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Rendering LaTeX Math Equations in GitHub Markdown

[This article was first published on A HopStat and Jump Away » Rbloggers, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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The Problem: GitHub won't render LaTeX

I have many times wondered about getting LaTeX math to render in a README file on GitHub. Apparently, many others ( 1, 2, 3 ), have asked the same question.

The common answers are:

  1. It cannot (and in some cases, shouldn't) be done. GitHub parsing is done by SunDown and is secure, therefore won't do LaTeX.
  2. Use or iTex2Img. These are good options, but 1) they may go away at any time, and 2) require you to rewrite your md file.
  3. Use unicode if possible.
  4. Use LaTeXIt (for Mac OS) or other converter to make your equations and embed them.

A hackey, but working solution

I opted to try a more generic solution for (4.) using some very hackey text parsing. I have done a bit of parsing in the past, but I was either too lazy to think about the right regex to do, couldn't think of it easily, or thought my solution was sufficient even if not elegant.


Two main caveats abound:

  1. This only works for inline equations marked with dollar signs ($) or equations marked by double dollar signs ($$). I could encorporate other delimiters such as [, but I did not. I only had a bit of time on Wednesday.
  2. I assume any code that involves dollar signs be demarcated by chunks starting with three backticks (“). I wrote this for R code, which can use dollar signs for referencing and never has double dollar signs. If your code does, no guarantees.
  3. This generally assumes you have a GitHub repository (have no idea what others use), and that you're OK with the figures being located in that GitHub repository. I didn't allow options for putting them in a sub-folder, but may incorporate that.
  4. Some text won't be sized correctly.

How do I do it already

I wrote an R package that would parse a (or README.rmd if it's RMarkdown). The package is located at

You can install the package using:


You would then load the package:


The main function is parse_latex. It's not the best function name for what it does, but I don't really care. Let's see it's arguments:


You must put in a README file as the rmd argument. If the README has an rmd or Rmd extension, the README is first knitted using knit(rmd) and then the resultant md file is used. This md is located in a temporary directory and won't write to the directory of the README. The new_md is the filename for the output md file that you wish to create. One example would be rmd = "" and md = "". The git_username and git_reponame must be specified with your username and repository name, respectively. The git_branch allows you to specify which branch you are on, if necessary. If you don't know what that means, just leave as master.

The rest of the arguments are for inserting the LaTeX into the document. The text_height is how large the LaTeX should be (this may be bad for your document), the insert_string is the HTML the LaTeX is subbed for, the raw_git_site uses to reference the figures directly with proper content-type headers (so that they show up). The bad_string is something I'm using in the code. You only need to change bad_string if you happen to have text in your README that matches this (should be rare as they are a bunch of Z's, unless you write like someone sleeping). I'll get to the ... in a minute.

I still don't get it – show me an example

I thought you'd never ask. The parse_latex command has an example from one of my other repos and you can run it as follows (need curl):

rmd = file.path(tempdir(), "README_unparse.rmd")
destfile = rmd, method = "curl")
new_md = file.path(tempdir(), "")
            git_username = "muschellij2",
            git_reponame = "Github_Markdown_LaTeX")
new_html = pandoc(new_md, format = "html")

And you can view the html using browseURL:


You can see the output of the example (only a little bit of LaTeX) at this repo: or at Kristin Linn's README, which was used as an example here:

What is the function actually doing

So what is the function actually doing? Something convoluted I can assure you. The process is as follows:

  1. Find the equations using ($$ and $) parse them out, throwing out any code demarcated with backticks (”).
  2. Put this LaTeX into a simple LaTeX document with begin{document}. Note, the ... argument can be a character vector of other packages to load in that document. See png_latex documentation.
  3. Run pdflatex on the document. Note, this must be in your path. This creates a PDF.
  4. Run knitr::plot_crop on this document. This will crop out anything that's not the LaTeX equation you wanted.
  5. Convert the PDF to a PNG using animation::im.convert. This is so that they will render in the README. The file will be something like eq_no_01.png in the same folder as the rmd argument.
  6. Replace all the LaTeX with the insert_string, which is raw HTML now.
  7. Write out the parsed md file, which was named using new_md.

Wow – that IS convoluted

My best shot in one day. If you have better solutions, please post in the comments.

Nothing shows up! Read this

NB: The replacement looks for equations (noted by eq_noSOMETHING.png) in your online GitHub repository. If you run this command and don't push these png files, then nothing will show up.


You can have LaTeX “rendered” in a GitHub README file! The sizes of the text may be weird. This is due to the cropping. I could probably use some bounding box or better way to get only the equations, but I didn't. If you want to help, please sumbit a Pull Request to my repository and I'd gladly merge it if it works.

NB: GitHub may override a if a README.rmd (or README.Rmd) exists. I'm not 100% sure on that, but if that's the case, rename the Rmd and just have

Happy parsing!

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