992188 139.320312 L 77.050781 139.324219 L 77.109375 139.332031 L 77.167969 139.335938 L 77.226562 139.34375 L 77.929688 139.390625 L 77.988281 139.390625 L 78.164062 139.402344 L 78.222656 139.402344 L 78.339844 139.410156 L 78.398438 139.410156 L 78.457031 139.414062 L 78.515625 139.414062 L 78.574219 139.417969 L 78.632812 139.417969 L 78.691406 139.421875 L 78.753906 139.421875 L 78.8125 139.425781 L 78.929688 139.425781 L 78.988281 139.429688 L 79.046875 139.429688 L 79.105469 139.433594 L 79.222656 139.433594 L 79.28125 139.4375 L 79.457031 139.4375 L 79.515625 139.441406 L 79.632812 139.441406 L 79.691406 139.445312 L 79.925781 139.445312 L 79.984375 139.449219 L 80.277344 139.449219 L 80.335938 139.453125 L 80.6875 139.453125 L 80.746094 139.457031 L 81.273438 139.457031 L 81.332031 139.460938 L 82.332031 139.460938 L 82.390625 139.464844 L 181.066406 139.464844 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 63.734375 142.558594 L 181.066406 142.558594 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 63.734375 142.558594 L 63.734375 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 93.066406 142.558594 L 93.066406 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 122.398438 142.558594 L 122.398438 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 151.734375 142.558594 L 151.734375 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 181.066406 142.558594 L 181.066406 149.761719 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-1" x="60.234375" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-2" x="89.566406" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-3" x="115.398438" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-1" x="122.070312" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-3" x="144.734375" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-2" x="151.40625" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-4" x="174.066406" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-1" x="180.738281" y="168.256836"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 139.464844 L 59.039062 77.601562 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 139.464844 L 51.839844 139.464844 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 118.84375 L 51.839844 118.84375 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 98.222656 L 51.839844 98.222656 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 77.601562 L 51.839844 77.601562 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc1-1" x="41.538086" y="146.464844"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc1-2" x="41.538086" y="139.792969"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc1-3" x="41.538086" y="105.222656"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc1-2" x="41.538086" y="98.550781"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 142.558594 L 185.761719 142.558594 L 185.761719 59.039062 L 59.039062 59.039062 L 59.039062 142.558594 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc2-1" x="117.398438" y="34.21875"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-5" x="110.898438" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-6" x="114.234375" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-7" x="116.898438" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-8" x="126.894531" y="197.057617"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 279.734375 139.464844 L 279.792969 139.269531 L 279.851562 139.066406 L 279.910156 138.855469 L 279.96875 138.636719 L 280.027344 138.410156 L 280.085938 138.175781 L 280.144531 137.9375 L 280.203125 137.6875 L 280.261719 137.425781 L 280.320312 137.160156 L 280.378906 136.882812 L 280.4375 136.597656 L 280.496094 136.304688 L 280.554688 136 L 280.613281 135.6875 L 280.671875 135.363281 L 280.730469 135.03125 L 280.789062 134.683594 L 280.847656 134.332031 L 280.90625 133.964844 L 280.964844 133.585938 L 281.023438 133.199219 L 281.082031 132.800781 L 281.140625 132.390625 L 281.199219 131.96875 L 281.257812 131.53125 L 281.316406 131.085938 L 281.375 130.628906 L 281.433594 130.15625 L 281.492188 129.671875 L 281.550781 129.175781 L 281.609375 128.667969 L 281.667969 128.148438 L 281.726562 127.613281 L 281.785156 127.066406 L 281.84375 126.507812 L 281.902344 125.9375 L 281.960938 125.351562 L 282.019531 124.753906 L 282.078125 124.144531 L 282.136719 123.523438 L 282.199219 122.890625 L 282.257812 122.242188 L 282.316406 121.585938 L 282.375 120.914062 L 282.433594 120.234375 L 282.492188 119.539062 L 282.550781 118.835938 L 282.609375 118.121094 L 282.667969 117.398438 L 282.726562 116.664062 L 282.785156 115.921875 L 282.84375 115.167969 L 282.902344 114.40625 L 282.960938 113.636719 L 283.019531 112.859375 L 283.078125 112.074219 L 283.136719 111.28125 L 283.195312 110.484375 L 283.253906 109.679688 L 283.3125 108.871094 L 283.429688 107.246094 L 283.546875 105.605469 L 283.898438 100.660156 L 283.957031 99.839844 L 284.015625 99.023438 L 284.132812 97.398438 L 284.191406 96.59375 L 284.25 95.792969 L 284.308594 95 L 284.367188 94.214844 L 284.425781 93.433594 L 284.484375 92.660156 L 284.542969 91.894531 L 284.601562 91.136719 L 284.660156 90.390625 L 284.71875 89.652344 L 284.777344 88.921875 L 284.835938 88.203125 L 284.894531 87.496094 L 284.953125 86.800781 L 285.011719 86.113281 L 285.070312 85.4375 L 285.128906 84.777344 L 285.1875 84.125 L 285.246094 83.484375 L 285.308594 82.859375 L 285.367188 82.246094 L 285.425781 81.640625 L 285.484375 81.050781 L 285.542969 80.476562 L 285.601562 79.910156 L 285.660156 79.359375 L 285.71875 78.820312 L 285.777344 78.296875 L 285.835938 77.78125 L 285.894531 77.28125 L 285.953125 76.792969 L 286.011719 76.316406 L 286.070312 75.851562 L 286.128906 75.402344 L 286.1875 74.960938 L 286.246094 74.535156 L 286.304688 74.117188 L 286.363281 73.714844 L 286.421875 73.324219 L 286.480469 72.941406 L 286.539062 72.570312 L 286.597656 72.210938 L 286.65625 71.863281 L 286.714844 71.523438 L 286.773438 71.199219 L 286.832031 70.878906 L 286.890625 70.570312 L 286.949219 70.273438 L 287.007812 69.984375 L 287.066406 69.707031 L 287.125 69.433594 L 287.183594 69.171875 L 287.242188 68.917969 L 287.300781 68.675781 L 287.359375 68.4375 L 287.417969 68.207031 L 287.476562 67.988281 L 287.535156 67.773438 L 287.59375 67.566406 L 287.652344 67.367188 L 287.710938 67.175781 L 287.769531 66.988281 L 287.828125 66.808594 L 287.886719 66.636719 L 287.945312 66.46875 L 288.003906 66.308594 L 288.0625 66.152344 L 288.121094 66 L 288.179688 65.855469 L 288.238281 65.714844 L 288.296875 65.582031 L 288.355469 65.453125 L 288.414062 65.328125 L 288.476562 65.207031 L 288.535156 65.089844 L 288.59375 64.976562 L 288.710938 64.765625 L 288.828125 64.570312 L 288.886719 64.476562 L 288.945312 64.386719 L 289.003906 64.300781 L 289.0625 64.21875 L 289.179688 64.0625 L 289.238281 63.988281 L 289.355469 63.847656 L 289.414062 63.78125 L 289.472656 63.71875 L 289.648438 63.542969 L 289.707031 63.488281 L 289.882812 63.335938 L 289.941406 63.292969 L 290 63.246094 L 290.117188 63.160156 L 290.234375 63.082031 L 290.410156 62.976562 L 290.585938 62.882812 L 290.644531 62.855469 L 290.703125 62.824219 L 290.761719 62.796875 L 290.820312 62.773438 L 290.878906 62.746094 L 290.996094 62.699219 L 291.054688 62.679688 L 291.113281 62.65625 L 291.289062 62.597656 L 291.347656 62.582031 L 291.40625 62.5625 L 291.523438 62.53125 L 291.585938 62.515625 L 291.703125 62.484375 L 291.761719 62.472656 L 291.820312 62.457031 L 292.113281 62.398438 L 292.171875 62.390625 L 292.230469 62.378906 L 292.289062 62.371094 L 292.347656 62.359375 L 292.816406 62.296875 L 292.875 62.292969 L 292.933594 62.285156 L 292.992188 62.28125 L 293.050781 62.273438 L 293.109375 62.269531 L 293.167969 62.261719 L 293.34375 62.25 L 293.402344 62.242188 L 293.753906 62.21875 L 293.8125 62.21875 L 294.046875 62.203125 L 294.105469 62.203125 L 294.222656 62.195312 L 294.28125 62.195312 L 294.339844 62.191406 L 294.398438 62.191406 L 294.515625 62.183594 L 294.574219 62.183594 L 294.632812 62.179688 L 294.691406 62.179688 L 294.753906 62.175781 L 294.871094 62.175781 L 294.929688 62.171875 L 294.988281 62.171875 L 295.046875 62.167969 L 295.164062 62.167969 L 295.222656 62.164062 L 295.339844 62.164062 L 295.398438 62.160156 L 295.574219 62.160156 L 295.632812 62.15625 L 295.808594 62.15625 L 295.867188 62.152344 L 296.101562 62.152344 L 296.160156 62.148438 L 296.511719 62.148438 L 296.570312 62.144531 L 297.039062 62.144531 L 297.097656 62.140625 L 297.800781 62.140625 L 297.863281 62.136719 L 299.738281 62.136719 L 299.796875 62.132812 L 397.066406 62.132812 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 279.734375 142.558594 L 397.066406 142.558594 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 279.734375 142.558594 L 279.734375 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 309.066406 142.558594 L 309.066406 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 338.398438 142.558594 L 338.398438 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 367.734375 142.558594 L 367.734375 149.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 397.066406 142.558594 L 397.066406 149.761719 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-1" x="276.234375" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-2" x="305.566406" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-3" x="331.398438" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-1" x="338.070312" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-3" x="360.734375" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-2" x="367.40625" y="168.256836"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-4" x="390.066406" y="168.256836"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-1" x="396.738281" y="168.256836"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 124 L 275.039062 62.132812 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 124 L 267.839844 124 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 103.378906 L 267.839844 103.378906 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 82.753906 L 267.839844 82.753906 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 62.132812 L 267.839844 62.132812 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc1-1" x="257.538086" y="131"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc1-2" x="257.538086" y="124.328125"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc1-3" x="257.538086" y="89.753906"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc1-2" x="257.538086" y="83.082031"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 275.039062 142.558594 L 401.761719 142.558594 L 401.761719 59.039062 L 275.039062 59.039062 L 275.039062 142.558594 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc2-2" x="335.898438" y="34.21875"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-5" x="326.898438" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-6" x="330.234375" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-7" x="332.898438" y="197.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphc0-8" x="342.894531" y="197.057617"/>

SIR models

The SIR model of disease was first proposed in 1927 by Kermack and McKendrick, hence the alternative denomination of Kermack-McKendrick epidemic model. With this model, researchers sought to answer questions as to why infectious diseases suddenly errupt and expire without leaving everyone infected. In this regard, the Kermack-McKendric model succeeded and was considered one of the early triumphs of mathematical epidemology4.

I should mention in passing that the basic SIR or Kermack-McKendric model asumes a disease transmission rate given by the \(\beta SI\) term, a form called mass-action incidence or density dependent transmission. When the disease transmission rate is \(\beta SI/N\) (\(N\) being the overall population), the disease transmission mechanism implicit in the model is known as standard incidence or frequency dependent transmission.

The use of one or another model of disease transmission between infected hosts and susceptibles and the circumstances under which either one is more appropriate for modeling the onslaught of a disease is a somewhat controversial issue. It has been generally suggested, however, that the mass-action incidence form is more appropriate for air-borne diseases for example, where doubling the population also doubles the rate at which the disease is transmitted. On the other hand, sexually transmitted diseases are best modeled by the frequency dependent transmission form, because the transmission depends on the mean frequency of sexual contacts per person, which is basically unrelated to the size of the susceptible population.

In view of these considerations, we could appropriately model short-lived and mass-action incidence diseases by the SIR model given below:

\[\frac{dS}{dt}=-\beta SI\] \[\frac{dI}{dt}=\beta SI – \kappa I\] \[\frac{dR}{dt}=\kappa I\]
We will apply this (mass-action incidence) SIR model to an epidemic event involving a case of influenza in an English boarding school for boys, as reported by anonymous authors to the British Medical Journal in 19785. This influenza outbreak apparently began by a single infected student in a population of 763 resident boys (including that student), spanning a period of 15 days. The data furnished refers only to the number of bedridden patients each day- these will be taken as the infected population numbers6.

Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
I 1 3 8 28 75 221 291 255 235 190 125 70 28 12 5

With this data, we’re ready to code the R/simecol script for fitting the SIR model:

flu_data <- data.frame(
flu_weights <- data.frame(
sir <- odeModel(
  main=function(t,y,parms) {
    p <- parms
    dS <- -p["b"]*y["S"]*y["I"]
    dI <- p["b"]*y["S"]*y["I"]-p["k"]*y["I"]
    dR <- p["k"]*y["I"]
  times = c(from=0,to=14,by=0.1),
result_fit <- fitOdeModel(
parms(sir) <- result_fit$par
times(sir) <- c(from=0,to=20,by=1)
sir <- sim(sir)
  xlab = "Day",
  ylab = "Population",
  type = "l", lty = c("solid", "solid","solid"), 
  col = c("blue","red","darkgreen"))

Influenza outbreak in an English boarding school (1978)

< svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="432pt" height="360pt" viewBox="0 0 432 360" version="1.1">Influenza outbreak in an English boarding school< defs>< g>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd0-0">< path style="stroke:none;" d=""/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd0-1">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.140625 -4.515625 C 8.140625 -7.21875 6.65625 -9.015625 4.4375 -9.015625 L 0.921875 -9.015625 L 0.921875 0 L 4.4375 0 C 6.640625 0 8.140625 -1.78125 8.140625 -4.515625 Z M 6.75 -4.5 C 6.75 -2.296875 5.96875 -1.25 4.25 -1.25 L 2.3125 -1.25 L 2.3125 -7.765625 L 4.25 -7.765625 C 5.96875 -7.765625 6.75 -6.734375 6.75 -4.5 Z M 6.75 -4.5 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd0-2">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.546875 -0.15625 L 6.546875 -1.078125 C 6.3125 -1.015625 6.265625 -1.015625 6.203125 -1.015625 C 5.859375 -1.015625 5.796875 -1.0625 5.796875 -1.375 L 5.796875 -4.890625 C 5.796875 -6 4.84375 -6.734375 3.296875 -6.734375 C 1.78125 -6.734375 0.703125 -6.015625 0.640625 -4.421875 L 1.90625 -4.421875 C 2 -5.328125 2.328125 -5.546875 3.265625 -5.546875 C 4.15625 -5.546875 4.53125 -5.34375 4.53125 -4.734375 L 4.53125 -4.46875 C 4.53125 -4.0625 4.421875 -4.015625 3.625 -3.90625 C 2.203125 -3.734375 1.984375 -3.6875 1.609375 -3.53125 C 0.875 -3.234375 0.359375 -2.53125 0.359375 -1.765625 C 0.359375 -0.625 1.296875 0.1875 2.5625 0.1875 C 3.375 0.1875 4.25 -0.1875 4.625 -0.59375 C 4.671875 -0.390625 5.25 0.078125 5.734375 0.078125 C 5.9375 0.078125 6.09375 0.0625 6.546875 -0.046875 Z M 4.53125 -2.296875 C 4.53125 -1.40625 3.75 -0.953125 2.78125 -0.953125 C 2 -0.953125 1.6875 -1.109375 1.6875 -1.78125 C 1.6875 -2.453125 1.984375 -2.609375 3.0625 -2.765625 C 4.109375 -2.90625 4.328125 -2.953125 4.53125 -3.03125 Z M 4.53125 -2.296875 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd0-3">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.734375 -6.546875 L 4.5625 -6.546875 L 2.765625 -1.53125 L 3.046875 -1.53125 L 1.390625 -6.546875 L 0.046875 -6.546875 L 2.21875 -0.109375 L 1.84375 0.890625 C 1.671875 1.328125 1.609375 1.375 1.171875 1.375 C 1.03125 1.375 0.859375 1.34375 0.5 1.265625 L 0.5 2.40625 C 0.75 2.53125 1.0625 2.609375 1.3125 2.609375 C 2.03125 2.609375 2.734375 2.09375 3.078125 1.1875 L 5.921875 -6.546875 Z M 5.734375 -6.546875 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd0-4">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.21875 -4.21875 C 6.21875 -7.171875 5.140625 -8.765625 3.296875 -8.765625 C 1.46875 -8.765625 0.375 -7.15625 0.375 -4.296875 C 0.375 -1.421875 1.46875 0.1875 3.296875 0.1875 C 5.09375 0.1875 6.21875 -1.421875 6.21875 -4.21875 Z M 4.859375 -4.3125 C 4.859375 -1.90625 4.453125 -0.953125 3.28125 -0.953125 C 2.15625 -0.953125 1.734375 -1.953125 1.734375 -4.28125 C 1.734375 -6.609375 2.15625 -7.578125 3.296875 -7.578125 C 4.4375 -7.578125 4.859375 -6.59375 4.859375 -4.3125 Z M 4.859375 -4.3125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd0-5">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.28125 -2.953125 C 6.28125 -4.625 5.046875 -5.875 3.40625 -5.875 C 2.8125 -5.875 2.21875 -5.671875 2.015625 -5.515625 L 2.28125 -7.28125 L 5.84375 -7.28125 L 5.84375 -8.59375 L 1.203125 -8.59375 L 0.515625 -3.875 L 1.71875 -3.875 C 2.25 -4.5 2.5625 -4.671875 3.21875 -4.671875 C 4.359375 -4.671875 4.9375 -4.0625 4.9375 -2.8125 C 4.9375 -1.578125 4.375 -1.015625 3.21875 -1.015625 C 2.296875 -1.015625 1.859375 -1.359375 1.578125 -2.453125 L 0.25 -2.453125 C 0.625 -0.625 1.734375 0.1875 3.234375 0.1875 C 4.953125 0.1875 6.28125 -1.15625 6.28125 -2.953125 Z M 6.28125 -2.953125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd0-6">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.296875 -0.125 L 4.296875 -8.765625 L 3.359375 -8.765625 C 2.953125 -7.328125 2.859375 -7.28125 1.078125 -7.0625 L 1.078125 -6.0625 L 2.96875 -6.0625 L 2.96875 0 L 4.296875 0 Z M 4.296875 -0.125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd0-7">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.265625 -6.140625 C 6.265625 -7.578125 5.015625 -8.765625 3.40625 -8.765625 C 1.671875 -8.765625 0.515625 -7.75 0.453125 -5.5625 L 1.78125 -5.5625 C 1.875 -7.109375 2.328125 -7.578125 3.375 -7.578125 C 4.328125 -7.578125 4.90625 -7.03125 4.90625 -6.125 C 4.90625 -5.453125 4.546875 -4.96875 3.796875 -4.53125 L 2.6875 -3.90625 C 0.90625 -2.90625 0.359375 -2 0.25 0 L 6.203125 0 L 6.203125 -1.3125 L 1.75 -1.3125 C 1.84375 -1.875 2.1875 -2.21875 3.234375 -2.828125 L 4.421875 -3.484375 C 5.609375 -4.109375 6.265625 -5.09375 6.265625 -6.140625 Z M 6.265625 -6.140625 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd0-8">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.578125 -2.53125 C 7.578125 -3.609375 6.78125 -4.53125 5.59375 -4.859375 L 3.390625 -5.453125 C 2.34375 -5.71875 2.09375 -5.9375 2.09375 -6.609375 C 2.09375 -7.5 2.734375 -8.03125 3.90625 -8.03125 C 5.296875 -8.03125 5.953125 -7.53125 5.953125 -6.25 L 7.28125 -6.25 C 7.28125 -8.09375 5.96875 -9.234375 3.953125 -9.234375 C 2.03125 -9.234375 0.703125 -8.046875 0.703125 -6.453125 C 0.703125 -5.390625 1.40625 -4.578125 2.5625 -4.28125 L 4.734375 -3.703125 C 5.828125 -3.421875 6.1875 -3.109375 6.1875 -2.421875 C 6.1875 -1.46875 5.609375 -1.03125 4.109375 -1.03125 C 2.453125 -1.03125 1.765625 -1.734375 1.765625 -3.109375 L 0.4375 -3.109375 C 0.4375 -0.90625 1.96875 0.21875 4.03125 0.21875 C 6.25 0.21875 7.578125 -0.96875 7.578125 -2.53125 Z M 7.578125 -2.53125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd0-9">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.453125 -0.125 L 2.453125 -9.015625 L 1.0625 -9.015625 L 1.0625 0 L 2.453125 0 Z M 2.453125 -0.125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd0-10">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.28125 -0.125 L 8.28125 -0.484375 C 7.828125 -0.796875 7.765625 -1.015625 7.75 -2.171875 C 7.734375 -3.609375 7.375 -4.171875 6.4375 -4.578125 L 6.4375 -4.3125 C 7.421875 -4.796875 7.9375 -5.546875 7.9375 -6.546875 C 7.9375 -8.046875 6.859375 -9.015625 5.140625 -9.015625 L 0.96875 -9.015625 L 0.96875 0 L 2.359375 0 L 2.359375 -3.765625 L 5.109375 -3.765625 C 6.09375 -3.765625 6.421875 -3.421875 6.40625 -2.34375 L 6.390625 -1.5625 C 6.390625 -1.015625 6.484375 -0.484375 6.703125 0 L 8.28125 0 Z M 6.5 -6.390625 C 6.5 -5.359375 6.125 -5.015625 4.9375 -5.015625 L 2.359375 -5.015625 L 2.359375 -7.765625 L 4.9375 -7.765625 C 6.1875 -7.765625 6.5 -7.375 6.5 -6.390625 Z M 6.5 -6.390625 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd1-0">< path style="stroke:none;" d=""/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd1-1">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -4.21875 -6.21875 C -7.171875 -6.21875 -8.765625 -5.140625 -8.765625 -3.296875 C -8.765625 -1.46875 -7.15625 -0.375 -4.296875 -0.375 C -1.421875 -0.375 0.1875 -1.46875 0.1875 -3.296875 C 0.1875 -5.09375 -1.421875 -6.21875 -4.21875 -6.21875 Z M -4.3125 -4.859375 C -1.90625 -4.859375 -0.953125 -4.453125 -0.953125 -3.28125 C -0.953125 -2.15625 -1.953125 -1.734375 -4.28125 -1.734375 C -6.609375 -1.734375 -7.578125 -2.15625 -7.578125 -3.296875 C -7.578125 -4.4375 -6.59375 -4.859375 -4.3125 -4.859375 Z M -4.3125 -4.859375 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd1-2">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -6.140625 -6.265625 C -7.578125 -6.265625 -8.765625 -5.015625 -8.765625 -3.40625 C -8.765625 -1.671875 -7.75 -0.515625 -5.5625 -0.453125 L -5.5625 -1.78125 C -7.109375 -1.875 -7.578125 -2.328125 -7.578125 -3.375 C -7.578125 -4.328125 -7.03125 -4.90625 -6.125 -4.90625 C -5.453125 -4.90625 -4.96875 -4.546875 -4.53125 -3.796875 L -3.90625 -2.6875 C -2.90625 -0.90625 -2 -0.359375 0 -0.25 L 0 -6.203125 L -1.3125 -6.203125 L -1.3125 -1.75 C -1.875 -1.84375 -2.21875 -2.1875 -2.828125 -3.234375 L -3.484375 -4.421875 C -4.109375 -5.609375 -5.09375 -6.265625 -6.140625 -6.265625 Z M -6.140625 -6.265625 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd1-3">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -2.171875 -6.375 L -3.25 -6.375 L -3.25 -5.109375 L -8.765625 -5.109375 L -8.765625 -4.125 L -3.328125 -0.1875 L -2.046875 -0.1875 L -2.046875 -3.78125 L 0 -3.78125 L 0 -5.109375 L -2.046875 -5.109375 L -2.046875 -6.375 Z M -3.25 -3.921875 L -3.25 -1.515625 L -6.75 -4.015625 L -6.84375 -3.78125 L -3.25 -3.78125 Z M -3.25 -3.921875 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd1-4">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -2.765625 -6.28125 C -4.359375 -6.28125 -5.5625 -5.078125 -5.5625 -3.546875 C -5.5625 -2.71875 -5.203125 -1.9375 -4.578125 -1.484375 L -4.46875 -1.734375 C -6.546875 -1.734375 -7.578125 -2.28125 -7.578125 -3.484375 C -7.578125 -4.234375 -7.234375 -4.609375 -6.28125 -4.796875 L -6.28125 -6.125 C -7.8125 -5.90625 -8.765625 -4.859375 -8.765625 -3.5625 C -8.765625 -1.578125 -6.96875 -0.375 -4.015625 -0.375 C -1.359375 -0.375 0.1875 -1.421875 0.1875 -3.375 C 0.1875 -4.984375 -1.109375 -6.28125 -2.765625 -6.28125 Z M -2.6875 -4.9375 C -1.625 -4.9375 -1.015625 -4.359375 -1.015625 -3.390625 C -1.015625 -2.40625 -1.65625 -1.78125 -2.75 -1.78125 C -3.796875 -1.78125 -4.359375 -2.375 -4.359375 -3.421875 C -4.359375 -4.4375 -3.828125 -4.9375 -2.6875 -4.9375 Z M -2.6875 -4.9375 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd2-0">< path style="stroke:none;" d=""/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd2-1">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -5.6875 -6.796875 C -7.171875 -6.796875 -8.140625 -5.78125 -8.140625 -4.234375 L -8.140625 -0.84375 L 0 -0.84375 L 0 -2.109375 L -3.34375 -2.109375 L -3.34375 -4.453125 C -3.34375 -5.75 -4.390625 -6.796875 -5.6875 -6.796875 Z M -5.734375 -5.46875 C -4.875 -5.46875 -4.484375 -5.046875 -4.484375 -4.078125 L -4.484375 -2.109375 L -6.984375 -2.109375 L -6.984375 -4.078125 C -6.984375 -5.046875 -6.59375 -5.46875 -5.734375 -5.46875 Z M -5.734375 -5.46875 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd2-2">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -2.921875 -5.640625 C -4.875 -5.640625 -6.09375 -4.5625 -6.09375 -2.9375 C -6.09375 -1.34375 -4.859375 -0.25 -2.953125 -0.25 C -1.0625 -0.25 0.15625 -1.34375 0.15625 -2.953125 C 0.15625 -4.53125 -1.0625 -5.640625 -2.921875 -5.640625 Z M -2.921875 -4.421875 C -1.59375 -4.421875 -0.9375 -3.9375 -0.9375 -2.953125 C -0.9375 -1.9375 -1.59375 -1.453125 -2.953125 -1.453125 C -4.3125 -1.453125 -4.984375 -1.9375 -4.984375 -2.953125 C -4.984375 -3.96875 -4.328125 -4.421875 -2.921875 -4.421875 Z M -2.921875 -4.421875 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd2-3">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -2.90625 -5.78125 C -4.796875 -5.78125 -6.09375 -4.71875 -6.09375 -3.21875 C -6.09375 -2.453125 -5.703125 -1.734375 -5.03125 -1.3125 L -4.9375 -1.546875 L -5.921875 -1.546875 L -5.921875 -0.453125 L 2.359375 -0.453125 L 2.359375 -1.625 L -0.8125 -1.625 L -0.71875 -1.390625 C -0.125 -1.875 0.15625 -2.5 0.15625 -3.234375 C 0.15625 -4.6875 -1.09375 -5.78125 -2.90625 -5.78125 Z M -2.921875 -4.5625 C -1.640625 -4.5625 -0.953125 -4.046875 -0.953125 -3.0625 C -0.953125 -2.109375 -1.59375 -1.625 -2.921875 -1.625 C -4.25 -1.625 -4.984375 -2.109375 -4.984375 -3.0625 C -4.984375 -4.0625 -4.28125 -4.5625 -2.921875 -4.5625 Z M -2.921875 -4.5625 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd2-4">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.125 -5.328125 L -5.921875 -5.328125 L -5.921875 -4.171875 L -2.671875 -4.171875 C -1.515625 -4.171875 -0.890625 -3.703125 -0.890625 -2.765625 C -0.890625 -2.046875 -1.1875 -1.734375 -1.875 -1.734375 L -5.921875 -1.734375 L -5.921875 -0.5625 L -1.515625 -0.5625 C -0.578125 -0.5625 0.15625 -1.40625 0.15625 -2.5 C 0.15625 -3.34375 -0.15625 -3.953125 -0.90625 -4.484375 L -1 -4.25 L 0 -4.25 L 0 -5.328125 Z M -0.125 -5.328125 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd2-5">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.125 -1.765625 L -8.140625 -1.765625 L -8.140625 -0.59375 L 0 -0.59375 L 0 -1.765625 Z M -0.125 -1.765625 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd2-6">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.15625 -5.90625 L -1 -5.90625 C -0.953125 -5.671875 -0.953125 -5.640625 -0.953125 -5.578125 C -0.953125 -5.265625 -0.96875 -5.21875 -1.25 -5.21875 L -4.40625 -5.21875 C -5.40625 -5.21875 -6.09375 -4.359375 -6.09375 -2.96875 C -6.09375 -1.59375 -5.421875 -0.609375 -3.984375 -0.546875 L -3.984375 -1.734375 C -4.796875 -1.8125 -4.984375 -2.09375 -4.984375 -2.9375 C -4.984375 -3.75 -4.8125 -4.0625 -4.28125 -4.0625 L -4.03125 -4.0625 C -3.65625 -4.0625 -3.640625 -3.96875 -3.546875 -3.265625 C -3.390625 -1.984375 -3.34375 -1.796875 -3.203125 -1.453125 C -2.9375 -0.78125 -2.28125 -0.3125 -1.59375 -0.3125 C -0.578125 -0.3125 0.15625 -1.171875 0.15625 -2.3125 C 0.15625 -3.03125 -0.171875 -3.828125 -0.53125 -4.15625 C -0.359375 -4.1875 0.078125 -4.71875 0.078125 -5.15625 C 0.078125 -5.34375 0.046875 -5.484375 -0.046875 -5.90625 Z M -2.078125 -4.0625 C -1.28125 -4.0625 -0.890625 -3.375 -0.890625 -2.5 C -0.890625 -1.796875 -1 -1.515625 -1.625 -1.515625 C -2.21875 -1.515625 -2.34375 -1.796875 -2.484375 -2.75 C -2.609375 -3.703125 -2.65625 -3.890625 -2.734375 -4.0625 Z M -2.078125 -4.0625 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd2-7">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.125 -2.875 L -1.0625 -2.875 C -1 -2.625 -0.984375 -2.484375 -0.984375 -2.3125 C -0.984375 -1.921875 -0.953125 -1.9375 -1.34375 -1.9375 L -4.921875 -1.9375 L -4.921875 -2.875 L -5.921875 -2.875 L -5.921875 -1.9375 L -7.484375 -1.9375 L -7.484375 -0.78125 L -5.921875 -0.78125 L -5.921875 -0.015625 L -4.921875 -0.015625 L -4.921875 -0.78125 L -0.953125 -0.78125 C -0.375 -0.78125 0.078125 -1.3125 0.078125 -2.015625 C 0.078125 -2.21875 0.046875 -2.4375 -0.015625 -2.875 Z M -0.125 -2.875 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd2-8">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.125 -1.78125 L -5.921875 -1.78125 L -5.921875 -0.609375 L 0 -0.609375 L 0 -1.78125 Z M -6.640625 -1.90625 L -7.90625 -1.90625 L -7.90625 -0.5 L -6.515625 -0.5 L -6.515625 -1.90625 Z M -6.640625 -1.90625 "/>< symbol overflow="visible" id="glyphd2-9">< path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.125 -5.390625 L -4.40625 -5.390625 C -5.34375 -5.390625 -6.09375 -4.5625 -6.09375 -3.46875 C -6.09375 -2.625 -5.71875 -1.984375 -4.9375 -1.484375 L -4.84375 -1.71875 L -5.921875 -1.71875 L -5.921875 -0.609375 L 0 -0.609375 L 0 -1.78125 L -3.25 -1.78125 C -4.40625 -1.78125 -5.03125 -2.28125 -5.03125 -3.203125 C -5.03125 -3.90625 -4.734375 -4.21875 -4.046875 -4.21875 L 0 -4.21875 L 0 -5.390625 Z M -0.125 -5.390625 "/>< clipPath id="clip1"> < path d="M 351 59.039062 L 402 59.039062 L 402 117 L 351 117 Z M 351 59.039062 "/>< clipPath id="clip2"> < path d="M 351 59.039062 L 402.757812 59.039062 L 402.757812 118 L 351 118 Z M 351 59.039062 "/>< g id="surface11">< rect x="0" y="0" width="432" height="360" style="fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,100%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 71.734375 67.464844 L 73.320312 67.515625 L 74.90625 67.570312 L 76.492188 67.632812 L 78.078125 67.703125 L 79.667969 67.78125 L 81.253906 67.871094 L 82.839844 67.972656 L 84.425781 68.085938 L 86.011719 68.214844 L 87.601562 68.359375 L 89.1875 68.523438 L 90.773438 68.707031 L 92.359375 68.917969 L 93.945312 69.152344 L 95.535156 69.414062 L 97.121094 69.710938 L 98.707031 70.046875 L 100.292969 70.421875 L 101.878906 70.84375 L 103.464844 71.320312 L 105.054688 71.851562 L 106.640625 72.449219 L 108.226562 73.121094 L 109.8125 73.875 L 111.398438 74.714844 L 112.988281 75.65625 L 114.574219 76.707031 L 116.160156 77.878906 L 117.746094 79.183594 L 119.332031 80.628906 L 120.921875 82.234375 L 122.507812 84.011719 L 124.09375 85.976562 L 125.679688 88.132812 L 127.265625 90.503906 L 128.851562 93.097656 L 130.441406 95.929688 L 132.027344 99 L 133.613281 102.324219 L 135.199219 105.90625 L 136.785156 109.746094 L 138.375 113.84375 L 139.960938 118.1875 L 141.546875 122.773438 L 143.132812 127.578125 L 144.71875 132.589844 L 146.308594 137.777344 L 147.894531 143.117188 L 149.480469 148.574219 L 151.066406 154.113281 L 152.652344 159.699219 L 154.238281 165.292969 L 155.828125 170.855469 L 157.414062 176.355469 L 159 181.757812 L 160.585938 187.03125 L 162.171875 192.148438 L 163.761719 197.089844 L 165.347656 201.832031 L 166.933594 206.367188 L 168.519531 210.679688 L 170.105469 214.769531 L 171.691406 218.628906 L 173.28125 222.261719 L 174.867188 225.671875 L 176.453125 228.859375 L 178.039062 231.839844 L 179.625 234.617188 L 181.214844 237.203125 L 182.800781 239.605469 L 184.386719 241.832031 L 185.972656 243.902344 L 187.558594 245.816406 L 189.148438 247.59375 L 190.734375 249.238281 L 192.320312 250.761719 L 193.90625 252.175781 L 195.492188 253.480469 L 197.078125 254.691406 L 198.667969 255.816406 L 200.253906 256.855469 L 201.839844 257.820312 L 203.425781 258.71875 L 205.011719 259.550781 L 206.601562 260.324219 L 208.1875 261.042969 L 209.773438 261.710938 L 211.359375 262.335938 L 212.945312 262.917969 L 214.535156 263.457031 L 216.121094 263.964844 L 217.707031 264.4375 L 219.292969 264.878906 L 220.878906 265.292969 L 222.464844 265.679688 L 224.054688 266.042969 L 225.640625 266.382812 L 227.226562 266.703125 L 228.8125 267.003906 L 230.398438 267.285156 L 231.988281 267.546875 L 233.574219 267.796875 L 235.160156 268.03125 L 236.746094 268.253906 L 238.332031 268.464844 L 239.921875 268.660156 L 241.507812 268.847656 L 243.09375 269.023438 L 244.679688 269.1875 L 246.265625 269.34375 L 247.851562 269.492188 L 249.441406 269.632812 L 251.027344 269.765625 L 252.613281 269.894531 L 254.199219 270.011719 L 255.785156 270.125 L 257.375 270.234375 L 258.960938 270.335938 L 260.546875 270.433594 L 262.132812 270.527344 L 263.71875 270.613281 L 265.308594 270.699219 L 266.894531 270.777344 L 270.066406 270.925781 L 273.238281 271.058594 L 274.828125 271.121094 L 278 271.238281 L 279.585938 271.292969 L 281.171875 271.34375 L 282.761719 271.390625 L 285.933594 271.484375 L 287.519531 271.527344 L 290.691406 271.605469 L 292.28125 271.644531 L 295.453125 271.714844 L 298.625 271.777344 L 300.214844 271.808594 L 304.972656 271.890625 L 306.558594 271.914062 L 308.148438 271.9375 L 311.320312 271.984375 L 316.078125 272.042969 L 317.667969 272.0625 L 319.253906 272.078125 L 320.839844 272.097656 L 324.011719 272.128906 L 325.601562 272.140625 L 328.773438 272.171875 L 331.945312 272.195312 L 333.535156 272.207031 L 338.292969 272.242188 L 339.878906 272.25 L 341.464844 272.261719 L 343.054688 272.269531 L 344.640625 272.28125 L 349.398438 272.304688 L 350.988281 272.3125 L 354.160156 272.328125 L 355.746094 272.332031 L 357.332031 272.339844 L 358.921875 272.347656 L 362.09375 272.355469 L 363.679688 272.363281 L 365.265625 272.367188 L 366.851562 272.375 L 368.441406 272.378906 L 374.785156 272.394531 L 376.375 272.398438 L 382.71875 272.414062 L 384.308594 272.417969 L 385.894531 272.417969 L 389.066406 272.425781 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 59.039062 286.558594 L 401.761719 286.558594 L 401.761719 59.039062 L 59.039062 59.039062 L 59.039062 286.558594 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphd0-1" x="219.398438" y="341.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphd0-2" x="228.0625" y="341.057617"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphd0-3" x="234.43457" y="341.057617"/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 71.734375 277.855469 L 73.320312 277.820312 L 74.90625 277.78125 L 76.492188 277.734375 L 78.078125 277.683594 L 79.667969 277.625 L 81.253906 277.5625 L 82.839844 277.488281 L 84.425781 277.402344 L 86.011719 277.308594 L 87.601562 277.203125 L 89.1875 277.085938 L 90.773438 276.949219 L 92.359375 276.796875 L 93.945312 276.628906 L 95.535156 276.4375 L 97.121094 276.21875 L 98.707031 275.976562 L 100.292969 275.703125 L 101.878906 275.394531 L 103.464844 275.050781 L 105.054688 274.664062 L 106.640625 274.230469 L 108.226562 273.746094 L 109.8125 273.199219 L 111.398438 272.59375 L 112.988281 271.914062 L 114.574219 271.160156 L 116.160156 270.320312 L 117.746094 269.386719 L 119.332031 268.351562 L 120.921875 267.210938 L 122.507812 265.949219 L 124.09375 264.5625 L 125.679688 263.042969 L 127.265625 261.386719 L 128.851562 259.582031 L 130.441406 257.625 L 132.027344 255.515625 L 133.613281 253.253906 L 135.199219 250.839844 L 136.785156 248.28125 L 138.375 245.582031 L 139.960938 242.753906 L 141.546875 239.820312 L 143.132812 236.792969 L 144.71875 233.703125 L 146.308594 230.574219 L 147.894531 227.433594 L 149.480469 224.316406 L 151.066406 221.253906 L 152.652344 218.28125 L 154.238281 215.433594 L 155.828125 212.734375 L 157.414062 210.21875 L 159 207.910156 L 160.585938 205.828125 L 162.171875 203.988281 L 163.761719 202.402344 L 165.347656 201.078125 L 166.933594 200.019531 L 168.519531 199.222656 L 170.105469 198.679688 L 171.691406 198.382812 L 173.28125 198.320312 L 174.867188 198.484375 L 176.453125 198.851562 L 178.039062 199.40625 L 179.625 200.136719 L 181.214844 201.027344 L 182.800781 202.054688 L 184.386719 203.203125 L 185.972656 204.460938 L 187.558594 205.8125 L 189.148438 207.242188 L 190.734375 208.738281 L 192.320312 210.285156 L 193.90625 211.875 L 195.492188 213.496094 L 197.078125 215.144531 L 198.667969 216.804688 L 200.253906 218.46875 L 201.839844 220.136719 L 203.425781 221.800781 L 205.011719 223.453125 L 206.601562 225.089844 L 208.1875 226.707031 L 209.773438 228.304688 L 211.359375 229.875 L 212.945312 231.421875 L 214.535156 232.9375 L 216.121094 234.417969 L 217.707031 235.871094 L 219.292969 237.289062 L 220.878906 238.671875 L 222.464844 240.019531 L 224.054688 241.335938 L 225.640625 242.613281 L 227.226562 243.855469 L 228.8125 245.0625 L 230.398438 246.234375 L 231.988281 247.371094 L 233.574219 248.476562 L 235.160156 249.542969 L 236.746094 250.578125 L 238.332031 251.582031 L 239.921875 252.550781 L 241.507812 253.488281 L 243.09375 254.394531 L 244.679688 255.273438 L 246.265625 256.121094 L 247.851562 256.9375 L 249.441406 257.726562 L 251.027344 258.492188 L 252.613281 259.226562 L 254.199219 259.9375 L 255.785156 260.625 L 257.375 261.285156 L 258.960938 261.921875 L 260.546875 262.535156 L 262.132812 263.128906 L 263.71875 263.699219 L 265.308594 264.25 L 266.894531 264.78125 L 268.480469 265.289062 L 270.066406 265.78125 L 271.652344 266.253906 L 273.238281 266.710938 L 274.828125 267.152344 L 276.414062 267.574219 L 278 267.980469 L 279.585938 268.371094 L 281.171875 268.75 L 282.761719 269.113281 L 284.347656 269.460938 L 285.933594 269.796875 L 287.519531 270.121094 L 289.105469 270.429688 L 290.691406 270.730469 L 292.28125 271.015625 L 293.867188 271.292969 L 295.453125 271.558594 L 297.039062 271.816406 L 298.625 272.0625 L 300.214844 272.296875 L 301.800781 272.527344 L 303.386719 272.746094 L 304.972656 272.957031 L 306.558594 273.15625 L 308.148438 273.351562 L 309.734375 273.539062 L 311.320312 273.71875 L 312.90625 273.890625 L 314.492188 274.058594 L 316.078125 274.21875 L 317.667969 274.371094 L 319.253906 274.519531 L 320.839844 274.660156 L 322.425781 274.796875 L 324.011719 274.925781 L 325.601562 275.050781 L 327.1875 275.171875 L 328.773438 275.289062 L 330.359375 275.402344 L 331.945312 275.507812 L 333.535156 275.613281 L 335.121094 275.710938 L 338.292969 275.898438 L 341.464844 276.070312 L 343.054688 276.152344 L 344.640625 276.230469 L 346.226562 276.304688 L 349.398438 276.445312 L 350.988281 276.511719 L 354.160156 276.636719 L 357.332031 276.753906 L 358.921875 276.808594 L 362.09375 276.910156 L 365.265625 277.003906 L 366.851562 277.046875 L 368.441406 277.089844 L 370.027344 277.132812 L 373.199219 277.210938 L 374.785156 277.246094 L 376.375 277.28125 L 377.960938 277.316406 L 381.132812 277.378906 L 382.71875 277.40625 L 384.308594 277.4375 L 387.480469 277.492188 L 389.066406 277.515625 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,39.215686%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 71.734375 278.132812 L 73.320312 278.121094 L 76.492188 278.089844 L 78.078125 278.070312 L 79.667969 278.046875 L 81.253906 278.023438 L 82.839844 277.996094 L 84.425781 277.964844 L 86.011719 277.929688 L 87.601562 277.890625 L 89.1875 277.847656 L 90.773438 277.796875 L 92.359375 277.742188 L 93.945312 277.679688 L 95.535156 277.605469 L 97.121094 277.527344 L 98.707031 277.433594 L 100.292969 277.332031 L 101.878906 277.21875 L 103.464844 277.085938 L 105.054688 276.941406 L 106.640625 276.777344 L 108.226562 276.589844 L 109.8125 276.382812 L 111.398438 276.148438 L 112.988281 275.882812 L 114.574219 275.589844 L 116.160156 275.257812 L 117.746094 274.890625 L 119.332031 274.472656 L 120.921875 274.011719 L 122.507812 273.496094 L 124.09375 272.917969 L 125.679688 272.277344 L 127.265625 271.566406 L 128.851562 270.777344 L 130.441406 269.902344 L 132.027344 268.9375 L 133.613281 267.875 L 135.199219 266.707031 L 136.785156 265.429688 L 138.375 264.035156 L 139.960938 262.515625 L 141.546875 260.867188 L 143.132812 259.082031 L 144.71875 257.164062 L 146.308594 255.105469 L 147.894531 252.90625 L 149.480469 250.566406 L 151.066406 248.089844 L 152.652344 245.476562 L 154.238281 242.734375 L 155.828125 239.863281 L 157.414062 236.878906 L 159 233.789062 L 160.585938 230.597656 L 162.171875 227.320312 L 163.761719 223.964844 L 165.347656 220.542969 L 166.933594 217.070312 L 168.519531 213.554688 L 170.105469 210.007812 L 171.691406 206.445312 L 173.28125 202.875 L 174.867188 199.304688 L 176.453125 195.746094 L 178.039062 192.207031 L 179.625 188.699219 L 181.214844 185.230469 L 182.800781 181.800781 L 184.386719 178.421875 L 185.972656 175.09375 L 187.558594 171.824219 L 189.148438 168.621094 L 190.734375 165.480469 L 192.320312 162.410156 L 193.90625 159.40625 L 195.492188 156.476562 L 197.078125 153.621094 L 198.667969 150.839844 L 200.253906 148.132812 L 201.839844 145.496094 L 203.425781 142.9375 L 205.011719 140.453125 L 206.601562 138.042969 L 208.1875 135.707031 L 209.773438 133.441406 L 211.359375 131.246094 L 212.945312 129.121094 L 214.535156 127.0625 L 216.121094 125.074219 L 217.707031 123.148438 L 219.292969 121.289062 L 220.878906 119.492188 L 222.464844 117.753906 L 224.054688 116.078125 L 225.640625 114.460938 L 227.226562 112.898438 L 228.8125 111.390625 L 230.398438 109.9375 L 231.988281 108.535156 L 233.574219 107.183594 L 235.160156 105.878906 L 236.746094 104.625 L 238.332031 103.414062 L 239.921875 102.246094 L 241.507812 101.121094 L 243.09375 100.039062 L 244.679688 98.996094 L 246.265625 97.992188 L 247.851562 97.027344 L 249.441406 96.09375 L 251.027344 95.199219 L 252.613281 94.335938 L 254.199219 93.503906 L 255.785156 92.707031 L 257.375 91.9375 L 258.960938 91.199219 L 260.546875 90.484375 L 262.132812 89.800781 L 263.71875 89.140625 L 265.308594 88.507812 L 266.894531 87.898438 L 268.480469 87.3125 L 270.066406 86.75 L 271.652344 86.207031 L 273.238281 85.6875 L 274.828125 85.183594 L 276.414062 84.703125 L 278 84.238281 L 279.585938 83.792969 L 281.171875 83.363281 L 282.761719 82.953125 L 284.347656 82.558594 L 285.933594 82.175781 L 287.519531 81.808594 L 289.105469 81.457031 L 290.691406 81.121094 L 292.28125 80.796875 L 293.867188 80.484375 L 295.453125 80.183594 L 297.039062 79.894531 L 298.625 79.617188 L 300.214844 79.351562 L 301.800781 79.09375 L 303.386719 78.847656 L 304.972656 78.613281 L 306.558594 78.386719 L 308.148438 78.167969 L 309.734375 77.957031 L 311.320312 77.753906 L 312.90625 77.5625 L 314.492188 77.375 L 316.078125 77.195312 L 317.667969 77.023438 L 319.253906 76.859375 L 320.839844 76.703125 L 322.425781 76.550781 L 324.011719 76.402344 L 325.601562 76.261719 L 327.1875 76.125 L 328.773438 75.996094 L 330.359375 75.871094 L 331.945312 75.753906 L 333.535156 75.636719 L 335.121094 75.527344 L 338.292969 75.316406 L 339.878906 75.21875 L 341.464844 75.125 L 343.054688 75.035156 L 346.226562 74.863281 L 349.398438 74.707031 L 350.988281 74.632812 L 354.160156 74.492188 L 355.746094 74.429688 L 357.332031 74.363281 L 358.921875 74.304688 L 360.507812 74.246094 L 363.679688 74.136719 L 366.851562 74.035156 L 368.441406 73.988281 L 370.027344 73.941406 L 373.199219 73.855469 L 374.785156 73.816406 L 376.375 73.777344 L 377.960938 73.738281 L 381.132812 73.667969 L 382.71875 73.636719 L 384.308594 73.605469 L 387.480469 73.542969 L 389.066406 73.515625 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 71.734375 286.558594 L 389.066406 286.558594 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 71.734375 286.558594 L 71.734375 293.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 151.066406 286.558594 L 151.066406 293.761719 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 230.398438 286.558594 L 230.398438 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style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphd2-1" x="26.757813" y="198.300781"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphd2-2" x="26.757813" y="191.369141"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphd2-3" x="26.757813" y="185.366211"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphd2-4" x="26.757813" y="179.363281"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphd2-5" x="26.757813" y="173.360352"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphd2-6" x="26.757813" y="170.963867"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphd2-7" x="26.757813" y="164.960938"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphd2-8" x="26.757813" y="161.958984"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphd2-2" x="26.757813" y="159.5625"/> < use xlink:href="#glyphd2-9" x="26.757813" y="153.55957"/>< g clip-path="url(#clip1)" clip-rule="nonzero">< path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 351.71875 59.039062 L 401.757812 59.039062 L 401.757812 116.640625 L 351.71875 116.640625 Z M 351.71875 59.039062 "/>< g clip-path="url(#clip2)" clip-rule="nonzero">< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 351.71875 59.039062 L 401.757812 59.039062 L 401.757812 116.640625 L 351.71875 116.640625 Z M 351.71875 59.039062 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,100%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 354.960938 73.441406 L 376.558594 73.441406 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 354.960938 87.839844 L 376.558594 87.839844 "/>< path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,39.215686%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 354.960938 102.238281 L 376.558594 102.238281 "/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphd0-8" x="387.359375" y="78.217773"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphd0-9" x="387.359375" y="92.616211"/>< g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"> < use xlink:href="#glyphd0-10" x="387.359375" y="107.014648"/>< path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 74.433594 277.855469 C 74.433594 281.457031 69.035156 281.457031 69.035156 277.855469 C 69.035156 274.257812 74.433594 274.257812 74.433594 277.855469 "/>< path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 90.300781 277.304688 C 90.300781 280.902344 84.898438 280.902344 84.898438 277.304688 C 84.898438 273.703125 90.300781 273.703125 90.300781 277.304688 "/>< path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 106.167969 275.921875 C 106.167969 279.523438 100.765625 279.523438 100.765625 275.921875 C 100.765625 272.320312 106.167969 272.320312 106.167969 275.921875 "/>< path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 122.035156 270.390625 C 122.035156 273.992188 116.632812 273.992188 116.632812 270.390625 C 116.632812 266.792969 122.035156 266.792969 122.035156 270.390625 "/>< path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 137.898438 257.398438 C 137.898438 261 132.5 261 132.5 257.398438 C 132.5 253.796875 137.898438 253.796875 137.898438 257.398438 "/>< path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 153.765625 217.035156 C 153.765625 220.632812 148.367188 220.632812 148.367188 217.035156 C 148.367188 213.433594 153.765625 213.433594 153.765625 217.035156 "/>< path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 169.632812 197.683594 C 169.632812 201.28125 164.234375 201.28125 164.234375 197.683594 C 164.234375 194.082031 169.632812 194.082031 169.632812 197.683594 "/>< path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 185.5 207.632812 C 185.5 211.234375 180.101562 211.234375 180.101562 207.632812 C 180.101562 204.035156 185.5 204.035156 185.5 207.632812 "/>< path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 201.367188 213.164062 C 201.367188 216.765625 195.964844 216.765625 195.964844 213.164062 C 195.964844 209.5625 201.367188 209.5625 201.367188 213.164062 "/>< path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 217.234375 225.605469 C 217.234375 229.203125 211.832031 229.203125 211.832031 225.605469 C 211.832031 222.003906 217.234375 222.003906 217.234375 225.605469 "/>< path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 233.101562 243.574219 C 233.101562 247.175781 227.699219 247.175781 227.699219 243.574219 C 227.699219 239.976562 233.101562 239.976562 233.101562 243.574219 "/>< path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 248.964844 258.78125 C 248.964844 262.378906 243.566406 262.378906 243.566406 258.78125 C 243.566406 255.179688 248.964844 255.179688 248.964844 258.78125 "/>< path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 264.832031 270.390625 C 264.832031 273.992188 259.433594 273.992188 259.433594 270.390625 C 259.433594 266.792969 264.832031 266.792969 264.832031 270.390625 "/>< path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 280.699219 274.816406 C 280.699219 278.414062 275.300781 278.414062 275.300781 274.816406 C 275.300781 271.214844 280.699219 271.214844 280.699219 274.816406 "/>< path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(100%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 296.566406 276.75 C 296.566406 280.351562 291.167969 280.351562 291.167969 276.75 C 291.167969 273.152344 296.566406 273.152344 296.566406 276.75 "/>
The results of the simulation of the influenza outbreak indicate that over 20 students remained susceptible and everyone else was infected. Epidemic diseases do not always affect the entire population- whether they do or not depends on the transmission and recovery rates. In fact, looking at the differential equation for the I compartment, we can easily see that the \(dI/dt\) is 0 only when \(I=0\), which is the trivial case when there are no longer infected individuals to infet anyone else and so the epidemic has died out or when \(S=\kappa/\beta\).

This special value \(\kappa/\beta\) is known as the threshold value of the disease because when \(S\) reaches this threshold value, the disease begins to recede (the infected population is decreasing). If at the outset of the epidemic, the susceptible population number is less than the threshold value, the disease will not invade. One can think of this intuitively as the point when the infectious disease “runs out of fuel” because the infected patients are recovering faster than the rate at which the susceptibles are contacting the disease.

If you play around with the value of \(\kappa\), you will see that if you increase this value, there will be less individuals infected and the contrary if you decrease \(\kappa\). This makes sense, as the larger the percentage of the infected population that recovers at each time period, the less the duration of the disease. What this means is that a fatal disease is much more dangerous if it kills slowly and those fatal diseases that kill (remove) their hosts quickly are likely to have a shorter life themselves7.


  1. There are indeed mortal diseases from which individuals do not recover. Still, recovered and deceased individuals should be dealt with differently in the model (and in real life), since the purpose of the model is to study the ocurrence of these two very different events.
  2. See BLOMHØJ et al.
  3. We hit upon the topic of parameter identifiability, which will be dealt with in a future post.
  4. See BEREC, p. 12.
  5. The data can be found in SULSKY.
  6. See CLARK.
  7. See “SIR Model of Epidemics” (TASSIER, pp. 5-6).


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