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Interfacing Shiny with Javascript -Part 1

[This article was first published on R – Enhance Data, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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A user customized pop-up

In this first part, we’ll create a custom pop-up generator:

  1. The user enters some text
  2. The user clicks to generate the pop-up
  3. The pop-up pops up !

Creating the files and folders

As usual, you’ll need two files: ui.R and server.R. However, to generate the pop-up we’ll use a js file, let’s create the following in your working directory: www/js/popup.js (just keep popup.js as a blank file, we’ll create our script later).

Communication between Shiny and js

The communication flow is more or less the following:

Creating our UI:

The UI is going to be pretty simple:

You probably noticed the additional line: tags$head(tags$script(src =‘js/popup.js’))

With this line, shiny loads the script and will be able to execute it.

Creating our server.R

Our server is simple too:

The JS script

The JS script will generate the pop-up. The script is encapsulated in the shiny message handler and will be executed when getting the message from shiny.

You can access the input value you from session$sendCustomMessage by using value.name_of_the_argument.


You can find the code HERE !

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